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Created February 9, 2018 12:45
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Parser for the ICFP 2016 competition written in purely functional style
import cats.Id
import spire.math.Rational
* This exercise should show you how you can combine parsers using `flatMap`.
* We will parse one of standard ACM assignments...
* Each [[Problem]] consists of [[Silhouette]] and [[Skeleton]].
* [[Silhouette]] is a list of polygons.
* [[Polygon]] is a list of points.
* [[Point]] are just two <b>fractional</b> or <b>whole</b> numbers x,y.
* Similarly [[Skeleton]] is just a list of edges.
* [[Edge]] is a is just a tuple of points.
* Each list starts with a number of elements it consists followed by the elements themselves.
* An [[Edge]] is a single line with two [[Point]]s separated by spaces.
* A [[Point]] is represented as two numbers separated by a comma.
* The data classes mentioned above are defined at the bottom of the file.
* Example:
* {{{
* val ex =
* """2 < silhouette has two polygons
* |4 < first polygon has 4 points
* |0,0 < first point is Point(0,0)
* |1,0 < etc ...
* |1/2,1/2
* |0,1/2
* |4 < second polygon starts here
* |0,0
* |1,0
* |1/2,1/2
* |0,1/2
* |5 < skeleton has 5 edges
* |0,0 1,0 < first edge is Edge(Point(0,0),Point(1,0))
* |1,0 1/2,1/2 < etc ...
* |1/2,1/2 0,1/2
* |0,1/2 0,0
* |0,0 1/2,1/2
* """.stripMargin
* }}}
object OrigamiParser {
* F = Id - identity
* S = List[Strings] - not yet parsed tokens
* @tparam A output value of the parser
type Parse[A] = StateT[Id, List[String], A]
object Parse {
def apply[A](runF: List[String] => (List[String], A)): Parse[A] =
StateT[Id, List[String], A](runF)
* The actual lines does not really matter.
* Let's split the input text by all whitespaces and commas to get tokens to parse.
def tokenize(str: String): List[String] = str.split("""(\s|,)""").toList
/** Reuse the implementation of replicate you implemented in lec4. */
def replicate[A](n: Int)(parseA: Parse[A]): Parse[List[A]] = {
import cats.implicits._
List.fill(n)(parseA).sequence[Parse, A]
* The state is a list of tokens.
* Number is obviously represented as a single token.
* To parse it you just pop the head of the list, turn it to integer.
* Than you return all the remaining tokens wrapped together with the parsed value.
* The types in the pattern mathing are specified just for the sa
lazy val parseNum: Parse[Int] = Parse {
case head :: tail => (tail, head.toInt)
* Parse a rational number.
* It might be defined as either single number `z` or fraction `x/y`.
* Handle both cases.
* <p>
* Maybe you can use pattern matching with regex:
def parseRational(token: String): Rational = Rational(token)
/** Use the method above. To define a state transition which parses rational numbers */
lazy val parseRational: Parse[Rational] = Parse {
case head :: tail => (tail, parseRational(head))
/** Use `Applicative#map2` to parse a [[Point]] - as in lec4 */
lazy val parsePoint: Parse[Point] = for {
x <- parseRational
y <- parseRational
} yield Point(x, y)
/** Use `Applicative#map2` to parse an [[Edge]] - as in lec4 */
lazy val parseEdge: Parse[Edge] = for {
s <- parsePoint
y <- parsePoint
} yield Edge(s, y)
/* You will need the `replicate` method to parse the following three cases. */
def parseWrappedList[I, O](internalParser: Parse[I])(wrapper: List[I] => O): Parse[O] = for {
n <- parseNum
points <- replicate(n)(internalParser)
} yield wrapper(points)
lazy val parsePolygon: Parse[Polygon] = parseWrappedList(parsePoint)(Polygon)
lazy val parseSilhouette: Parse[Silhouette] = parseWrappedList(parsePolygon)(Silhouette)
lazy val parseSkeleton: Parse[Skeleton] = parseWrappedList(parseEdge)(Skeleton)
* Try to use for comprehention instead of `flatMap`s to compose the result
lazy val parseProblem: Parse[Problem] = for {
silhouette <- parseSilhouette
skeleton <- parseSkeleton
} yield Problem(silhouette, skeleton)
object OrigamiParseExample extends App {
import OrigamiParser._
val input =
|0,0 1,0
|1,0 1/2,1/2
|1/2,1/2 0,1/2
|0,1/2 0,0
|0,0 1/2,1/2
val problem = parseProblem.runA(input.split(Array('\n', ',', ' ')).toList)
case class Point(x: Rational, y: Rational)
case class Edge(s: Point, t: Point)
case class Polygon(points: List[Point])
case class Silhouette(polygons: List[Polygon])
case class Skeleton(segments: List[Edge])
case class Problem(silhouette: Silhouette, skeleton: Skeleton)
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