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Created March 24, 2015 13:50
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import os
import pickle
import operator
from snimpy import mib, manager
from snimpy.smi import smi, ffi
_cache_file = '/tmp/smi_mib_cache'
class LazyLoad(object):
class LazyLoadType(LazyLoad):
def __init__(self, module, name):
self.module = module = name
def __call__(self):
return getattr(
operator.attrgetter(self.module.split('.', 1)[1])(
class LazyLoadProxy(LazyLoad):
def __init__(self, *args):
self.args = args
def __call__(self):
args = (
a() if isinstance(a, LazyLoad) else a
for a in self.args
return ProxyNode(*args)
def load_cache():
if not os.path.exists(_cache_file):
return {}, {}
with open(_cache_file, 'r') as fh:
return pickle.load(fh)
def save_cache(obj):
with open(_cache_file, 'w') as fh:
return pickle.dump(obj, fh)
_name_cache, _mib_cache = load_cache()
class ProxyNode(object):
def __init__(self, mib, name, type, node=None):
self._mib = mib
self._name = name
self._type = type
self._node = node
def _ensure_proxied(cls, obj):
if isinstance(obj, mib.Node):
mod = ffi.string(smi.smiGetNodeModule(obj.node).name)
return ProxyNode(mod, str(obj), type(obj), node=obj)
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [cls._ensure_proxied(i) for i in obj]
return obj
def _ensure_lazy(cls, obj):
if isinstance(obj, type):
return LazyLoadType(obj.__module__, obj.__name__)
elif isinstance(obj, ProxyNode):
lazy_type = cls._ensure_lazy(obj._type)
return LazyLoadProxy(obj._mib, obj._name, lazy_type)
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [cls._ensure_lazy(i) for i in obj]
return obj
def _ensure_not_lazy(cls, obj):
if isinstance(obj, LazyLoad):
return obj()
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [cls._ensure_not_lazy(i) for i in obj]
return obj
def __getattr__(self, item):
v = _mib_cache[self._mib][self._type.__name__][self._name][item]
except KeyError:
node = self._node
if node is None:
self._node = node = mib.get(self._mib, self._name)
assert type(node) == self._type
v = self._ensure_proxied(getattr(node, item))
_mib_cache[self._mib][self._type.__name__][self._name][item] = self._ensure_lazy(v)
save_cache((_name_cache, _mib_cache))
v = self._ensure_not_lazy(v)
setattr(self, item, v)
return v
class Manager(manager.Manager):
def _locate(self, attribute):
for m, cache in _mib_cache.items():
for cls in _lookups.keys():
if attribute in cache[cls.__name__]:
return m, ProxyNode(m, attribute, cls)
return m, mib.get(m, attribute)
except mib.SMIException:
raise AttributeError("{0} is not an attribute".format(attribute))
def __getattribute__(self, attribute):
if attribute.startswith("_"):
return object.__getattribute__(self, attribute)
m, a = self._locate(attribute)
if isinstance(a, ProxyNode):
attr_type = a._type
attr_type = type(a)
if issubclass(attr_type, mib.Scalar):
oid, result = self._session.get(a.oid + (0,))[0]
if result is not None:
return a.type(a, result)
except ValueError:
if self._loose:
return result
return None
elif issubclass(attr_type, mib.Column):
return manager.ProxyColumn(self._session, a, self._loose)
raise NotImplementedError
_lookups = {
mib.Node: mib.getNodes,
mib.Scalar: mib.getScalars,
mib.Table: mib.getTables,
mib.Column: mib.getColumns,
def load(mibname):
m = _name_cache[mibname]
cache_entry = _mib_cache[m]
except KeyError:
m = mib.load(mibname)
cache_entry = {
mib_obj_type.__name__: {str(o): {} for o in getter(m)}
for mib_obj_type, getter in _lookups.items()
_name_cache[mibname] = m
_mib_cache[m] = cache_entry
save_cache((_name_cache, _mib_cache))
for cls in (mib.Scalar, mib.Column):
for o in cache_entry[cls.__name__].keys():
setattr(Manager, o, 1)
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