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Created October 31, 2015 15:18
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Space Engeeneer - Whip's Rocket Guidance Script v11 - revised: 10/28/15
By Joshua Banks
List<IMyTerminalBlock> remotes = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
List<IMyTerminalBlock> shooterRefrenceList = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
List<IMyTerminalBlock> missileRefrenceList = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
List<IMyTerminalBlock> gyroList = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
string shooterReferenceName = "[Shooter]";
string missileReferenceName = "[Missile 2]";
string gyroName = "[Control 2]";
IMyRemoteControl shooterRefrence;
IMyRemoteControl missileRefrence;
bool hasRun = false;
double pre_launch_delay = 2;
double delta_origin;
double max_rotation_degrees = 180; //in degrees per second (360 max for small ships, 180 max for large ships)
double max_distance = 10000; //maximum guidance distance in meters
int tick_limit = 1; //change to higher for less precision
int current_tick = 0;
int duration = 0;
void Main(string argument)
Echo("Tick: " + current_tick.ToString());
if (!hasRun)
if((current_tick % tick_limit) == 0)
if (duration < Math.Ceiling(pre_launch_delay * 60) )
Echo("Guidance Active");
current_tick = 0;
Echo("Has run?: " + hasRun.ToString());
void GrabRemotes()
GridTerminalSystem.SearchBlocksOfName(gyroName, gyroList);
for(int i = 0 ; i < remotes.Count ; i++)
var thisRemote = remotes[i] as IMyRemoteControl;
shooterRefrenceList.Add(thisRemote as IMyRemoteControl);
Echo("Found Shooter");
missileRefrenceList.Add(thisRemote as IMyRemoteControl);
Echo("Found Missile");
//---Check if we do not have an shooter remote
if(shooterRefrenceList.Count == 0)
Echo("No shooter refrence block found");
hasRun = false;
//---Check if we do not have a missile remote
else if(missileRefrenceList.Count == 0)
Echo("No missile refrence block found");
hasRun = false;
else if(gyroList.Count == 0)
Echo("No control gyro found");
hasRun = false;
Echo("Ready to run");
shooterRefrence = shooterRefrenceList[0] as IMyRemoteControl;
missileRefrence = missileRefrenceList[0] as IMyRemoteControl;
hasRun = true;
void GuideMissile()
//---Get positions of our blocks with relation to world center
var originPos = shooterRefrence.GetPosition();
var missilePos = missileRefrence.GetPosition();
//---Find current distance from shooter to missile
delta_origin = Vector3D.Distance(originPos, missilePos);
//---Check if we are in range
if(delta_origin < max_distance) //change this later to be larger
//---Get forward vector from our shooter vessel
var shooterForward = shooterRefrence.Position + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(shooterRefrence.Orientation.TransformDirection(Base6Directions.Direction.Forward));
var targetVector = shooterRefrence.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(shooterForward);
var targetVectorNorm = Vector3D.Normalize(targetVector - shooterRefrence.GetPosition());
//---Find vector from shooter to missile
var missileVector = Vector3D.Subtract(missilePos, originPos);
//---Calculate angle between shooter vector and missile vector
double dotProduct; Vector3D.Dot(ref targetVectorNorm, ref missileVector, out dotProduct);
double x = dotProduct / missileVector.Length();
double rawDevAngle = Math.Acos(x) * 180f / Math.PI; //angle between shooter vector and missile
//---Calculate perpendicular distance from shooter vector
var projectionVector = dotProduct * targetVectorNorm;
double deviationDistance = Vector3D.Distance(projectionVector,missileVector);
Echo("Angular Dev: " + rawDevAngle.ToString());
//---Determine scaling factor
double scalingFactor;
if(rawDevAngle < 90)
if(deviationDistance > 200)
scalingFactor = delta_origin; //if we are too far from the beam, dont add any more distance till we are closer
scalingFactor = (delta_origin + 200); //travel approx. 200m from current position in direction of target vector
scalingFactor = 200; //if missile is behind the shooter, goes 200m directly infront of shooter for better accuracy
var destination = shooterRefrence.GetPosition() + scalingFactor * targetVectorNorm;
Echo(destination.ToString()); //debug
//---Find front left and top vectors of our missileVector
var missileGridX = missileRefrence.Position + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(missileRefrence.Orientation.TransformDirection(Base6Directions.Direction.Forward));
var missileWorldX = missileRefrence.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(missileGridX) - missilePos;
var missileGridY = missileRefrence.Position + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(missileRefrence.Orientation.TransformDirection(Base6Directions.Direction.Left));
var missileWorldY = missileRefrence.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(missileGridY) - missilePos;
var missileGridZ = missileRefrence.Position + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(missileRefrence.Orientation.TransformDirection(Base6Directions.Direction.Up));
var missileWorldZ = missileRefrence.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(missileGridZ) - missilePos;
//---Find vector from missile to destination
var shipToTarget = Vector3D.Subtract(destination, missilePos);
//---Project target vector onto our top left and up vectors
double dotX; Vector3D.Dot(ref shipToTarget, ref missileWorldX, out dotX);
double dotY; Vector3D.Dot(ref shipToTarget, ref missileWorldY, out dotY);
double dotZ; Vector3D.Dot(ref shipToTarget, ref missileWorldZ, out dotZ);
var projTargetX = dotX / (missileWorldX.Length() * missileWorldX.Length()) * missileWorldX;
var projTargetY = dotY / (missileWorldY.Length() * missileWorldY.Length()) * missileWorldY;
var projTargetZ = dotZ / (missileWorldZ.Length() * missileWorldZ.Length()) * missileWorldZ;
//---Get Yaw and Pitch Angles
double angleYaw = Math.Atan(projTargetY.Length() / projTargetX.Length());
double anglePitch = Math.Atan(projTargetZ.Length() / projTargetX.Length());
//---Check if x is positive or negative
double checkPositiveX; Vector3D.Dot(ref missileWorldX, ref projTargetX, out checkPositiveX); Echo("check x:" + checkPositiveX.ToString());
if(checkPositiveX < 0)
angleYaw += Math.PI/2; //we only change one value so it doesnt spaz
//---Check if yaw angle is left or right
double checkYaw; Vector3D.Dot(ref missileWorldY, ref projTargetY, out checkYaw); Echo("check yaw:" + checkYaw.ToString());
if(checkYaw > 0) //yaw is backwards for what ever reason
angleYaw = -angleYaw;
Echo("yaw angle:" + angleYaw.ToString());
//---Check if pitch angle is up or down
double checkPitch; Vector3D.Dot(ref missileWorldZ, ref projTargetZ, out checkPitch); Echo("check pitch:" + checkPitch.ToString());
if(checkPitch < 0)
anglePitch = -anglePitch;
Echo("pitch angle:" + anglePitch.ToString());
//---Angle controller
double max_rotation_radians = max_rotation_degrees * (Math.PI / 180);
double yawSpeed = max_rotation_radians * angleYaw / Math.Abs(angleYaw);
double pitchSpeed = max_rotation_radians * anglePitch / Math.Abs(anglePitch);
/*if (angleYaw < Math.PI/4)
yawSpeed = angleYaw * max_rotation_radians / (Math.PI/4);
yawSpeed = max_rotation_radians;
if (anglePitch < Math.PI/4)
pitchSpeed = anglePitch * max_rotation_radians / (Math.PI/4);
pitchSpeed = max_rotation_radians;
//double yawSpeed = angleYaw / Math.PI * max_rotation_radians;
//double pitchSpeed = anglePitch / Math.PI * max_rotation_radians;
for(int i = 0; i < gyroList.Count; i++)
var thisGyro = gyroList[i] as IMyGyro;
thisGyro.SetValue<float>("Yaw", (float)yawSpeed);
thisGyro.SetValue<float>("Pitch", (float)pitchSpeed);
thisGyro.SetValue("Override", true);
Echo("Out of range");
for(int i = 0; i < gyroList.Count; i++)
var thisGyro = gyroList[i] as IMyGyro;
thisGyro.SetValue<float>("Yaw", 0f);
thisGyro.SetValue<float>("Pitch", 0f);
thisGyro.SetValue("Override", true);
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