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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Working Type Inferencer/Unifier
module Inference where
-- This is extremely rough (a good bit is a gross amount of confusing mutual
-- recursion, and a few pieces just work without my understanding), but I
-- thought it'd be a good idea to get this down in case my laptop is hit with a
-- bus.
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Control.Monad.State
data CExp = Pop
| Dup
| Swap
| SomePush
| SomeValue
| I
| Compose CExp CExp
| Quote CExp
| Empty
deriving (Show)
data Type = TVar Int
| Concrete
| Fun StackType StackType
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Type where
show (TVar n)
| n < 26 = [toEnum (fromEnum n + fromEnum 'a')]
| otherwise = reverse $ show (TVar (n `mod` 26)) ++ show (TVar $ n `div` 26 - 1)
show Concrete = "int"
show (Fun (as :# a) (bs :# b)) = "(" ++ unwords (map show as ++ [showStack a]) ++ " -> " ++ unwords (map show bs ++ [showStack b]) ++ ")"
showStack :: Int -> String
showStack = map toUpper . show . TVar
(-->) :: [Type] -> [Type] -> Inference Type
s --> t = do n <- freshStackVar
return $ Fun (s :# n) (t :# n)
data StackType = [Type] :# Int
deriving (Eq)
instance Show StackType where
show (as :# a) = unwords $ (map show as) ++ [showStack a]
data Equation = StackEquation StackType StackType
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Equation where
show (StackEquation n s) = show n ++ " = " ++ show s
data IState =
IState { _varMax :: Int
, _stackVarMax :: Int
, _eqns :: [Equation]
deriving (Show)
type Inference a = StateT IState Maybe a
addConstraint :: StackType -> StackType -> Inference ()
addConstraint l r = modify $ \s -> s { _eqns = StackEquation l r : _eqns s}
incVarPool :: Int -> Inference ()
incVarPool k = modify $ \s -> s { _varMax = _varMax s + k }
incStackVarPool :: Int -> Inference ()
incStackVarPool k = modify $ \s -> s { _stackVarMax = _stackVarMax s + k }
defaultState :: IState
defaultState = IState 0 0 []
freshVar :: Inference Type
freshVar = TVar <$> (gets _varMax <* incVarPool 1)
freshStackVar :: Inference Int
freshStackVar = gets _stackVarMax <* incStackVarPool 1
typeOf :: CExp -> Inference Type
typeOf Pop = do v <- freshVar
[v] --> []
typeOf Dup = do v <- freshVar
[v] --> [v, v]
typeOf Swap = do v <- freshVar
v' <- freshVar
[v, v'] --> [v', v]
typeOf SomePush = [] --> [Concrete]
typeOf I = do s <- freshStackVar
s' <- freshStackVar
let top = Fun ([] :# s) ([] :# s')
return (Fun ([top] :# s) ([] :# s'))
typeOf (Compose l r) = do Fun a b <- typeOf l
Fun c d <- typeOf r
addConstraint b c
return (Fun a d)
typeOf (Quote e) = do t <- typeOf e
[] --> [t]
typeOf SomeValue = return Concrete
typeOf Empty = [] --> []
inferType :: CExp -> Maybe (Type,[Equation])
inferType e = do (t,s) <- runStateT (typeOf e) defaultState
return (t,_eqns s)
type Unifier a = StateT [Equation] Maybe a
unify :: Type -> [Equation] -> Maybe Type
unify t es = untilSame (unifyIter es t)
untilSame :: Eq a => [a] -> a
untilSame (x:x':xs) = if x == x' then x else untilSame (x':xs)
unifyIter :: [Equation] -> Type -> [Maybe Type]
unifyIter es t = h : rest
where (h,rest) = case runStateT (unify' es t) es of
Just (t',es') -> (Just t',unifyIter es' t')
Nothing -> (Nothing, repeat Nothing)
unify' :: [Equation] -> Type -> Unifier Type
unify' [] t = return t
unify' (e:es) t = unifyStep t e >>= unify' es
unifyStep :: Type -> Equation -> Unifier Type
unifyStep t e = let StackEquation s s' = e in case (s,s') of
([] :# a, _) -> substituteStackInType a s' t
(_, [] :# _) -> unifyStep t (StackEquation s' s)
((l:as) :# a, (r:bs) :# b) -> do es <- get
put []
es' <- mapM (substituteTypeInEquation l r) es
modify (union es')
t' <- substituteTypeInType l r t
t'' <- unifyStep t' (StackEquation (as :# a) (bs :# b))
return t''
substituteTypeInType :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Unifier Type
substituteTypeInType l r t
| l == r = return t
| l `occursIn` r = fail "Cyclic type"
| otherwise = case (l,r) of
(TVar n,_) -> return $ substituteTVarInType n r t
(_,TVar _) -> substituteTypeInType r l t
(Fun a b, Fun c d) -> do modify (`union` [StackEquation a c, StackEquation b d])
return t
_ -> return t
substituteTVarInType :: Int -> Type -> Type -> Type
substituteTVarInType n r t = case t of
TVar n' | n == n' -> r
| otherwise -> t
Fun (as :# a) (bs :# b) -> let as' = map (substituteTVarInType n r) as
bs' = map (substituteTVarInType n r) bs
in Fun (as' :# a) (bs' :# b)
_ -> t
occursIn :: Type -> Type -> Bool
occursIn t t'
| t == t' = True
| otherwise = case t' of
Fun (as :# _) (bs :# _) -> any (t `occursIn`) (as ++ bs)
_ -> False
stackOccursIn :: Int -> StackType -> Bool
stackOccursIn n (as :# a) = n == a || any stackOccursIn' as
where stackOccursIn' t = case t of
Fun (xs :# x) (ys :# y) -> n == x || n == y || any stackOccursIn' (xs++ys)
_ -> False
substituteTypeInEquation :: Type -> Type -> Equation -> Unifier Equation
substituteTypeInEquation l r (StackEquation a b) = do a' <- substituteTypeInStack l r a
b' <- substituteTypeInStack l r b
return $ StackEquation a' b'
substituteTypeInStack :: Type -> Type -> StackType -> Unifier StackType
substituteTypeInStack l r (as :# a) = do as' <- mapM (substituteTypeInType l r) as
return (as' :# a)
substituteStackInType :: Int -> StackType -> Type -> Unifier Type
substituteStackInType n a _ | n `stackOccursIn` a = fail "Cyclic type"
substituteStackInType n a t = case t of
Fun b c -> Fun <$> (substituteStackInStack n a b) <*> (substituteStackInStack n a c)
_ -> return t
substituteStackInStack :: Int -> StackType -> StackType -> Unifier StackType
substituteStackInStack n (as :# a) (xs :# x) = do
xs' <- mapM (substituteStackInType n (as :# a)) xs
return $ if x == n
then (xs' ++ as) :# a
else xs' :# x
substituteStackInEquation :: Int -> StackType -> Equation -> Unifier Equation
substituteStackInEquation n s (StackEquation a b) = StackEquation <$> substituteStackInStack n s a <*> substituteStackInStack n s b
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