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Created January 15, 2015 20:42
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Example of Webpack config for building an isomorphic JS app for both client and server
path = require 'path'
webpack = require 'webpack'
fs = require 'fs'
ExtractTextPlugin = require 'extract-text-webpack-plugin'
ProgressPlugin = require 'webpack/lib/ProgressPlugin'
flag = require 'node-env-flag'
settings = require './src/settings'
scriptExportsLoader = path.join __dirname, 'script-exports-loader'
getEnv = (varName, required = false) ->
process.env[varName] ? if required
throw new Error "Missing required env var #{ varName }"
createConfig = (buildId, isDev, isServer, progressCallback) ->
throw new Error 'Missing build id!' unless buildId
publicPath =
if flag process.env.COMPILE_USING_CDN_URL, not isDev
"#{ settings.cdnUrl }/#{ settings.assetDirVersion }/"
fileLoader = 'file?name=[path][name].[hash].[ext]&context=src'
cache: true
bail: not isDev
debug: isDev
isDev: isDev
target: if isServer then 'node' else 'web'
# We don't build source maps by default because they are very expensive.
# For example, a *rebuild* (from cache) takes ~10s with source maps,
# but only ~2s without.
devtool: if not isDev and isServer then 'source-map'
recordsPath: path.join __dirname, '.webpackrecords'
if isServer
server: ['./src/server']
cbbootstrap: './src/componentbrowser/cbbootstrap'
rcmain: './src/rcmain'
node: if isServer
# Don't mock node stuff for the node build
console: false
process: false
global: false
buffer: false
__filename: false
__dirname: false
path: path.join __dirname, 'built', 'assets'
publicPath: publicPath
filename: if isServer then '../[name].js' else "[name].#{ buildId }.js"
chunkFilename: if isServer then '[id].js' else '[chunkhash].js'
libraryTarget: if isServer then 'commonjs2'
# Exclude all modules in the "node_modules" directory for the server build
externals: if isServer then do ->
fs.readdirSync path.resolve('node_modules')
.filter (dir) ->
# There are exceptions that we actually do want in the build...
].every (exclude) -> not exclude.test dir
.map (dir) -> ///^#{ dir }(?:$|\/)///
loaders: [
{test: /\/component-index\.js$/, loader: "component-example?includeExamples=#{ isDev }"}
{test: /\/console-polyfill\/.*\.js$/, loader: 'imports?this=>window'}
{test: /\/react\/react\.js$/, loader: 'expose?React'} # Expose React so devtools can find it
{test: /\/bower_components\/jquery.parallaxin\/jquery.parallaxin\.js$/, loader: 'imports?$=jquery&jQuery=jquery&this=>window'}
{test: /\/queueup\.js$/, loader: 'imports?Promise=es6-promise'}
# GreenSock Deps
{test: /\/vendor\/greensock\/TweenLite\.js$/, loader: "#{ scriptExportsLoader }?com.greensock.TweenLite"}
{test: /\/vendor\/greensock\/TimelineLite\.js$/, loader: "imports?TweenLite=greensock/TweenLite!#{ scriptExportsLoader }?com.greensock.TimelineLite"}
{test: /\/vendor\/greensock\/easing\/EasePack\.js$/, loader: "imports?TweenLite=greensock/TweenLite!#{ scriptExportsLoader }?com.greensock.easing"}
{test: /\/vendor\/greensock\/plugins\/CSSPlugin\.js$/, loader: 'imports?TweenLite=greensock/TweenLite'}
{test: /\/gsap-react-plugin\/gsap-react-plugin\.js$/, loader: "imports?TweenLite=greensock/TweenLite!#{ scriptExportsLoader }"}
{test: /\/bower_components\/raven-js\/dist\/raven\.js$/, loader: 'imports?this=>window'}
{test: /\.coffee$/, loader: 'coffee'}
{test: /\.litcoffee$/, loader: 'coffee?literate'}
{test: /\.(?:svg|ico|eot|ttf|woff|pdf)$/, loader: fileLoader}
test: /\.(?:jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/
loaders: ['image-webpack?progressive=true&interlaced=true', fileLoader]
{test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json'}
{test: /\/node_modules\/react-forms\/.*\.js$/, loader: 'jsx-loader?harmony'}
test: /\.less$/
if isServer then 'null'
else do ->
browsers = ['last 2 versions', 'Explorer >= 9']
ExtractTextPlugin.extract "css!autoprefixer?#{ JSON.stringify {browsers} }!less"
root: [
path.join __dirname, 'src', 'componentbrowser', 'node_loaders'
extensions: ['', '.js', '.coffee']
root: [
path.join __dirname, 'bower_components'
path.join __dirname, 'vendor'
'jquery.parallaxin': 'jquery.parallaxin/jquery.parallaxin'
'es6-promise': 'es6-promise/dist/promise-1.0.0.js'
raven: 'raven-js/dist/raven'
'TweenLite': 'greensock/TweenLite'
extensions: ['', '.litcoffee', '.coffee', '.json', '.js']
plugins: do ->
plugins = []
# Show progress of the build
if progressCallback
plugins.push new ProgressPlugin (pct, msg) -> progressCallback pct, msg
plugins.push new webpack.NewWatchingPlugin()
plugins.push new webpack.PrefetchPlugin 'react'
# Export stats for webpack analyse tool (off by default)
# unless isServer then plugins.push ->
# @plugin 'done', (stats) ->
# fs.writeFileSync path.join(__dirname, 'built', 'stats.json'),
# JSON.stringify stats.toJson
# chunkModules: true
# Exclude moment.js languages.
plugins.push new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/^\.\/locale$/, /moment$/)
# Find bower components
plugins.push new webpack.ResolverPlugin([
new webpack.ResolverPlugin.DirectoryDescriptionFilePlugin('bower.json', ['main'])
], ['normal', 'loader'])
unless isServer
plugins.push new ExtractTextPlugin "[name].#{ buildId }.css"
# FIXME: Add this back! It gets rid of lodash duplication. Unfortunately,
# the code it adds errors in builds created by watch-mode after the
# first build. See
# plugins.push new webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin
plugins.push new webpack.optimize.OccurenceOrderPlugin true
# Put libraries into production mode. Note that you must *also* set the
# `NODE_ENV` environment variable on the server since we're not including
# everything in the build.
plugins.push new webpack.DefinePlugin
JSON.stringify if isDev then 'development' else 'production'
'process.env.RC_API_URL': JSON.stringify getEnv('RC_API_URL') or
JSON.stringify getEnv 'SENTRY_BROWSER_DSN', not isDev
__ASSET_PATH__: JSON.stringify publicPath
__BUILD_ID__: JSON.stringify buildId
__BUILD_TIME__: JSON.stringify new Date().toISOString()
__BUILD_USER__: JSON.stringify process.env.USER ? 'unknown'
unless isDev or isServer
plugins.push new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin()
module.exports = (buildId, isDev, serverCallback, browserCallback) ->
createConfig buildId, isDev, true, serverCallback
createConfig buildId, isDev, false, browserCallback
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(I'm looking to optimize my Webpack config)

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