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Last active December 17, 2018 18:35
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This demo how Tyk can do the flow of a client in OAuth2.0 Client_credentials flow. Tyk requests for an access_token which later is forwareded to the backend service (in this case, it's a local httpbin service) and then returns to the user the header it had sent to httpbin, i.e. the value of Authorization header as a proof.
function azureOauthClientCredVirtualHandler (request, session, config) {
log("request object: " + JSON.stringify(request))
//Make api call to upstream target
//In Azure AD APPLICATION ID is the client id
oauthClientRequest = {
"Method": "POST",
"Body": "client_id={YOUR-OWN-CLIENT-ID}&client_secret={YOUR-OWN-CLIENT-SECRET}&grant_type=client_credentials&resource=https%3A%2F%2F{YOUR-OWN-ORG-NAME}{ID}",
"Headers": {"content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
"Domain": "",
"Resource": "/{YOUR-OWN-DIRECTORY(tenant)-ID}/oauth2/token"
var oauthClientRequestStr = JSON.stringify(oauthClientRequest)
log("oauthClientRequest object: " + oauthClientRequestStr)
rawlog("--- before get to upstream ---")
oauthASResp = TykMakeHttpRequest(oauthClientRequestStr);
rawlog("--- After get to upstream ---")
log ('----')
oauthASRespObj = JSON.parse(oauthASResp);
var oauthASRespCode = JSON.parse(oauthASRespObj.Code);
log('oauthASRespCode: ' + oauthASRespCode);
var userRespCode = oauthASRespCode
var userResponseBody = "empty body"
if (oauthASRespCode != 200)
userResponseBody = "Error returned from AS (OAuth2.0 client credentials flow)"
log("The request that was sent and failed to the AS: " + oauthClientRequestStr)
log("AS Response error: " + oauthASResp)
log('oauthASRespObj.Body: ' + oauthASRespObj.Body);
oauthASRespBodyObj = JSON.parse(oauthASRespObj.Body)
var backendReqAuthorization = oauthASRespBodyObj["access_token"]
log ("backendReqAuthorization: " + backendReqAuthorization)
backendRequest = {
"Method": "GET",
//"Body": "{\"empty\":\"body\"}",
//"Headers": {"content-type":"application/json", "Authorization: Bearer ": backendReqAuthorization},
"Headers": {"Authorization": "Bearer " + backendReqAuthorization},
"Domain": "",
"Resource": "/get"
var backendRequestStr = JSON.stringify(backendRequest)
log('backendRequestStr: ' + backendRequestStr);
var backendRequestObj = JSON.parse(backendRequestStr)
rawlog("--- Before get to upstream ---")
var backendResponse = TykMakeHttpRequest(backendRequestStr);
rawlog("--- After get to upstream ---")
backendRespObj = JSON.parse(backendResponse);
userRespCode = JSON.parse(backendRespObj.Code);
log('userRespCode: ' + userRespCode);
if (userRespCode != 200)
userResponseBody = "Error returned from backend. request was:" + JSON.stringify(backendRequest)
backendRespBodyObj = JSON.parse(backendRespObj.Body)
backendRespAuthorization = backendRespBodyObj.headers["Authorization"]
userResponseBody = backendRespAuthorization
var responseObject = {
Body: "access_token from body resp of a backend: "+ userResponseBody,
Headers: {
"oauth-client": "client_credentials."
Code: userRespCode
log('responseObject: ' + JSON.stringify(responseObject));
rawlog ('----')
rawlog("Virtual endpoint about to end")
rawlog ('----')
return TykJsResponse(responseObject, session.meta_data)
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