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Created October 11, 2023 19:50
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Csv Util
using UnityEngine;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel;
// This class uses Reflection and Linq so it's not the fastest thing in the
// world; however I only use it in development builds where we want to allow
// game data to be easily tweaked so this isn't an issue; I would recommend
// you do the same.
public static class CsvUtil
static string path = Application.dataPath + "/Resources/csv/";
// Quote semicolons too since some apps e.g. Numbers don't like them
static char[] quotedChars = new char[] { ',', ';' };
public static List<List<string>> LoadList(string filename, bool includeTitle)
TextReader t;
//var dbPath = "Assets/StreamingAssets/" + filename;
var dbPath = path + filename;
var text = Resources.Load<TextAsset>("csv/" + filename).text;
var splitFile = new string[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" };
var lines = text.Split(splitFile, StringSplitOptions.None);
int lineId = 0;
var ret = new List<List<string>>();
if (!includeTitle)
string header = lines[lineId];
while (lineId <lines.Length-1)
string line = lines[lineId];
var obj = new List<string>();
// box manually to avoid issues with structs
object boxed = obj;
string[] values = EnumerateCsvLine(line).ToArray();
foreach (var v in values)
return ret;
public static List<List<T>> LoadList<T>(string filename, bool includeTitle)
TextReader t;
//var dbPath = "Assets/StreamingAssets/" + filename;
var dbPath = path + filename;
var text = Resources.Load<TextAsset>("csv/" + filename).text;
var splitFile = new string[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" };
var lines = text.Split(splitFile, StringSplitOptions.None);
int lineId = 0;
var ret = new List<List<T>>();
if (!includeTitle)
string header = lines[lineId];
while (lineId < lines.Length - 1)
string line = lines[lineId];
var obj = new List<T>();
// box manually to avoid issues with structs
object boxed = obj;
string[] values = EnumerateCsvLine(line).ToArray();
foreach (var v in values)
T parsedV = (T)ParseString(v,typeof( T));
return ret;
// Load a CSV into a list of struct/classes from a file where each line = 1 object
// First line of the CSV must be a header containing property names
// Can optionally include any other columns headed with #foo, which are ignored
// E.g. you can include a #Description column to provide notes which are ignored
// This method throws file exceptions if file is not found
// Field names are matched case-insensitive for convenience
// @param filename File to load
// @param strict If true, log errors if a line doesn't have enough
// fields as per the header. If false, ignores and just fills what it can
public static List<T> LoadObjects<T>(string filename, bool strict = true) where T : new()
var dbPath = path + filename;
// var filepath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", path, filename);
// if (!File.Exists(filepath))
// {
// Debug.Log("Database not in Persistent path");
// var loadDb = new WWW("jar:file://" + Application.dataPath + "!/assets/" + filename); // this is the path to your StreamingAssets in android
// while (!loadDb.isDone) { } // CAREFUL here, for safety reasons you shouldn't let this while loop unattended, place a timer and error check
// // then save to Application.persistentDataPath
// File.WriteAllBytes(filepath, loadDb.bytes);
// var loadDb = Application.streamingAssetsPath+"/"+ filename; // this is the path to your StreamingAssets in iOS
// // then save to Application.persistentDataPath
// File.Copy(loadDb, filepath);
// Debug.Log("Database written");
// }
// var dbPath = filepath;
//Debug.Log("Final PATH: " + dbPath);
var ret = new List<T>();
var text = Resources.Load<TextAsset>("csv/" + filename).text;
var splitFile = new string[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" };
var lines = text.Split(splitFile, StringSplitOptions.None);
int lineId = 0;
string header = lines[lineId];
var fieldDefs = ParseHeader(header);
FieldInfo[] fi = typeof(T).GetFields();
bool isValueType = typeof(T).IsValueType;
while (lineId < lines.Length-1)
string line = lines[lineId];
var obj = new T();
// box manually to avoid issues with structs
object boxed = obj;
if (ParseLineToObject(line, fieldDefs, fi, boxed, strict))
// unbox value types
if (isValueType)
obj = (T)boxed;
return ret;
//public static List<T> LoadObjects<T>(string text, bool strict = true) where T : new()
// var ret = new List<T>();
// string header = rdr.ReadLine();
// var fieldDefs = ParseHeader(header);
// FieldInfo[] fi = typeof(T).GetFields();
// bool isValueType = typeof(T).IsValueType;
// string line;
// while ((line = rdr.ReadLine()) != null)
// {
// var obj = new T();
// // box manually to avoid issues with structs
// object boxed = obj;
// if (ParseLineToObject(line, fieldDefs, fi, boxed, strict))
// {
// // unbox value types
// if (isValueType)
// obj = (T)boxed;
// ret.Add(obj);
// }
// }
// return ret;
// Load a CSV into a list of struct/classes from a stream where each line = 1 object
// First line of the CSV must be a header containing property names
// Can optionally include any other columns headed with #foo, which are ignored
// E.g. you can include a #Description column to provide notes which are ignored
// Field names are matched case-insensitive for convenience
// @param rdr Input reader
// @param strict If true, log errors if a line doesn't have enough
// fields as per the header. If false, ignores and just fills what it can
public static List<T> LoadObjects<T>(TextReader rdr, bool strict = true) where T : new()
var ret = new List<T>();
string header = rdr.ReadLine();
var fieldDefs = ParseHeader(header);
FieldInfo[] fi = typeof(T).GetFields();
bool isValueType = typeof(T).IsValueType;
string line;
while ((line = rdr.ReadLine()) != null)
var obj = new T();
// box manually to avoid issues with structs
object boxed = obj;
if (ParseLineToObject(line, fieldDefs, fi, boxed, strict))
// unbox value types
if (isValueType)
obj = (T)boxed;
return ret;
// Load a CSV file containing fields for a single object from a file
// No header is required, but it can be present with '#' prefix
// First column is property name, second is value
// You can optionally include other columns for descriptions etc, these are ignored
// If you want to include a header, make sure the first line starts with '#'
// then it will be ignored (as will any lines that start that way)
// This method throws file exceptions if file is not found
// Field names are matched case-insensitive for convenience
//public static void LoadObject<T>(string filename, ref T destObject)
// using (var stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open))
// {
// using (var rdr = new StreamReader(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))
// {
// LoadObject<T>(rdr, ref destObject);
// }
// }
// Load a CSV file containing fields for a single object from a stream
// No header is required, but it can be present with '#' prefix
// First column is property name, second is value
// You can optionally include other columns for descriptions etc, these are ignored
// Field names are matched case-insensitive for convenience
public static void LoadObject<T>(TextReader rdr, ref T destObject)
FieldInfo[] fi = typeof(T).GetFields();
// prevent auto-boxing causing problems with structs
object nonValueObject = destObject;
string line;
while ((line = rdr.ReadLine()) != null)
// Ignore optional header lines
if (line.StartsWith("#"))
string[] vals = EnumerateCsvLine(line).ToArray();
if (vals.Length >= 2)
SetField(vals[0].Trim(), vals[1], fi, nonValueObject);
Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("CsvUtil: ignoring line '{0}': not enough fields", line));
if (typeof(T).IsValueType)
// unbox
destObject = (T)nonValueObject;
// Save a single object to a CSV file
// Will write 1 line per field, first column is name, second is value
// This method throws exceptions if unable to write
public static void SaveObject<T>(T obj, string filename)
using (var stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create))
using (var wtr = new StreamWriter(stream))
SaveObject<T>(obj, wtr);
// Save a single object to a CSV stream
// Will write 1 line per field, first column is name, second is value
// This method throws exceptions if unable to write
public static void SaveObject<T>(T obj, TextWriter w)
FieldInfo[] fi = typeof(T).GetFields();
bool firstLine = true;
foreach (FieldInfo f in fi)
// Good CSV files don't have a trailing newline so only add here
if (firstLine)
firstLine = false;
string val = f.GetValue(obj).ToString();
// Quote if necessary
if (val.IndexOfAny(quotedChars) != -1)
val = string.Format("\"{0}\"", val);
// Save multiple objects to a CSV file
// Writes a header line with field names, followed by one line per
// object with each field value in each column
// This method throws exceptions if unable to write
public static void SaveObjects<T>(IEnumerable<T> objs, string filename)
using (var stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create))
using (var wtr = new StreamWriter(stream))
SaveObjects<T>(objs, wtr);
// Save multiple objects to a CSV stream
// Writes a header line with field names, followed by one line per
// object with each field value in each column
// This method throws exceptions if unable to write
public static void SaveObjects<T>(IEnumerable<T> objs, TextWriter w)
FieldInfo[] fi = typeof(T).GetFields();
WriteHeader<T>(fi, w);
bool firstLine = true;
foreach (T obj in objs)
// Good CSV files don't have a trailing newline so only add here
if (firstLine)
firstLine = false;
WriteObjectToLine(obj, fi, w);
private static void WriteHeader<T>(FieldInfo[] fi, TextWriter w)
bool firstCol = true;
foreach (FieldInfo f in fi)
// Good CSV files don't have a trailing comma so only add here
if (firstCol)
firstCol = false;
private static void WriteObjectToLine<T>(T obj, FieldInfo[] fi, TextWriter w)
bool firstCol = true;
foreach (FieldInfo f in fi)
// Good CSV files don't have a trailing comma so only add here
if (firstCol)
firstCol = false;
string val = f.GetValue(obj).ToString();
// Quote if necessary
if (val.IndexOfAny(quotedChars) != -1)
val = string.Format("\"{0}\"", val);
// Parse the header line and return a mapping of field names to column
// indexes. Columns which have a '#' prefix are ignored.
private static Dictionary<string, int> ParseHeader(string header)
var headers = new Dictionary<string, int>();
int n = 0;
foreach (string field in EnumerateCsvLine(header))
var trimmed = field.Trim();
if (!trimmed.StartsWith("#"))
headers[trimmed] = n;
return headers;
// Parse an object line based on the header, return true if any fields matched
private static bool ParseLineToObject(string line, Dictionary<string, int> fieldDefs, FieldInfo[] fi, object destObject, bool strict)
string[] values = EnumerateCsvLine(line).ToArray();
bool setAny = false;
foreach (string field in fieldDefs.Keys)
int index = fieldDefs[field];
if (index < values.Length)
string val = values[index];
setAny = SetField(field, val, fi, destObject) || setAny;
else if (strict)
Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("CsvUtil: error parsing line '{0}': not enough fields", line));
return setAny;
private static bool SetField(string fieldName, string val, FieldInfo[] fi, object destObject)
foreach (FieldInfo f in fi)
// Case insensitive comparison
if (string.Compare(fieldName, f.Name, true) == 0)
// Might need to parse the string into the field type
object typedVal = f.FieldType == typeof(string) ? val : ParseString(val, f.FieldType);
f.SetValue(destObject, typedVal);
return true;
return false;
private static object ParseString(string strValue, Type t)
if (t == typeof(Dictionary<string, string>))
Dictionary<string, string> res = new Dictionary<string, string>();
string[] pairs = strValue.Split('|');
foreach (string pair in pairs)
string[] p = pair.Split(':');
if (p.Length != 2)
Debug.LogError("error when parse pair" + pair + " in string: " + strValue);
return res;
if (res.ContainsKey(p[0]))
Debug.LogError("key " + p[0] + " has been defined multiple times in string: " + strValue);
res[p[0]] = p[1];
return res;
else if (t == typeof(Dictionary<string, float>))
Dictionary<string, float> res = new Dictionary<string, float>();
string[] pairs = strValue.Split('|');
if (strValue.Length > 0)
foreach (string pair in pairs)
string[] p = pair.Split(':');
if (p.Length != 2)
Debug.LogError("error when parse pair" + pair + " in string: " + strValue);
return res;
if (res.ContainsKey(p[0]))
Debug.LogError("key " + p[0] + " has been defined multiple times in string: " + strValue);
float floatValue;
if (!float.TryParse(p[1], out floatValue))
Debug.LogError("value " + p[1] + " is not a float");
res[p[0]] = floatValue;
return res;
else if (t == typeof(Dictionary<string, int>))
Dictionary<string, int> res = new Dictionary<string, int>();
string[] pairs = strValue.Split('|');
if (strValue.Length > 0)
foreach (string pair in pairs)
string[] p = pair.Split(':');
if (p.Length != 2)
Debug.LogError("error when parse pair" + pair + " in string: " + strValue);
return res;
if (res.ContainsKey(p[0]))
Debug.LogError("key " + p[0] + " has been defined multiple times in string: " + strValue);
int floatValue;
if (!int.TryParse(p[1], out floatValue))
Debug.LogError("value " + p[1] + " is not a float");
res[p[0]] = floatValue;
return res;
else if (t == typeof(List<string>))
List<string> res = new List<string>();
string[] pairs = strValue.Split('|');
foreach (string pair in pairs)
return res;
else if (t == typeof(List<float>))
List<float> res = new List<float>();
string[] pairs = strValue.Split('|');
if (pairs.Length != 0)
foreach (string pair in pairs)
res.Add(float.Parse( pair));
return res;
}else if (t == typeof(bool))
return int.Parse(strValue) == 1;
if(strValue == "")
strValue = "0";
var cv = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(t);
return cv.ConvertFromInvariantString(strValue);
private static IEnumerable<string> EnumerateCsvLine(string line)
// Regex taken from
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(line,
yield return m.Groups[1].Value;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class BaseInfo
public string name;
public string displayName;
public string description;
public class BuffInfo : BaseInfo
public float duration;
public float effect;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
public Dictionary<string, BuffInfo> BuffInfoDict = new Dictionary<string, BuffInfo>();
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Awake()
var customerList = CsvUtil.LoadObjects<BuffInfo>("Buff");
foreach (var info in customerList)
BuffInfoDict[] = info;
public BuffInfo getBuffInfo(string n)
if (!BuffInfoDict.ContainsKey(n))
Debug.LogError("buff not exists " + n);
return BuffInfoDict[n];
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