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Created October 11, 2023 20:41
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public struct SerializedDictionary<T, U> {
public List<T> Keys;
public List<U> Values;
public Dictionary<T, U> getDictionary()
Dictionary<T, U> res = new Dictionary<T, U>();
for (int i = 0; i < Keys.Count; i++)
res[Keys[i]] = Values[i];
return res;
public SerializedDictionary(Dictionary<T, U> dict)
Keys = dict.Keys.ToList();
Values = dict.Values.ToList();
public static implicit operator Dictionary<T, U>(SerializedDictionary<T, U> test)
return test.getDictionary();
public static implicit operator SerializedDictionary<T, U>(Dictionary<T, U> test)
return new SerializedDictionary<T,U>(test);
public struct SerializedVector
public float x, y, z;
public Vector3 GetPos()
return new Vector3(x, y, z);
public SerializedVector(Vector3 v)
x = v.x;
y = v.y;
z = v.z;
public static implicit operator Vector3(SerializedVector test)
return test.GetPos();
public static implicit operator SerializedVector(Vector3 test)
return new SerializedVector(test);
public class CSSerializedObject
public float serializationTime;
public int version = 0;
public bool isValid = false;
public class SerializableObject : MonoBehaviour
public virtual void Save(SerializedGame save)
public virtual void Load(SerializedGame save)
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// Inherit from this base class to create a singleton.
/// e.g. public class MyClassName : Singleton<MyClassName> {}
/// </summary>
public class Singleton<T> : SerializableObject where T : MonoBehaviour
// Check to see if we're about to be destroyed.
private static bool m_ShuttingDown = false;
private static object m_Lock = new object();
private static T m_Instance;
private void Awake()
if (Instance != null && Instance != this)
// m_Instance = this;
/// <summary>
/// Access singleton instance through this propriety.
/// </summary>
public static T Instance
//if (m_ShuttingDown)
// Debug.LogWarning("[Singleton] Instance '" + typeof(T) +
// "' already destroyed. Returning null.");
// return null;
lock (m_Lock)
if (m_Instance == null)
// Search for existing instance.
m_Instance = (T)FindObjectOfType(typeof(T));
// Create new instance if one doesn't already exist.
if (m_Instance == null)
// Need to create a new GameObject to attach the singleton to.
var singletonObject = new GameObject();
m_Instance = singletonObject.AddComponent<T>(); = typeof(T).ToString() + " (Singleton)";
// Make instance persistent.
// DontDestroyOnLoad(singletonObject);
return m_Instance;
private void OnApplicationQuit()
m_ShuttingDown = true;
private void OnDestroy()
m_ShuttingDown = true;
m_Instance = null;
// TermData.cs
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// Obtains the ( audio / picture / translation ) that corresponds to a given term
public static class TermData
public class Terms
// < language, index of a non-English language's term within a array-value of termTranslations >
// English is paired to -1 to convey that it is the key and not within termTranslations's array-value
public Dictionary<string, int> languageIndicies;
// < englishText, [frenchText, italianText, ...] >
// Example: < "Nope.", ["Nan.", "No.", "Nee."..] >
public Dictionary<string, string[]> termTranslations;
public Terms()
languageIndicies = new Dictionary<string, int>();
termTranslations = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
// TranslateText.cs
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;
// Place on all t:TextMeshProUGUI or t:Text
public class TranslateText : MonoBehaviour
bool init = false;
string englishText;
int lastLanguageUpdated = -1;
Text txtDisplay;
TMP_Text txtDisplay_TMP;
void Start()
private void OnEnable()
if (init)
public void SetEnglishText(string newText)
englishText = newText;
if (txtDisplay_TMP)
txtDisplay_TMP.text = englishText;
txtDisplay.text = englishText;
lastLanguageUpdated = -1;
void Init()
if (init)
txtDisplay = GetComponent<Text>();
txtDisplay_TMP = GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
if (!txtDisplay && !txtDisplay_TMP)
Debug.LogError(" no text! "+name);
// UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsNotNull(txtDisplay);
if (txtDisplay_TMP)
englishText = txtDisplay_TMP.text;
englishText = txtDisplay.text;
lastLanguageUpdated = -1;
init = true;
Translator.Instance.DisplayLanguageChanged += UpdateTextDisplay;
internal void ManuallySetTextToLoading(int displayLanguage)
string[] loadingTranslations = {"Loading...", "Chargement...", "Caricamento in corso...", "Wird geladen...",
"Cargando...", "载入中...", "Loading...", "Carregando..."};
int langIndex = displayLanguage + 1;
UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(langIndex >= 0 && langIndex < loadingTranslations.Length);
if (txtDisplay_TMP)
txtDisplay_TMP.text = loadingTranslations[langIndex];
txtDisplay.text = loadingTranslations[langIndex];
void UpdateTextDisplay()
if (this == null)
Translator translator = Translator.Instance;
int displayLanguage = translator.GetUserDisplayLanguageIndex();
if (displayLanguage == lastLanguageUpdated)
lastLanguageUpdated = displayLanguage;
if (translator.IsDisplayingEnglish())
if (txtDisplay_TMP)
txtDisplay_TMP.text = englishText;
txtDisplay.text = englishText;
string translatedText = translator.Translate(englishText.Trim(), displayLanguage);
if (txtDisplay_TMP)
txtDisplay_TMP.text = translatedText;
txtDisplay.text = translatedText;
English 中文
en zh
Continue 继续
New Game 新游戏
Support Us 支持我们
Settings 设置
Credits 制作人员
// TranslationLoader.cs
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
public class TranslationLoader : Singleton<TranslationLoader>
private int progress = 0;
List<string> languages = new List<string>();
System.Action<string> callbackOnCompleted;
private void Awake()
System.Action<string> localCallback = new System.Action<string>(delegate (string error)
Debug.Log("loaded translation");
//if (error == null)
// ServiceLocator.instance.GetService<Translator>().SetDisplayLanguage(index);
// if (ServiceLocator.instance.GetService<Settings>().collectAllDialogueTermData)
// ServiceLocator.instance.GetService<TranslationLoader>().DebugCollectAllDialogueTermData();
// Debug.LogError("Langauge set failed: " + error);
//if (globalCallback != null)
// globalCallback(error);
// Returns an error string (if any)
public void Load(System.Action<string> callback)
callbackOnCompleted = callback;
// StartCoroutine(CSVDownloader.DownloadData(AfterDownload));
public void AfterDownload(string data)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
Debug.LogError("Was not able to download data or retrieve stale data.");
// TODO: Display a notification that this is likely due to poor internet connectivity
ProcessData(data, AfterProcessData);
private void AfterProcessData(string errorMessage)
if (null != errorMessage)
Debug.LogError("Was not able to process data: " + errorMessage);
public void ProcessData(string data, System.Action<string> onCompleted)
Translator.Instance.termData = new TermData.Terms();
// Line level
int currLineIndex = 0;
bool inQuote = false;
int linesSinceUpdate = 0;
int kLinesBetweenUpdate = 15;
// Entry level
string currEntry = "";
int currCharIndex = 0;
bool currEntryContainedQuote = false;
List<string> currLineEntries = new List<string>();
// "\r\n" means end of line and should be only occurence of '\r' (unless on macOS/iOS in which case lines ends with just \n)
char lineEnding = '\r';// Utils.IsIOS() ? '\n' : '\r';
int lineEndingLength = 2; //Utils.IsIOS() ? 1 : 2;
while (currCharIndex < data.Length)
if (!inQuote && (data[currCharIndex] == lineEnding))
// Skip the line ending
currCharIndex += lineEndingLength;
// Wrap up the last entry
// If we were in a quote, trim bordering quotation marks
if (currEntryContainedQuote)
currEntry = currEntry.Substring(1, currEntry.Length - 2);
currEntry = "";
currEntryContainedQuote = false;
// Line ended
ProcessLineFromCSV(currLineEntries, currLineIndex);
currLineEntries = new List<string>();
if (linesSinceUpdate > kLinesBetweenUpdate)
linesSinceUpdate = 0;
if (data[currCharIndex] == '"')
inQuote = !inQuote;
currEntryContainedQuote = true;
// Entry level stuff
if (data[currCharIndex] == ',')
if (inQuote)
currEntry += data[currCharIndex];
// If we were in a quote, trim bordering quotation marks
if (currEntryContainedQuote)
currEntry = currEntry.Substring(1, currEntry.Length - 2);
currEntry = "";
currEntryContainedQuote = false;
else if(data[currCharIndex] == '\\')
currEntry += '\n';
currEntry += data[currCharIndex];
progress = (int)((float)currCharIndex / data.Length * 100.0f);
// Extracts translation data from a CSV line into Manager.instance.translator.termData.termTranslations
private void ProcessLineFromCSV(List<string> currLineElements, int currLineIndex)
Translator translator = Translator.Instance;
// This line contains the column headers, telling us which languages are in which column
if (currLineIndex == 0)
languages = new List<string>();
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < currLineElements.Count; columnIndex++)
string currLanguage = currLineElements[columnIndex];
Assert.IsTrue((columnIndex != 0 || currLanguage == "English"), "First column first row was:" + currLanguage);
// English is given a -1 index to convey it is the key of termTranslations rather than within its array-value
translator.termData.languageIndicies.Add(currLanguage, columnIndex - 1);
UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsFalse(languages.Count == 0);
// This is a normal node
else if (currLineElements.Count > 1)
string englishSpelling = null;
string[] nonEnglishSpellings = new string[languages.Count - 1];
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < currLineElements.Count; columnIndex++)
string currentTerm = currLineElements[columnIndex];
if (columnIndex == 0)
Assert.IsFalse(translator.termData.termTranslations.ContainsKey(currentTerm), "Saw this term twice: " + currentTerm);
// Note: optionally compare with case insensitivity
englishSpelling = currentTerm;
nonEnglishSpellings[columnIndex - 1] = currentTerm;
translator.termData.termTranslations[englishSpelling] = nonEnglishSpellings;
Debug.LogError("Database line did not fall into one of the expected categories.");
//public void DebugCollectAllDialogueTermData()
// List<string> dialogueNames = DebugGetAllDialogueNames();
// foreach (string dialogue in dialogueNames)
// {
// var twineText = Resources.Load<TextAsset>("Conversations/" + dialogue);
// UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsNotNull(twineText);
// var curDialogue = new DialogueObject.Dialogue(twineText.text);
// curDialogue.DebugTranslateAllNodes();
// }
//private List<string> DebugGetAllDialogueNames()
// List<string> names = new List<string>();
// string assetsFolder = Application.dataPath;
// DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(assetsFolder + "/Resources/Conversations/");
// FileInfo[] info = dir.GetFiles("*.txt");
// foreach (FileInfo f in info)
// {
// names.Add(f.Name.Substring(0, f.Name.IndexOf(".")));
// }
// return names;
// Translator.cs
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
public class Translator : Singleton<Translator>
public static readonly string kUnTranslatedTermsListPath = "unTranslatedTermsList.txt";
public delegate void OnDisplayLanguageChangedHandler();
public event OnDisplayLanguageChangedHandler DisplayLanguageChanged = delegate { };
public TermData.Terms termData;
private const int kEnglishIndex = -1;
private int currentLanguageIndex = -1;// kEnglishIndex;
private string unTranslatedTerms = "";
public int GetUserDisplayLanguageIndex()
return currentLanguageIndex;
public bool IsDisplayingEnglish()
return currentLanguageIndex == kEnglishIndex;
public void InvokeDisplayLanguageChanged()
//public void EnsureLoadThenSetDisplayLanguage(int index, Action<string> globalCallback)
// System.Action<string> localCallback = new System.Action<string>(delegate (string error)
// {
// if (error == null)
// {
// ServiceLocator.instance.GetService<Translator>().SetDisplayLanguage(index);
// if (ServiceLocator.instance.GetService<Settings>().collectAllDialogueTermData)
// ServiceLocator.instance.GetService<TranslationLoader>().DebugCollectAllDialogueTermData();
// }
// else
// {
// Debug.LogError("Langauge set failed: " + error);
// }
// if (globalCallback != null)
// globalCallback(error);
// });
// ServiceLocator.instance.GetService<Translator>().EnsureTranslationsLoaded(localCallback);
private void SetDisplayLanguage(int index)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("displayLanguage", index);
UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(termData != null);
currentLanguageIndex = index;
public bool NeedsLoad()
return termData == null;
// Returns an error string (if any)
//public void EnsureTranslationsLoaded(Action<string> callback)
// if (termData == null)
// ServiceLocator.instance.GetService<TranslationLoader>().Load(callback);
// else
// callback(null);
// Deprecated
private void SetDisplayLanguage(string selectedLanguage)
int chosenIndex = termData.languageIndicies[selectedLanguage];
internal string Translate(string englishText, int targetLanguageIndex)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(englishText))
return "";
if (englishText == "\"\"")
return englishText;
if (englishText.Length < 2)
return englishText;
if (englishText.StartsWith("<"))
//Debug.LogWarning("Ignoring translation request for: " + englishText);
return englishText;
//if (englishText.Contains("\n"))
//UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(true, "Term included line breaks: '" + englishText + "'");
// Ignore translation requests that come before the termData has loaded
if (termData == null)
return englishText;
// Note: optionally compare with case insensitivity
string englishTextLower = englishText;
if (termData.termTranslations.ContainsKey(englishTextLower))
if (targetLanguageIndex == kEnglishIndex)
return englishText;
bool inBounds = termData.termTranslations[englishTextLower].Length > targetLanguageIndex && targetLanguageIndex >= 0;
return termData.termTranslations[englishTextLower][targetLanguageIndex];
//remove later
Debug.LogWarning("No translation for: '" + englishTextLower + "'");
//englishTextLower = "<<" + englishTextLower + ">>";
return englishTextLower;
internal string Translate(string englishText)
return Translate(englishText, currentLanguageIndex);
internal string GetDisplayLanguage()
foreach (var lang in termData.languageIndicies.Keys)
if (termData.languageIndicies[lang] == currentLanguageIndex)
return lang;
Debug.LogError("Display language not found");
return "";
void AddStringToListOfTermsToTranslate(string term)
if (term.Length < 2)
string unTranslatedTermsListPath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, kUnTranslatedTermsListPath);
if (!File.Exists(unTranslatedTermsListPath))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(unTranslatedTerms))
unTranslatedTerms = File.ReadAllText(unTranslatedTermsListPath);
if (!unTranslatedTerms.Contains(term))
unTranslatedTerms += term;
File.AppendAllText(unTranslatedTermsListPath, term + System.Environment.NewLine);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("Could not write untranslated term:" + e.Message);
internal string[] SupportedLanguages()
string[] keys = new string[termData.languageIndicies.Keys.Count];
termData.languageIndicies.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);
return keys;
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