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Created September 19, 2015 20:27
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jsub - convenient qsub wrapper
$usage = "jsub version 0.3
jsub is a speck of a Perl script designed to make life with Torque
a little bit more pleasant. It mimics the functionality of LSF's
bsub; that is, you can directly specify the command (and arguments)
that you want to submit as a batch job rather than having to write
a submission script. It also supports non-shell interactive jobs.
jsub [-Q] [<qsub args> ..] -- <command> [<args> ..]
-Q Shortcut for -o /dev/null -e /dev/null
jsub automatically sets the following qsub arguments:
-V -d \"<CWD>\" -N <truncated name>
See qsub(1B) for details on qsub arguments.
# jsub -I -- hostname
qsub: waiting for job to start
qsub: job ready
qsub: job completed
while (scalar @ARGV and $ARGV[0] ne "--") {
push @QARG, shift @ARGV;
shift @ARGV; # dump the --
$name = join("", @ARGV);
$name =~ s/[\W_]//g;
$name = substr($name, 0, 15);
# map { $_ = "\"$_\"" } @ARGV;
chomp ($CWD = `pwd`);
if (grep /-Q/, @QARG) {
push @QARG, (qw:-j oe -o /tmp -e /tmp:);
@QARG = grep !/-Q/, @QARG;
push @QARG, "-V";
push @QARG, "-d", "$CWD";
push @QARG, "-N", "$name";
unless (scalar @ARGV) {
print $usage;
exit 1;
chomp ($tempfile = `mktemp -p "$ENV{HOME}" .jsub.tmp.XXXXXXXXXX`);
push @QARG, "-S", "$tempfile" if grep /-I/, @QARG;
open TMP, ">$tempfile" or die $!;
print TMP "#!/bin/bash\n";
print TMP join(" ", @ARGV), "\n";
chmod 0755, $tempfile;
close TMP;
unshift @QARG, $tempfile unless grep /-I/, @QARG;
system("/usr/bin/qsub", @QARG);
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