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Created July 19, 2011 04:10
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Cloudera Hadoop Apt Packages...
deploy@poker:~$ apt-cache search hadoop
libzookeeper-dev - Information management inside a cluster. Part of the hadoop family.
libzookeeper-java - Information management inside a cluster. Part of the hadoop family.
libzookeeper2 - Information management inside a cluster. Part of the hadoop family.
python-zookeeper - Information management inside a cluster. Part of the hadoop family.
zookeeper - Information management inside a cluster. Part of the hadoop family.
zookeeper-bin - Information management inside a cluster. Part of the hadoop family.
zookeeperd - Information management inside a cluster. Part of the hadoop family.
flume - reliable, scalable, and manageable distributed data collection application
hadoop-0.20 - A software platform for processing vast amounts of data
hadoop-0.20-conf-pseudo - Pseudo-distributed Hadoop configuration
hadoop-0.20-datanode - Data Node for Hadoop
hadoop-0.20-doc - Documentation for Hadoop
hadoop-0.20-fuse - HDFS exposed over a Filesystem in Userspace
hadoop-0.20-jobtracker - Job Tracker for Hadoop
hadoop-0.20-namenode - Name Node for Hadoop
hadoop-0.20-native - Native libraries for Hadoop (e.g., compression)
hadoop-0.20-pipes - Interface to author Hadoop MapReduce jobs in C++
hadoop-0.20-sbin - Server-side binaries necessary for secured Hadoop clusters
hadoop-0.20-secondarynamenode - Secondary Name Node for Hadoop
hadoop-0.20-source - Source code for Hadoop
hadoop-0.20-tasktracker - Task Tracker for Hadoop
hadoop-hbase - HBase is the Hadoop database
hadoop-hbase-doc - Documentation for HBase
hadoop-hbase-master - HMaster is the "master server" for a HBase
hadoop-hbase-regionserver - HRegionServer makes a set of HRegions available to clients
hadoop-hbase-thrift - Provides an HBase Thrift service
hadoop-hive - A data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop
hadoop-pig - A platform for analyzing large data sets using Hadoop
hadoop-zookeeper - A high-performance coordination service for distributed applications.
hadoop-zookeeper-server - This runs the zookeeper server on startup.
hue-common - A browser-based desktop interface for Hadoop
hue-filebrowser - A UI for the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
hue-jobbrowser - A UI for viewing Hadoop map-reduce jobs
hue-jobsub - A UI for designing and submitting map-reduce jobs to Hadoop
hue-plugins - Plug-ins for Hadoop to enable integration with Hue
libhdfs0 - JNI Bindings to access Hadoop HDFS from C
oozie - A workflow and coordinator sytem for Hadoop jobs.
sqoop - Tool for easy imports and exports of data sets between databases and HDFS
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