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Created May 29, 2018 09:58
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Type Definitions for Web3 1.0.0-beta33
declare module 'bn.js' {
type Endianness = 'le' | 'be';
class BN {
inputNumber: number | string | number[] | Buffer,
base?: number,
endian?: Endianness
clone(): BN;
toString(base?: number, length?: number): string;
toNumber(): number;
toJSON(): string;
toArray(endian?: Endianness, length?: number): number[];
toBuffer(endian?: Endianness, length?: number): Buffer;
bitLength(): number;
zeroBits(): number;
byteLength(): number;
isNeg(): boolean;
isEven(): boolean;
isOdd(): boolean;
isZero(): boolean;
cmp(b: any): number;
lt(b: any): boolean;
lte(b: any): boolean;
gt(b: any): boolean;
gte(b: any): boolean;
eq(b: any): boolean;
isBN(b: any): boolean;
neg(): BN;
abs(): BN;
add(b: BN): BN;
sub(b: BN): BN;
mul(b: BN): BN;
sqr(): BN;
pow(b: BN): BN;
div(b: BN): BN;
mod(b: BN): BN;
divRound(b: BN): BN;
or(b: BN): BN;
and(b: BN): BN;
xor(b: BN): BN;
setn(b: number): BN;
shln(b: number): BN;
shrn(b: number): BN;
testn(b: number): boolean;
maskn(b: number): BN;
bincn(b: number): BN;
notn(w: number): BN;
gcd(b: BN): BN;
egcd(b: BN): { a: BN; b: BN; gcd: BN };
invm(b: BN): BN;
export = BN;
declare module 'web3' {
import BigNumber = require('bn.js');
import us = require('underscore');
interface Account {
address: string;
privateKey: string;
publicKey: string;
interface Signature {
message: string;
hash: string;
r: string;
s: string;
v: string;
interface PrivateKey {
address: string;
Crypto: {
cipher: string;
ciphertext: string;
cipherparams: {
iv: string;
kdf: string;
kdfparams: {
dklen: number;
n: number;
p: number;
r: number;
salt: string;
mac: string;
id: string;
version: number;
interface CustomOptions {
address?: string;
jsonInterface?: ABIDefinition[];
data?: string;
from?: string;
gasPrice?: string;
gas?: number;
interface contractOptions {
address: string;
jsonInterface: ABIDefinition[];
data: string;
from: string;
gasPrice: string;
gas: number;
class Contract {
jsonInterface: any[],
address?: string,
options?: CustomOptions
options: contractOptions;
methods: {
[fnName: string]: (...args: any[]) => TransactionObject<any>;
deploy(options: {
data: string;
arguments: any[];
}): TransactionObject<Contract>;
events: {
[eventName: string]: (
options?: {
filter?: object;
fromBlock?: BlockType;
topics?: string[];
cb?: Callback<EventLog>
) => EventEmitter;
allEvents: (
options?: {
filter?: object;
fromBlock?: BlockType;
topics?: string[];
cb?: Callback<EventLog>
) => EventEmitter;
event: string,
options?: {
filter?: object;
fromBlock?: BlockType;
toBlock?: BlockType;
topics?: string[];
cb?: Callback<EventLog[]>
): Promise<EventLog[]>;
setProvider(provider: Provider): void;
interface Eth {
defaultAccount: string;
defaultBlock: BlockType;
BatchRequest: new () => BatchRequest;
Iban: Iban;
Contract: new (
jsonInterface: any[],
address?: string,
options?: CustomOptions
) => Contract;
abi: ABI;
setProvider: (provider: Provider) => void;
accounts: Accounts;
callObject: Tx,
defaultBloc?: BlockType,
callBack?: Callback<string>
): Promise<string>;
clearSubscriptions(): boolean;
type: 'logs',
options?: Logs,
callback?: Callback<Subscribe<Log>>
): Promise<Subscribe<Log>>;
type: 'syncing',
callback?: Callback<Subscribe<any>>
): Promise<Subscribe<any>>;
type: 'newBlockHeaders',
callback?: Callback<Subscribe<BlockHeader>>
): Promise<Subscribe<BlockHeader>>;
type: 'pendingTransactions',
callback?: Callback<Subscribe<Transaction>>
): Promise<Subscribe<Transaction>>;
type: 'pendingTransactions' | 'newBlockHeaders' | 'syncing' | 'logs',
options?: Logs,
callback?: Callback<Subscribe<any>>
): Promise<Subscribe<any>>;
unsubscribe(callBack: Callback<boolean>): void | boolean;
compile: {
source: string,
callback?: Callback<CompileResult>
): Promise<CompileResult>;
source: string,
callback?: Callback<CompileResult>
): Promise<CompileResult>;
source: string,
callback?: Callback<CompileResult>
): Promise<CompileResult>;
currentProvider: Provider;
estimateGas(tx: Tx, callback?: Callback<number>): Promise<number>;
getAccounts(cb?: Callback<string[]>): Promise<string[]>;
address: string,
defaultBlock?: BlockType,
cb?: Callback<number>
): Promise<number>;
number: BlockType,
returnTransactionObjects?: boolean,
cb?: Callback<Block>
): Promise<Block>;
getBlockNumber(callback?: Callback<number>): Promise<number>;
number: BlockType | string,
cb?: Callback<number>
): Promise<number>;
number: BlockType | string,
cb?: Callback<number>
): Promise<number>;
address: string,
defaultBlock?: BlockType,
cb?: Callback<string>
): Promise<string>;
getCoinbase(cb?: Callback<string>): Promise<string>;
getCompilers(cb?: Callback<string[]>): Promise<string[]>;
getGasPrice(cb?: Callback<number>): Promise<number>;
getHashrate(cb?: Callback<number>): Promise<number>;
options: {
fromBlock?: BlockType;
toBlock?: BlockType;
address: string;
topics?: Array<string | string[]>;
cb?: Callback<Log[]>
): Promise<Log[]>;
getProtocolVersion(cb?: Callback<string>): Promise<string>;
address: string,
defaultBlock?: BlockType,
cb?: Callback<string>
): Promise<string>;
hash: string,
cb?: Callback<TransactionReceipt>
): Promise<TransactionReceipt>;
hash: string,
cb?: Callback<Transaction>
): Promise<Transaction>;
address: string,
defaultBlock?: BlockType,
cb?: Callback<number>
): Promise<number>;
block: BlockType,
index: number,
cb?: Callback<Transaction>
): Promise<Transaction>;
blockHashOrBlockNumber: BlockType | string,
uncleIndex: number,
returnTransactionObjects?: boolean,
cb?: Callback<Block>
): Promise<Block>;
getWork(cb?: Callback<string[]>): Promise<string[]>;
givenProvider: Provider;
isMining(cb?: Callback<boolean>): Promise<boolean>;
isSyncing(cb?: Callback<boolean>): Promise<boolean>;
net: Net;
personal: Personal;
tx: Tx,
address?: string,
cb?: Callback<string>
): Promise<EncodedTransaction>;
data: string,
cb?: Callback<string>
): PromiEvent<TransactionReceipt>;
tx: Tx,
cb?: Callback<string>
): PromiEvent<TransactionReceipt>;
nonce: string,
powHash: string,
digest: string,
cb?: Callback<boolean>
): Promise<boolean>;
address: string,
dataToSign: string,
cb?: Callback<string>
): Promise<string>;
interface Tx {
nonce?: string | number;
chainId?: string | number;
from?: string;
to?: string;
data?: string;
value?: string | number;
gas?: string | number;
gasPrice?: string | number;
class BatchRequest {
add(request: object): void; //
execute(): void;
class Iban {
constructor(address: string);
static toAddress(iban: Iban): string;
isValid(): boolean;
type BlockType = 'latest' | 'pending' | 'genesis' | number;
interface BlockHeader {
number: number;
hash: string;
parentHash: string;
nonce: string;
sha3Uncles: string;
logsBloom: string;
transactionRoot: string;
stateRoot: string;
receiptRoot: string;
miner: string;
extraData: string;
gasLimit: number;
gasUsed: number;
timestamp: number;
interface Block extends BlockHeader {
transactions: Transaction[];
size: number;
difficulty: number;
totalDifficulty: number;
uncles: string[];
class Net {
getId(cb?: Callback<number>): Promise<number>;
isListening(cb?: Callback<boolean>): Promise<boolean>;
getPeerCount(cb?: Callback<number>): Promise<number>;
class Personal {
newAccount(password: string, cb?: Callback<boolean>): Promise<string>;
lockAccount(): Promise<boolean>;
unlockAccount(): void;
sign(): Promise<string>;
ecRecover(message: string, sig: string): void;
sendTransaction(tx: Tx, passphrase: string): Promise<string>;
interface Transaction {
hash: string;
nonce: number;
blockHash: string;
blockNumber: number;
transactionIndex: number;
from: string;
to: string;
value: string;
gasPrice: string;
gas: number;
input: string;
v?: string;
r?: string;
s?: string;
interface TransactionObject<T> {
arguments: any[];
call(tx?: Tx): Promise<T>;
send(tx?: Tx): PromiEvent<T>;
estimateGas(tx?: Tx): Promise<number>;
encodeABI(): string;
interface CompileResult {
code: string;
info: {
source: string;
language: string;
languageVersion: string;
compilerVersion: string;
abiDefinition: ABIDefinition[];
userDoc: { methods: object };
developerDoc: { methods: object };
type PromiEventType = 'transactionHash' | 'receipt' | 'confirmation' | 'error';
interface PromiEvent<T> extends Promise<T> {
type: 'transactionHash',
handler: (receipt: string) => void
): PromiEvent<T>;
type: 'receipt',
handler: (receipt: TransactionReceipt) => void
): PromiEvent<T>;
type: 'confirmation',
handler: (confNumber: number, receipt: TransactionReceipt) => void
): PromiEvent<T>;
once(type: 'error', handler: (error: Error) => void): PromiEvent<T>;
type: PromiEventType,
handler: (error: Error | TransactionReceipt | string) => void
): PromiEvent<T>;
type: 'transactionHash',
handler: (receipt: string) => void
): PromiEvent<T>;
type: 'receipt',
handler: (receipt: TransactionReceipt) => void
): PromiEvent<T>;
type: 'confirmation',
handler: (confNumber: number, receipt: TransactionReceipt) => void
): PromiEvent<T>;
on(type: 'error', handler: (error: Error) => void): PromiEvent<T>;
type: 'error' | 'confirmation' | 'receipt' | 'transactionHash',
handler: (error: Error | TransactionReceipt | string) => void
): PromiEvent<T>;
interface JsonRPCRequest {
jsonrpc: string;
method: string;
params: any[];
id: number;
interface JsonRPCResponse {
jsonrpc: string;
id: number;
result?: any;
error?: string;
class Provider {
payload: JsonRPCRequest,
callback: (e: Error, val: JsonRPCResponse) => void
): any;
class WebsocketProvider extends Provider {
responseCallbacks: object;
notificationCallbacks: [() => any];
connection: {
onclose(e: any): void;
onmessage(e: any): void;
onerror(e?: any): void;
addDefaultEvents: () => void;
on(type: string, callback: () => any): void;
removeListener(type: string, callback: () => any): void;
removeAllListeners(type: string): void;
reset(): void;
class HttpProvider extends Provider {
responseCallbacks: undefined;
notificationCallbacks: undefined;
connection: undefined;
addDefaultEvents: undefined;
on(type: string, callback: () => any): undefined;
removeListener(type: string, callback: () => any): undefined;
removeAllListeners(type: string): undefined;
reset(): undefined;
class IpcProvider extends Provider {
responseCallbacks: undefined;
notificationCallbacks: undefined;
connection: undefined;
addDefaultEvents: undefined;
on(type: string, callback: () => any): undefined;
removeListener(type: string, callback: () => any): undefined;
removeAllListeners(type: string): undefined;
reset(): undefined;
interface Providers {
WebsocketProvider: new (
host: string,
timeout?: number
) => WebsocketProvider;
HttpProvider: new (host: string, timeout?: number) => HttpProvider;
IpcProvider: new (path: string, net: any) => IpcProvider;
type Callback<T> = (error: Error, result: T) => void;
interface EventEmitter {
on(type: 'data', handler: (event: EventLog) => void): EventEmitter;
on(type: 'changed', handler: (receipt: EventLog) => void): EventEmitter;
on(type: 'error', handler: (error: Error) => void): EventEmitter;
type: 'error' | 'data' | 'changed',
handler: (error: Error | TransactionReceipt | string) => void
): EventEmitter;
interface EventLog {
event: string;
address: string;
returnValues: any;
logIndex: number;
transactionIndex: number;
transactionHash: string;
blockHash: string;
blockNumber: number;
raw?: { data: string; topics: string[] };
interface TransactionReceipt {
transactionHash: string;
transactionIndex: number;
blockHash: string;
blockNumber: number;
from: string;
to: string;
contractAddress: string;
cumulativeGasUsed: number;
gasUsed: number;
logs?: Log[];
events?: {
[eventName: string]: EventLog;
status: string;
interface EncodedTransaction {
raw: string;
tx: {
nonce: string;
gasPrice: string;
gas: string;
to: string;
value: string;
input: string;
v: string;
r: string;
s: string;
hash: string;
interface Logs {
fromBlock?: number;
address?: string;
topics?: Array<string | string[]>;
interface Log {
address: string;
data: string;
topics: string[];
logIndex: number;
transactionHash: string;
transactionIndex: number;
blockHash: string;
blockNumber: number;
interface Subscribe<T> {
subscription: {
id: string;
subscribe(callback?: Callback<Subscribe<T>>): Subscribe<T>;
unsubscribe(callback?: Callback<boolean>): void | boolean;
arguments: object;
on(type: 'data' | 'changed', handler: (data: T) => void): void;
on(type: 'error', handler: (data: Error) => void): void;
class Shh {} // TODO: Type
class Bzz {} // TODO: Type
type Unit =
| 'kwei'
| 'femtoether'
| 'babbage'
| 'mwei'
| 'picoether'
| 'lovelace'
| 'qwei'
| 'nanoether'
| 'shannon'
| 'microether'
| 'szabo'
| 'nano'
| 'micro'
| 'milliether'
| 'finney'
| 'milli'
| 'ether'
| 'kether'
| 'grand'
| 'mether'
| 'gether'
| 'tether';
interface Utils {
BN: BigNumber; // TODO only static-definition
isBN(theArgument: any): boolean;
isBigNumber(theArgument: any): boolean;
isAddress(theArgument: any): boolean;
isHex(theArgument: any): boolean;
_: us.UnderscoreStatic;
asciiToHex(val: string): string;
hexToAscii(val: string): string;
bytesToHex(val: number[]): string;
numberToHex(val: number | BigNumber): string;
checkAddressChecksum(address: string): boolean;
fromAscii(val: string): string;
fromDecimal(val: string | number | BigNumber): string;
fromUtf8(val: string): string;
fromWei(val: string | number | BigNumber, unit: Unit): string | BigNumber;
hexToBytes(val: string): number[];
hexToNumber(val: string | number | BigNumber): number;
hexToNumberString(val: string | number | BigNumber): string;
hexToString(val: string): string;
hexToUtf8(val: string): string;
keccak256(val: string): string;
leftPad(theArgument: string, chars: number, sign: string): string;
padLeft(theArgument: string, chars: number, sign: string): string;
rightPad(theArgument: string, chars: number, sign: string): string;
padRight(theArgument: string, chars: number, sign: string): string;
val: string,
val2?: string,
val3?: string,
val4?: string,
val5?: string
): string;
soliditySha3(val: string): string;
randomHex(bytes: number): string;
stringToHex(val: string): string;
toAscii(hex: string): string;
toBN(theArgument: any): BigNumber;
toChecksumAddress(val: string): string;
toDecimal(val: any): number;
toHex(val: any): string;
toUtf8(val: any): string;
toWei(val: string | number | BigNumber, unit: Unit): string | BigNumber;
unitMap: any;
interface Accounts {
create(entropy?: string): Account;
privateKeyToAccount(privKey: string): Account;
publicToAddress(key: string): string;
tx: Tx,
privateKey: string,
returnSignature?: boolean,
cb?: (err: Error, result: string | Signature) => void
): Promise<string> | Signature;
recoverTransaction(signature: string | Signature): string;
data: string,
privateKey: string,
returnSignature?: boolean
): string | Signature;
sigOrHash: string | Signature,
sigOrV?: string,
r?: string,
s?: string
): string;
encrypt(privateKey: string, password: string): PrivateKey;
decrypt(privateKey: PrivateKey, password: string): Account;
wallet: {
create(numberOfAccounts: number, entropy: string): Account[];
add(account: string | Account): any;
remove(account: string | number): any;
save(password: string, keyname?: string): string;
load(password: string, keyname: string): any;
clear(): any;
interface ABIDefinition {
constant?: boolean;
payable?: boolean;
anonymous?: boolean;
inputs?: Array<{ name: string; type: ABIDataTypes; indexed?: boolean }>;
name?: string;
outputs?: Array<{ name: string; type: ABIDataTypes }>;
type: 'function' | 'constructor' | 'event' | 'fallback';
type ABIDataTypes = 'uint256' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'bytes' | string; // TODO complete list
interface ABI {
decodeLog(inputs: object, hexString: string, topics: string[]): object;
encodeParameter(type: string, parameter: any): string;
encodeParameters(types: string[], paramaters: any[]): string;
encodeEventSignature(name: string | object): string;
encodeFunctionCall(jsonInterface: object, parameters: any[]): string;
encodeFunctionSignature(name: string | object): string;
decodeParameter(type: string, hex: string): any;
types: string[],
hex: string
): EthAbiDecodeParametersResultArray;
types: EthAbiDecodeParametersType[],
hex: string
): EthAbiDecodeParametersResultObject;
interface EthAbiDecodeParametersType {
name: string;
type: string;
interface EthAbiDecodeParametersResultArray {
[index: number]: any;
type EthAbiDecodeParametersResultObject = EthAbiDecodeParametersResultArray & {
[key: string]: any;
class Web3 {
static providers: Providers;
static givenProvider: Provider;
static modules: {
Eth: new (provider: Provider) => Eth;
Net: new (provider: Provider) => Net;
Personal: new (provider: Provider) => Personal;
Shh: new (provider: Provider) => Shh;
Bzz: new (provider: Provider) => Bzz;
constructor(provider?: Provider | string);
version: string;
BatchRequest: new () => BatchRequest;
extend(methods: any): any; // TODO
bzz: Bzz;
currentProvider: Provider;
eth: Eth;
ssh: Shh;
givenProvider: Provider;
providers: Providers;
setProvider(provider: Provider): void;
utils: Utils;
export = Web3;
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