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Last active December 22, 2015 22:39
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Setting up Ruby / DevKit on Windows

Ruby on Windows Setup

Here are a few things you'll need to get ruby setup on your Windows machine.

Ruby Setup

Ruby 1.9.3 will work. Use the defaults, but choose to add all of the ruby executables to your path.


DevKit is needed for ruby to be able to install native gems (compiled C++ code) to your system. Extract this into something like c:\DevKit and then run the following commands.

cd \DevKit
ruby dk.rb init
ruby dk.rb install


Bundler is a package manager for Ruby. You'll want to install it.

gem install bundler

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Redistributable

The RAutomation gem uses an unmanaged C++ DLL to call into .NET. You'll not only need .NET 4.0 but you will also need to install the MSVCRT.


ConEmu is a great command-line application for Windows. It's will not replace the standard command prompt in Windows, but it will be available to you. The nice thing about it is that it supports ANSI colors right out of the gate, which is useful if you're running cucumber or something (failed tests will be red, passing green, etc.).

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