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Created May 8, 2024 23:07
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Pared down version of langchain_core.runables.base, demonstrating how the vertical pipe ("|") syntax is implemented for chaining functions.
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import (
# Contravariant types:
Input = TypeVar("Input", contravariant=True)
Output = TypeVar("Output", contravariant=True)
Other = TypeVar("Other")
class Runnable(Generic[Input, Output], ABC):
"""A unit of work that can be invoked, batched, streamed, transformed and composed.
The LangChain Expression Language (LCEL) is a declarative way to compose Runnables
into chains. Any chain constructed this way will automatically have sync, async,
batch, and streaming support.
The main composition primitives are RunnableSequence and RunnableParallel.
RunnableSequence invokes a series of runnables sequentially, with one runnable's
output serving as the next's input. Construct using the `|` operator or by
passing a list of runnables to RunnableSequence.
.. code-block:: python
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnableLambda
# A RunnableSequence constructed using the `|` operator
sequence = RunnableLambda(lambda x: x + 1) | RunnableLambda(lambda x: x * 2)
sequence.invoke(1) # 4
sequence.batch([1, 2, 3]) # [4, 6, 8]
(Note: the langchain code here is under an MIT license. See source:
def __or__(
other: Union[
Runnable[Any, Other],
Callable[[Any], Other],
Callable[[Iterator[Any]], Iterator[Other]],
Mapping[str, Union[Runnable[Any, Other], Callable[[Any], Other], Any]],
) -> Runnable[Input, Other]:
"""Compose this runnable with another object to create a RunnableSequence."""
return RunnableSequence(self, coerce_to_runnable(other))
def __ror__(
other: Union[
Runnable[Other, Any],
Callable[[Other], Any],
Callable[[Iterator[Other]], Iterator[Any]],
Mapping[str, Union[Runnable[Other, Any], Callable[[Other], Any], Any]],
) -> Runnable[Other, Output]:
"""Compose this runnable with another object to create a RunnableSequence."""
return RunnableSequence(coerce_to_runnable(other), self)
def invoke(self, input: Input) -> Output:
"""Transform a single input into an output. Override to implement.
input: The input to the runnable.
The output of the runnable.
class RunnableSequence(Runnable[Input, Output]):
def __init__(
*steps: Runnable,
) -> None:
steps_flat: List[Runnable] = []
for step in steps:
if isinstance(step, RunnableSequence):
self.steps = steps_flat
def invoke(self, input: Input) -> Output:
# invoke all steps in sequence
for step in self.steps:
input = step.invoke(input)
# finish the root run
except Exception as ex:
raise ex
return input
class RunnableLambda(Runnable[Input, Output]):
"""RunnableLambda converts a python callable into a Runnable."""
def __init__(self, func: Callable):
self.func = func
def invoke(self, input: Input) -> Output:
return self.func(input)
def coerce_to_runnable(thing) -> Runnable[Input, Output]:
if isinstance(thing, Runnable):
return thing
elif callable(thing):
return RunnableLambda(thing)
raise TypeError("Expected a Runnable or callable.")
class Adder(Runnable):
def __init__(self, value: int):
self.value = value
def invoke(self, input: Input) -> Output:
return input + self.value
if __name__ == "__main__":
a = Adder(5)
assert a.invoke(1) == 6
b = Adder(4)
assert b.invoke(a.invoke(1)) == 10
c = a | b
assert c.invoke(1) == 10
d = a | b | str
assert d.invoke(1) == "10"
e = a | b | (lambda i: f"value: {i}")
assert e.invoke(1) == "value: 10"
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