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Last active August 30, 2021 13:06
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Arbitrage solution (Ammonite)
// Tested on ammonite with Scala 2.13.1
// import $ivy.`io.estatico::newtype:0.4.4`
import $ivy.`io.monix::monix:3.3.0`
import $ivy.`io.circe::circe-parser:0.13.0`
import cats.Show
import cats.instances.double._
import cats.syntax.either._
import cats.syntax.option._
import io.circe.parser.decode
// import io.estatico.newtype.macros.newtype
import monix.eval.Task
import monix.execution.Scheduler
import Model._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.language.{implicitConversions, postfixOps}
import scala.util.Try
// How it works:
// Input data forms a graph (vertices = currencies, edges = exchange rates)
// Arbitrage is when rate(Vs, V1) * rate(V1, V2) * rate(V2, ?) * ... * rate(?, Vs) > 1 // s = source currency
// After applying a trick:
// log(rate(Vs, V1) * rate(V1, V2) * rate(V2, ?) * ... * rate(?, Vs)) > log(1)
// log(rate(Vs, V1)) + log(rate(V1, V2)) + log(rate(V2, ?)) + ... + log(rate(?, Vs)) > 0
// -log(rate(Vs, V1)) + -log(rate(V1, V2)) + -log(rate(V2, ?)) + ... + -log(rate(?, Vs)) < 0
// we can use Bellman-Ford algorithm to find negative cycle in a graph. The negative cycle will represent arbitrage
// Algorithm (cycle detection) time complexity is O(VE), where V - number of vertices, E - number of edges
// space complexity is O(V) // distances and predecessors
// I run Bellman-Ford algorithm for detecting negative cycles from each node (each currency) in parallel
// I could run it from only one node with assumption that I can reach all nodes from the source
// Alternatively I could run Bellman-Ford for random node and have a set of unreachable nodes
// later on I could rerun it using one of the unreachable nodes as source until all nodes are visited
// Thanks to that I should be sure that if there is an arbitrage, it will be found
// By running Bellman-Ford for all possible sources I may encounter more arbitrages (however probably not all because
// there can be exponentially many cycles). I then detect te same cycles and convert them to arbitrages
// Because I run cycle detection |V| times for each currency:
// time complexity is O(V^2 * E), having p available processors we can have O(V^2 * E / p)
// space complexity is O(V^2) // in case all sources are running in parallel at the same time
// before parallel run I also need O(V^2) memory to hold lookup data (Map[String, Map[String, Double]]])
object Model {
sealed trait ExchangeError
final case class FailedToFetchData(msg: String) extends ExchangeError
final case class FailedToParseJson(msg: String) extends ExchangeError
final case class IncorrectJsonKey(key: String) extends ExchangeError
final case class IncorrectJsonValue(value: String) extends ExchangeError
final case class DuplicatedExchangeData(exchange: Exchange) extends ExchangeError
final case class CouldNotGatherResults(reason: String) extends ExchangeError
// normally I would make Currency a newtype using io.estatico.newtype.macros.newtype
// however I experienced some issues trying to run it on different ammonite / scala version
// I do not use value classes here because Currency is used as element of collections
// alternatively I could use tagged types here
/*@newtype*/ case class Currency(name: String)
final case class Exchange(from: Currency, to: Currency)
final case class ExchangeData(lookup: Map[Currency, Map[Currency, Double]], currencies: Set[Currency])
final case class Edge(from: Currency, to: Currency, rate: Double)
final case class CycleEdges(edges: Set[Edge], predecessors: Map[Currency, Currency])
// Cycle represents possible cycle - I decided to modify equals to return true in case when 2 identical cycles
// are rotated
// examole: a -> b -> c == b -> c -> a // same cycles but represented in a different way due to rotation
// I use AsSet case class internally to simplify equals and hashcode
final case class Cycle(vertices: Vector[Currency], size: Int) {
private lazy val asSet = Cycle.asSet(this)
override def hashCode(): Int = asSet.hashCode()
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case that: Cycle =>
asSet == that.asSet && Cycle.areEqualByRotation(size, vertices, that.vertices)
case _ => false
object Cycle {
private case class AsSet(set: Set[Currency], size: Int)
private def asSet(cycle: Cycle): AsSet = AsSet(cycle.vertices.toSet, cycle.size)
private def areEqualByRotation(rotationsLeft: Int, a: Vector[Currency], b: Vector[Currency]): Boolean =
if (a == b) true
else if (rotationsLeft <= 0) false
else areEqualByRotation(rotationsLeft - 1, a, b.tail :+ b.head)
case class Arbitrage(exchanges: Vector[Currency], rates: Vector[Double], profit: Double)
object Arbitrage {
def from(cycle: Cycle, lookup: Map[Currency, Map[Currency, Double]]): Option[Arbitrage] = {
val exchanges = cycle.vertices
if (exchanges.isEmpty) None
else {
val head = exchanges.head
val (_, rates) = (exchanges.tail :+ head).foldLeft((head, Vector.empty[Double])) {
case ((from, rs), to) =>
val rate = lookup(from)(to)
to -> (rs :+ rate)
Arbitrage(exchanges :+ head, rates, rates.product).some
case class Graph(edges: Set[Edge], verticesQuantity: Int)
object Graph {
def from(exchangeData: ExchangeData): Graph = {
val n = {
for {
outerKey <- exchangeData.lookup.keySet
key <- exchangeData.lookup(outerKey).keySet + outerKey
} yield key
val edges: Set[Edge] = {
for {
(from, toMap) <- exchangeData.lookup
(to, rate) <- toMap
} yield Edge(from, to, rate)
Graph(edges, n)
object ShowInstances {
implicit val currencyShow: Show[Currency] =
implicit val exchangeDataShow: Show[ExchangeData] = { data =>
val exchanges =
for {
(from, toMap) <- data.lookup
(to, rate) <- toMap
} yield s" ${} -> ${}: ${}"
s"""Currencies: ${", ")}
implicit val arbitrageShow: Show[Arbitrage] = { arbitrage =>
s""" ${" -> ")}
| ${arbitrage.profit} = ${arbitrage.rates.mkString(" * ")}""".stripMargin
implicit val arbitrageVectorShow: Show[Vector[Arbitrage]] = { vector =>
if (vector.isEmpty) "No arbitrage opportunity found"
else {
.map {
case (arbitrage, index) =>
|Arbitrage ${(index + 1).show}:
object Runner {
type ExchangeErrorOr[T] = Either[ExchangeError, T]
def retrieveData(url: String): ExchangeErrorOr[ExchangeData] =
for {
response <- Try(requests.get(url).text()) => FailedToFetchData(e.getMessage))
decoded <- decode[Map[String, String]](response) => FailedToParseJson(e.getMessage))
exchangeMap <- transformIntoExchangeMap(decoded)
} yield exchangeDataFrom(exchangeMap)
def transformIntoExchangeMap(input: Map[String, String]): ExchangeErrorOr[Map[Exchange, Double]] =
input.foldLeft(Map.empty[Exchange, Double].asRight[ExchangeError]) {
case (ratesEither, (key, value)) =>
val exchangeEither: ExchangeErrorOr[Exchange] =
key.split('_').map(_.trim) match {
case Array(from, to) => Exchange(Currency(from), Currency(to)).asRight
case _ => IncorrectJsonKey(key).asLeft
for {
exchange <- exchangeEither
rates <- ratesEither
_ <- if (rates.contains(exchange)) DuplicatedExchangeData(exchange).asLeft else exchangeEither
rate <- value.toDoubleOption.toRight(IncorrectJsonValue(value))
} yield rates + (exchange -> rate)
def exchangeDataFrom(exchangeMap: Map[Exchange, Double]): ExchangeData = {
val initLookupData = Map.empty[Currency, Map[Currency, Double]].withDefaultValue(Map.empty)
val initCurrencies = Set.empty[Currency]
exchangeMap.foldLeft(ExchangeData(initLookupData, initCurrencies)) {
case (ExchangeData(data, currencies), (Exchange(from, to), rate)) =>
val fromMap = data(from) + (to -> rate)
val updatedLookupData = data + (from -> fromMap)
val updatedCurrencies = currencies + from + to
ExchangeData(updatedLookupData, updatedCurrencies)
def negateLogarithms(exchangeData: ExchangeData): ExchangeData = {
val negate: Double => Double = -_
val negateLog: Double => Double = negate.compose(Math.log)
val newLookup =
exchangeData.lookup.view.mapValues {
exchangeData.copy(lookup = newLookup)
def findArbitrages(exchangeData: ExchangeData): Task[Vector[Arbitrage]] = {
val bellmanFordPreparedData = negateLogarithms(exchangeData)
val graph = Graph.from(bellmanFordPreparedData)
if (graph.edges.isEmpty)
else {
val futureCycles = { source =>
Task {
val cycleEdges = findCycleEdges(source, graph)
for {
edge <- cycleEdges.edges
cycle <- Set.empty[Cycle] ++
followCycle(edge, cycleEdges.predecessors) ++
followCycle(, cycleEdges.predecessors)
} yield cycle
for {
cycles <- Task.sequence(futureCycles).map(_.flatten)
} yield {
.map(Arbitrage.from(_, exchangeData.lookup))
.collect { case Some(arbitrage) => arbitrage }
// Bellman-Ford algorithm
def findCycleEdges(source: Currency, graph: Graph): CycleEdges = {
val distances = Map.empty[Currency, Double].withDefaultValue(Double.PositiveInfinity) + (source -> 0.0)
val predecessors = Map.empty[Currency, Currency]
val (relaxedDistances, relaxedPredecessors) =
n = graph.verticesQuantity - 1,
val cycleEdges =
for {
edge <- graph.edges if relaxedDistances(edge.from) + edge.rate < relaxedDistances(
} yield edge
CycleEdges(cycleEdges, relaxedPredecessors)
def relaxNTimes(n: Int,
edges: Set[Edge],
initDistances: Map[Currency, Double],
initPredecessors: Map[Currency, Currency]): (Map[Currency, Double], Map[Currency, Currency]) =
if (n <= 0) (initDistances, initPredecessors)
else {
val (relaxedDistances, relaxedPredecessors) =
edges.foldLeft((initDistances, initPredecessors)) {
case ((distances, predecessors), edge) =>
val fromPlusEdge = initDistances(edge.from) + edge.rate
if (fromPlusEdge < initDistances( {
val updatedDistances = distances + ( -> fromPlusEdge)
val updatedPredecessors = predecessors + ( -> edge.from)
(updatedDistances, updatedPredecessors)
} else (distances, predecessors)
relaxNTimes(n - 1, edges, relaxedDistances, relaxedPredecessors)
def followCycle(endVertex: Currency, predecessors: Map[Currency, Currency]): Option[Cycle] =
if (predecessors.contains(endVertex)) {
buildCycleRec(predecessors, 1, predecessors(endVertex), Map(endVertex -> 0), Vector(endVertex))
} else None
def followCycle(endEdge: Edge, predecessors: Map[Currency, Currency]): Option[Cycle] =
if (endEdge.from == Cycle(Vector(endEdge.from,, 2).some
else if (predecessors.contains(endEdge.from)) {
Map(endEdge.from -> 1, -> 0),
} else None
def buildCycleRec(predecessors: Map[Currency, Currency],
i: Int,
current: Currency,
visited: Map[Currency, Int],
result: Vector[Currency]): Option[Cycle] =
if (visited.contains(current)) {
val size = i - visited(current)
Cycle(current +: result.take(size - 1), size).some
} else if (predecessors.contains(current)) {
buildCycleRec(predecessors, i + 1, predecessors(current), visited + (current -> i), current +: result)
} else None
def run(): Unit = {
import ShowInstances._
implicit val scheduler: Scheduler =
val dataUrl = ""
val arbitrages = for {
exchangeData <- retrieveData(dataUrl)
} yield (exchangeData, findArbitrages(exchangeData).map(_.sortBy(-_.profit)))
arbitrages match {
case Right((input, results)) =>
case Left(error) => println(error)
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