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Last active June 30, 2024 19:38
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πŸ’» Address Bar Code Editor Bookmarklet (743b)

πŸ’» Address Bar Code Editor Bookmarklet (845b)

Copy-paste this into your address bar:

data:text/html,<title>code</title><link rel=icon href='data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 99 99"><text y="1em" font-size="72">&%23128187;</text></svg>'><textarea id=d spellcheck=false onkeypress=e=event;k=e.keyCode;(e.ctrlKey&&k==13)||k==10?f.srcdoc=d.value:0 style=resize:none;filter:invert(><p id=o></p>%0d<script>%0do.innerHTML = 0;%0d</script></textarea><iframe id=f></iframe><p id=p style=position:fixed;bottom:1;color:white;background:black></p><script>D=null,d.onkeyup=d.onclick=n=>{clearTimeout(D),D=setTimeout(n=>{A=d.selectionStart,B=d.selectionEnd,V=d.value,E=V.substr(0,B).split`\n`,p.innerHTML=`Ln:${E.length}, Col:${E.pop().length+1}, ${A==B?"Pos:"+B:"Sel:"+(B-A)}, Len:${V.length}`},99)}</script><style>*{box-sizing:border-box;margin:0}textarea,iframe{width:50%;height:100%;vertical-align:top}

In the latest iteration my code editor, I've made big practical improvements to my bookmarklet HTML code editor. I built ExText which was supposed to be my go-to HTML editor because it displays line numbers, but I realized that it wasn't as useful and I find myself comfortably using the bookmarklet much more frequently.

  • Displays line number, cursor position by column, selected text size, cursor offset, and total length
  • Displays count of highlighted text
  • Favicon that helps distinguish the editor in your tabs
  • Includes a minimal code template:
    <p id=o></p>
    o.innerHTML = 0;
  • Press Ctrl + Enter to run your code.

It's a little hefty for a bookmarklet but it does everything you need. I was having trouble with coding on this because the console would give me errors with line numbers and I'd end up copy-pasting my code into Notepad++ to see where the error was.

The title and favicon use 174b, but it just makes it usable. I could also remove the text labels indicating the line, column, and postion, but it's not a lot of extra text and visually useful.

Find out the 'line' (row) number of the cursor in a textarea

How to do I find the line number of your cursor in a textarea? The short of it is this:

const cursorPos = textareaElem.selectionEnd;
textareaElem.value.substr(0, cursorPos).split`\n`.length;

I also posted on an answer to Stack Overflow to this question. The other answers pointed me in the right direction, but didn't give answers I was satisfied with.

Here's a minimal implementation of a text editor with such features that I put into my answer. I implemented an optimization so that the code doesn't have to run for every key press and mouse click.

<textarea id=d style="width:100vw;height:calc(100vh - 2em)"></textarea>
<p id=p></p>
D = null;
d.onkeydown = d.onclick = _ => {
  D = setTimeout(_=>{
    A = d.selectionStart;
    B = d.selectionEnd;
    V = d.value;
    E = V.substr(0, B).split`\n`;
    p.innerHTML = `Ln:${E.length}, Col:${E.pop().length+1}, ${A==B?'Pos:'+B:'Sel:'+(B-A)}, Len:${V.length}`
  }, 99)

And of course, the bookmarklet version (399b):

data:text/html,<body onload="D=null,d.onkeydown=d.onclick=n=>{clearTimeout(D),D=setTimeout(n=>{A=d.selectionStart,B=d.selectionEnd,V=d.value,E=V.substr(0,B).split`\n`,p.innerHTML=`Ln:${E.length}, Col:${E.pop().length+1}, ${A==B?'Pos:'+B:'Sel:'+(B-A)}, Len:${V.length}`},99)}"><textarea id=d style="width:100vw;height:calc(100vh - 2em)"></textarea><p id=p></p><style>*{box-sizing:border-box;margin:0}

πŸ“ Text Editor Additional Features

This is like re-inventing the wheel, but as a "tinycode" coder, I like creating things at it's bare minimum so that we're left with a very efficient tool that does only what you want it to.

So here I enabled going to a given line by entering Ctrl + g and entering a number to go to the given line so that you can find the source of your errors quickly.

My next feature would be "Find and Replace" because it's what I felt was lacking. Otherwise, I don't have much more I need to code fairly productively.

<textarea id=d style="width:100vw;height:calc(100vh - 2em)"></textarea>
<p id=p></p>
D = null;
d.onkeydown = d.onclick = e => {
  D = setTimeout(_=>{
    A = d[S+"Start"];
    B = d[S+"End"];
    V = d.value;
    E = V.substr(0, B).split`\n`;
    p.innerHTML = `Ln:${E.length}, Col:${E.pop().length+1}, ${A==B?'Pos:'+B:'Sel:'+(B-A)}, Len:${V.length}`
  }, 99)

  // goto line by pressing `Ctrl + g`
  if (e.ctrlKey) {
    if (e.key === 'g') {
    const line = parseInt(prompt("Go to line"));
    E = V.split`\n`;
    if (!isNaN(line) && line > 0 && line < E.length) {
      const end = E.slice(0, line).join`\n`.length;
      d[S+"Start"] = end - E[line - 1].length;
      d[S+"End"] = end;
    else p.innerHTML = `<h1>Invalid line input`;

  // find & replace  
  if (e.ctrlKey && e.key === '!') {
    console.log("find & replace");

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