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Created May 15, 2015 12:20
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# Some SASS helpers
# * save the sassbash file somewhere
# * chmod +x it to make it executable
# * add path to script in your .bashrc
# * . /path/to/sassbash
# Functions run from root directory in a concrete5 site
# * sassdev {filename}
# * sasswatch {output-style}
# * sassbuild {output-style}
# Watch specified root scss file expanded with debug info
# Accepts filename parameter [main, old-ie]
# `sassdev main`
# `sassdev old-ie`
function sassdev {
THEME="$(ls -d public_html/themes/*)";
sass --watch $THEME/assets/css/SASS/$1.scss:$THEME/assets/css/$1.css --style expanded --debug-info;
# Watch all SASS root scss files and compile
# Accepts SASS ouput style parameter [nested, expanded, *compact, compressed]
# `sasswatch`
# `sasswatch expanded`
function sasswatch {
THEME="$(ls -d public_html/themes/*)";
for filename in public_html/themes/*/assets/css/SASS/*.scss; do
var=$var" "$filename:$THEME/assets/css/$(basename "$filename" .scss).css;
sass --watch $var --style ${1-compact};
# Process all SASS root scss files and compile
# Accepts SASS ouput style parameter [nested, expanded, compact, *compressed]
# `sassbuild`
# `sassbuild compact`
function sassbuild {
THEME="$(ls -d public_html/themes/*)";
for filename in public_html/themes/*/assets/css/SASS/*.scss; do
sass $filename:$THEME/assets/css/$(basename "$filename" .scss).css --style ${1-compressed};
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