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Created July 8, 2020 07:19
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
function find_in_list()
[[ "$2" == *"$1"* ]] && return 0 || return 1;
function add_path_to_rules()
# The idea was to pass an extra path
# to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH pointing to the install folder in the workspace, so the
# debian generator was able to compile it. I was not able to pass the flag using dh
# so I had to modify the rules file that gets generated and append the path
# at the end of the line...
sed -i "/CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=*\"/ s#.\$#;$1\"#" debian/rules
function get_current_commit()
git rev-parse --short HEAD
function add_commit_to_control()
sed -i "/^Description:/ s/$/ [$(get_current_commit)]/" debian/control
function get_package_paths()
# Find all packages in the workspace (folders containing both a 'package.xml' and a 'CMakeLists.txt')
# -prune is used to exclude subfolders after a match has been found (packages inside packages)
find "$1" -type d -exec test -f '{}'/package.xml -a -f '{}'/CMakeLists.txt \; -printf "%p\n" -prune | sort | uniq
function generate_binary_package()
local directory=$1
# Extract the package name from the CMakeLists.txt file. This is just to get an unique
# id for each build folder. It could have been a number or a random string.
# It doesn't have to be the package name
local package_name=$(grep -m 1 "project(" "${directory}/CMakeLists.txt" | cut -d"(" -f2 | cut -d" " -f1 | cut -d")" -f1)
# Check if the package should be processed (because it's in the list or because)
# all the packages should be processed
if [[ -v PACKAGES ]] && ! find_in_list $package_name $PACKAGES; then
echo "$package_name not found in package list. Skipping..."
return 0
# It seems the bloom-generate has to be executed in the package folder itself or
# or in a parent folder (aka, it's not valid to try to generate it from /tmp)
cd $directory
local os_release=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep UBUNTU_CODENAME= | sed 's/=/\n/g' | tail -1)
bloom-generate rosdebian --os-name ubuntu --os-version $os_release --ros-distro $ROS_DISTRO $directory
add_path_to_rules ${WORKSPACE_FOLDER}/install
# Replace previous postint scripts if any
rm --force debian/postinst
cp --force $directory/postinst debian/
# I didn't manage to pass pamaters to dh by calling the rules script directly, but
# it seems it's possible to call dh by hand and add the options. The rules script
# will be executed automatically
fakeroot dh binary --buildsystem=cmake --parallel \
--sourcedirectory=$directory \
--builddirectory="${BUILD_PREFIX}/bloom_build/${package_name}" \
--tmpdir="${BUILD_PREFIX}/bloom_tmp/${package_name}" \
--dpkg-shlibdeps-params="--ignore-missing-info -l${WORKSPACE_FOLDER}/install/lib/
# NOTE: Add here libraries that are included in the package directly and they are not a system dependency (like Qt for the routine generator app)
function parse_arguments()
for i in "$@"
case $i in
shift # past argument=value
# Get num cores if no value has been provided
NUM_THREADS=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)
shift # past argument=value
shift # past argument=value
shift # past argument=value
shift # past argument=value
# unknown option
if [[ -v WORKSPACE_FOLDER ]] && [[ -v OUTPUT_FOLDER ]]; then
return 1
return 0
if parse_arguments "$@"; then
echo "Usage: $0 [--parallel[=num_threads]] [--packages=package1[:package2...]] --workspace_folder=/path/to/folder --output_folder=/path/to/folder"
exit 1
# Check if the path provided is a catkin_workspace (workspaces contain a .catkin_workspace file)
if [ ! -f "${WORKSPACE_FOLDER}/.catkin_workspace" ]; then
echo "Error. ${WORKSPACE_FOLDER} is not the root of a catkin workspace"
exit 1
# Delete any previous compilation
rm --force -R $BUILD_PREFIX
mkdir -p $BUILD_PREFIX
# catkin_make install is run first.
# This will be used later to generate the binary packages
# Run debian package generation in parallel if NUM_THREADS has been provided (requires GNU parallel)
if [[ -v NUM_THREADS ]]; then
catkin_make install -j $NUM_THREADS
# Local functions and vars have to be exported so they can be found by GNU parallel
export -f generate_binary_package
export -f add_path_to_rules
export -f find_in_list
export -f add_commit_to_control
export -f get_current_commit
parallel --jobs $NUM_THREADS --will-cite -u "generate_binary_package {}" ::: $(get_package_paths $WORKSPACE_FOLDER)
catkin_make install
# Runs in sequence if parallel has not been set
for directory in $(get_package_paths $WORKSPACE_FOLDER); do
generate_binary_package $directory
# Move the generated debs to the output folder
# and remove the debian/ folder left after
for directory in $(get_package_paths $WORKSPACE_FOLDER); do
mv --force "$directory"/../*.deb $OUTPUT_FOLDER
rm --force -R "$directory/debian/"
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