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Last active May 1, 2020 19:44
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:- set_prolog_flag(encoding, utf8).
% Needs SWI-Prolog version >= 8.1.13 for with_tty_raw
% Usage example:
% ?- consult('bogo.prolog').
% ?- interactive.
% Then start typing.
% [t],t
% [t,r],tr
% [t,r,u],tru
% [t,r,u,o],truo
% [t,r,u,o,w],trươ
% [t,r,u,o,w,n],trươn
% [t,r,u,o,w,n,g],trương
% [t,r,u,o,w,n,g,f],trường
% [h],h
% [h,o],ho
% [h,o,p],hop
% [h,o,p,w],hơp
% [h,o,p,w,j],hợp
interactive :- with_tty_raw(loop_process_key([])).
:- set_flag(bogo:dau_moi, true).
% food for thought:
% gìn giữ
% giặt gịa
% giặt gyạ (archaic)
% giặt gỵa
% context sensitive grammar?
loop_process_key(Sequence) :-
( C \= ' ',
append(Sequence, [C], Sequence2),
process_key_sequence(Sequence2, [], OutCharList),
atom_chars(Atom, OutCharList),
writeln((Sequence2, Atom)),
; loop_process_key([]) % start a new sequence with space character
% TODO: Upper case support
key_effect(f, add_tone(tone_huyen)).
key_effect(s, add_tone(tone_sac)).
key_effect(r, add_tone(tone_hoi)).
key_effect(x, add_tone(tone_nga)).
key_effect(j, add_tone(tone_nang)).
key_effect(a, add_vowel_mod(mod_hat_a)).
key_effect(e, add_vowel_mod(mod_hat_e)).
key_effect(o, add_vowel_mod(mod_hat_o)).
key_effect(w, add_vowel_mod(mod_horn_uo)).
key_effect(w, add_vowel_mod(mod_horn_o)).
key_effect(w, add_vowel_mod(mod_horn_u)).
key_effect(w, add_vowel_mod(mod_breve_a)).
key_effect(d, add_consonant_mod(mod_dash_d)).
key_effect('1', add_tone(tone_sac)).
key_effect('2', add_tone(tone_huyen)).
key_effect('3', add_tone(tone_hoi)).
key_effect('4', add_tone(tone_nga)).
key_effect('5', add_tone(tone_nang)).
key_effect('6', add_vowel_mod(mod_hat_a)).
key_effect('6', add_vowel_mod(mod_hat_e)).
key_effect('6', add_vowel_mod(mod_hat_o)).
key_effect('7', add_vowel_mod(mod_horn_uo)).
key_effect('7', add_vowel_mod(mod_horn_o)).
key_effect('7', add_vowel_mod(mod_horn_u)).
key_effect('8', add_vowel_mod(mod_breve_a)).
key_effect('9', add_consonant_mod(mod_dash_d)).
% Usage example:
% ?- process_key_sequence([b, a, n, s, w], [] , Output).
% Output = [b, ắ, n].
process_atom(AtomIn, OutList) :-
atom_chars(AtomIn, Sequence),
process_key_sequence(Sequence, OutList).
process_key_sequence(Sequence, Output) :-
process_key_sequence(Sequence, [], Output).
process_key_sequence([Key|Rest], CurrentString, Output) :-
once(process_key(CurrentString, Key, Output1)),
process_key_sequence(Rest, Output1, Output).
process_key_sequence([], CurrentString, CurrentString).
% fall back to the raw sequence if processing fails (vowel -> vơel)
process_key_sequence(Keys, [], Keys).
% Try applying the effect of the key, assuming that there is one.
% Performance optimization idea: give out both an output string and a syllable term and reuse the term for the next cycle.
process_key(CurrentString, Key, OutString) :-
% break the syllable down into initial consonant, vowel nucleus and final consonant
once(phrase(syllable(I, V, F), CurrentString)),
apply_key_effect(s(I, V, F), Key, Out),
rebalance_incomplete_form(Out, CleanedSyllable),
syllable_atom(CleanedSyllable, OutputAtom),
atom_chars(OutputAtom, OutString),
% require that the output must be parsable, this is to weed out non-Vietnamese words like vowel -> vơel
once(phrase(syllable(_, _, _), OutString)).
syllable_atom(s(I, V, F), Atom) :- atomic_list_concat([I, V, F], Atom).
apply_key_effect(InSyllable, Key, OutSyllable) :-
key_effect(Key, add_tone(Tone)),
syllable_tone(InSyllable, Tone, OutSyllable).
apply_key_effect(InSyllable, Key, OutSyllable) :-
key_effect(Key, add_vowel_mod(Mod)),
syllable_vowel_mod(InSyllable, Mod, OutSyllable).
apply_key_effect(InSyllable, Key, OutSyllable) :-
key_effect(Key, add_consonant_mod(Mod)),
syllable_consonant_mod(InSyllable, Mod, OutSyllable).
% If none of the transformation rules apply, append the key to the end of the syllable
apply_key_effect(s(I, V, ''), Key, s(I, V2, '')) :- vowel_char(Key, [Key], []), atom_concat(V, Key, V2).
apply_key_effect(s(I, '', ''), Key, s(I2, '', '')) :- atom_concat(I, Key, I2).
apply_key_effect(s(I, V, F), Key, s(I, V, F2)) :- atom_concat(F, Key, F2).
syllable_vowel_mod(s(I, V, F), Mod, s(I, V_out, F)) :-
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, V, F), s(I, V_raw, F), _, Tone),
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, V_out, F), s(I, V_raw, F), Mod, Tone).
syllable_tone(s(I, V, F), Tone, s(I, V_out, F)) :-
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, V, F), s(I, V_raw, F), Mod, _),
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, V_out, F), s(I, V_raw, F), Mod, Tone).
% Eg: to turn thuơng into thương, mịen to miẹn
rebalance_incomplete_form(s(I, V, F), s(I, V_out, F)) :-
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, V, F), s(I, V_raw, F), Mod, Tone),
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, V_out, F), s(I, V_raw, F), Mod, Tone).
% there is the only case of d -> đ here so it's hard-coded
syllable_consonant_mod(s(d, V, F), _, s(đ, V, F)).
% Parser section
syllable(I, V, F) --> consonant_initial(I), vowel(V), consonant_final(F).
vowel(V) --> vowel_chars(Vs), { atom_chars(V, Vs) }.
vowel_chars([X|Rest]) --> vowel_char(X), vowel_chars(Rest).
vowel_chars([]) --> [].
vowel_char(C) --> [C], {
atom_chars(àáảãạaằắẳẵặăầấẩẫậâèéẻẽẹeềếểễệêìíỉĩịiòóỏõọoồốổỗộôờớởỡợơùúủũụuừứửữựưỳýỷỹỵy, AtomList),
member(C, AtomList)
consonant_initial('') --> [].
consonant_initial(m) --> [m].
consonant_initial(n) --> [n].
consonant_initial(nh) --> [n, h].
consonant_initial(ng) --> [n, g].
consonant_initial(ngh) --> [n, g, h].
consonant_initial(p) --> [p].
consonant_initial(t) --> [t].
consonant_initial(tr) --> [t, r].
consonant_initial(ch) --> [c, h].
consonant_initial(c) --> [c].
consonant_initial(k) --> [k].
consonant_initial(qu) --> [q, u].
consonant_initial(q) --> [q]. % I'm a bit iffy on this case
consonant_initial(ph) --> [p, h].
consonant_initial(th) --> [t, h].
consonant_initial(kh) --> [k, h].
consonant_initial(b) --> [b].
consonant_initial(đ) --> [đ].
consonant_initial(s) --> [s].
consonant_initial(x) --> [x].
consonant_initial(h) --> [h].
consonant_initial(d) --> [d].
consonant_initial(gi), [V] --> [g, i], vowel(V).
consonant_initial(g) --> [g].
consonant_initial(gh) --> [g, h].
consonant_initial(v) --> [v].
consonant_initial(l) --> [l].
consonant_initial(r) --> [r].
% for the dzũng zũng people
consonant_initial(dz) --> [d, z].
consonant_initial(z) --> [z].
consonant_final('') --> [].
consonant_final(n) --> [n].
consonant_final(nh) --> [n, h].
consonant_final(ng) --> [n, g].
consonant_final(c) --> [c].
consonant_final(ch) --> [c, h].
consonant_final(p) --> [p].
consonant_final(t) --> [t].
consonant_final(n) --> [n].
consonant_final(m) --> [m].
% vowel nucleus transformation table schema:
% resulting syllable, base syllable, vowel mod, tone, allow incomplete
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, Result, ''), s(I, Raw, ''), Mod, tone_ngang) :- terminal_vowel(Raw, Mod, (Result, _, _, _, _, _)).
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, Result, ''), s(I, Raw, ''), Mod, tone_huyen) :- terminal_vowel(Raw, Mod, (_, Result, _, _, _, _)).
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, Result, ''), s(I, Raw, ''), Mod, tone_sac) :- terminal_vowel(Raw, Mod, (_, _, Result, _, _, _)).
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, Result, ''), s(I, Raw, ''), Mod, tone_hoi) :- terminal_vowel(Raw, Mod, (_, _, _, Result, _, _)).
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, Result, ''), s(I, Raw, ''), Mod, tone_nga) :- terminal_vowel(Raw, Mod, (_, _, _, _, Result, _)).
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, Result, ''), s(I, Raw, ''), Mod, tone_nang) :- terminal_vowel(Raw, Mod, (_, _, _, _, _, Result)).
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, Result, F), s(I, Raw, F), Mod, tone_ngang) :- not_strictly_terminal_vowel(Raw, Mod, (Result, _, _, _, _, _)).
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, Result, F), s(I, Raw, F), Mod, tone_huyen) :- not_strictly_terminal_vowel(Raw, Mod, (_, Result, _, _, _, _)).
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, Result, F), s(I, Raw, F), Mod, tone_sac) :- not_strictly_terminal_vowel(Raw, Mod, (_, _, Result, _, _, _)).
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, Result, F), s(I, Raw, F), Mod, tone_hoi) :- not_strictly_terminal_vowel(Raw, Mod, (_, _, _, Result, _, _)).
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, Result, F), s(I, Raw, F), Mod, tone_nga) :- not_strictly_terminal_vowel(Raw, Mod, (_, _, _, _, Result, _)).
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, Result, F), s(I, Raw, F), Mod, tone_nang) :- not_strictly_terminal_vowel(Raw, Mod, (_, _, _, _, _, Result)).
vowel_nucleus_mod_tone(s(I, V, F), s(I, V, F), mod_none, tone_ngang).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(a, mod_breve_a, (ă, ằ, ắ, ẳ, ẵ, ặ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(a, mod_hat_a, (â, ầ, ấ, ẩ, ẫ, ậ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(a, mod_none, (a, à, á, ả, ã, ạ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(e, mod_hat_e, (ê, ề, ế, ể, ễ, ệ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(e, mod_none, (e, è, é, ẻ, ẽ, ẹ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(i, mod_none, (i, ì, í, ỉ, ĩ, ị)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(ie, mod_hat_e, (iê, iề, iế, iể, iễ, iệ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(o, mod_hat_o, (ô, ồ, ố, ổ, ỗ, ộ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(o, mod_horn_o, (ơ, ờ, ớ, ở, ỡ, ợ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(o, mod_none, (o, ò, ó, ỏ, õ, ọ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(oa, mod_breve_a, (oă, oằ, oắ, oẳ, oẵ, oặ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(oa, mod_none, (oa, oà, oá, oả, oã, oạ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(u, mod_horn_u, (ư, ừ, ứ, ử, ữ, ự)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(u, mod_none, (u, ù, ú, ủ, ũ, ụ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(ue, mod_hat_e, (uê, uề, uế, uể, uễ, uệ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(ua, mod_hat_a, (uâ, uầ, uấ, uẩ, uẫ, uậ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(uo, mod_hat_o, (uô, uồ, uố, uổ, uỗ, uộ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(uo, mod_horn_uo, (ươ, ườ, ướ, ưở, ưỡ, ượ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(uo, mod_horn_uo, (uơ, uờ, uớ, uở, uỡ, uợ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(uye, mod_hat_e, (uyê, uyề, uyế, uyể, uyễ, uyệ)).
% The incomplete forms happen as transitional states before the final word. For example, if you type huyenf then you get
% huyèn, an arguable invalid VNmese word, but if you type 'e' after that, you get huyền, a valid word.
% We don't do anything with the incomplete forms yet but it's a good distintion to make, at least at the mental level.
not_strictly_terminal_vowel(A, B, C) :- not_strictly_terminal_vowel_incomplete(A, B, C).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel_incomplete(uo, mod_none, (uo, uò, uó, uỏ, uõ, uọ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel_incomplete(uo, mod_horn_uo, (ưo, ừo, ứo, ửo, ữo, ựo)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel_incomplete(uo, mod_horn_uo, (ưo, ưò, ưó, ưỏ, ưõ, ưọ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel_incomplete(uye, mod_none, (uye, uyè, uyé, uyẻ, uyẽ, uyẹ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel_incomplete(ie, mod_none, (ie, iè, ié, iẻ, iẽ, iẹ)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel_incomplete(ie, mod_none, (ie, ìe, íe, ỉe, ĩe, ịe)).
not_strictly_terminal_vowel_incomplete(ue, mod_none, (ue, uè, ué, uẻ, uẽ, uẹ)).
terminal_vowel(ai, mod_none, (ai, ài, ái, ải, ãi, ại)).
terminal_vowel(ao, mod_none, (ao, ào, áo, ảo, ão, ạo)).
terminal_vowel(au, mod_hat_a, (âu, ầu, ấu, ẩu, ẫu, ậu)).
terminal_vowel(au, mod_none, (au, àu, áu, ảu, ãu, ạu)).
terminal_vowel(ay, mod_hat_a, (ây, ầy, ấy, ẩy, ẫy, ậy)).
terminal_vowel(ay, mod_none, (ay, ày, áy, ảy, ãy, ạy)).
terminal_vowel(eo, mod_none, (eo, èo, éo, ẻo, ẽo, ẹo)).
terminal_vowel(eu, mod_hat_e, (êu, ều, ếu, ểu, ễu, ệu)).
terminal_vowel(ia, mod_none, (ia, ìa, ía, ỉa, ĩa, ịa)).
terminal_vowel(ie, mod_none, (ie, ìe, íe, ỉe, ĩe, ịe)).
terminal_vowel(ieu, mod_hat_e, (iêu, iều, iếu, iểu, iễu, iệu)).
terminal_vowel(iu, mod_none, (iu, ìu, íu, ỉu, ĩu, ịu)).
terminal_vowel(oa, mod_none, (oa, oà, oá, oả, oã, oạ)) :- get_flag(bogo:dau_moi, true).
terminal_vowel(oa, mod_none, (oa, òa, óa, ỏa, õa, ọa)).
terminal_vowel(oe, mod_none, (oe, oè, oé, oẻ, oẽ, oẹ)) :- get_flag(bogo:dau_moi, true).
terminal_vowel(oe, mod_none, (oe, òe, óe, ỏe, õe, ọe)).
terminal_vowel(oi, mod_none, (oi, òi, ói, ỏi, õi, ọi)).
terminal_vowel(ua, mod_none, (ua, ùa, úa, ủa, ũa, ụa)).
terminal_vowel(ui, mod_horn_u, (ưi, ừi, ứi, ửi, ữi, ựi)).
terminal_vowel(ui, mod_none, (ui, ùi, úi, ủi, ũi, ụi)).
terminal_vowel(uo, mod_horn_uo, (uơ, uờ, uớ, uở, uỡ, uợ)).
terminal_vowel(uoi, mod_hat_o, (uôi, uồi, uối, uổi, uỗi, uội)).
terminal_vowel(uoi, mod_horn_uo, (ươi, ười, ưới, ưởi, ưỡi, ượi)).
terminal_vowel(uou, mod_horn_uo, (ươu, ườu, ướu, ưởu, ưỡu, ượu)).
terminal_vowel(uu, mod_horn_u, (ưu, ừu, ứu, ửu, ữu, ựu)).
terminal_vowel(uy, mod_none, (uy, uỳ, uý, uỷ, uỹ, uỵ)) :- get_flag(bogo:dau_moi, true).
terminal_vowel(uy, mod_none, (uy, ùy, úy, ủy, ũy, ụy)).
terminal_vowel(y, mod_none, (y, ỳ, ý, ỷ, ỹ, ỵ)).
terminal_vowel(ya, mod_none, (ya, ỳa, ýa, ỷa, ỹa, ỵa)).
terminal_vowel(A, B, C) :- terminal_vowel_incomplete(A, B, C).
terminal_vowel_incomplete(uoi, mod_none, (uoi, uòi, uói, uỏi, uõi, uọi)).
terminal_vowel_incomplete(uoi, mod_none, (uoi, uòi, uói, uỏi, uõi, uọi)).
terminal_vowel_incomplete(uou, mod_none, (uou, uòu, uóu, uỏu, uõu, uọu)).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <SWI-Prolog.h>
#define MAXLINE 1024
main(int argc, char **argv)
{ char expression[MAXLINE];
char *e = expression;
char *program = argv[0];
char *plav[2];
int n;
/* combine all the arguments in a single string */
for(n=1; n<argc; n++)
{ if ( n != 1 )
*e++ = ' ';
strcpy(e, argv[n]);
e += strlen(e);
/* make the argument vector for Prolog */
plav[0] = program;
plav[1] = NULL;
/* initialise Prolog */
if ( !PL_initialise(1, plav) )
/* Lookup calc/1 and make the arguments and call */
{ predicate_t pred = PL_predicate("process_nice", 2, "user");
term_t h0 = PL_new_term_refs(2);
term_t h1 = h0 + 1;
int rval;
PL_put_atom_chars(h0, "ddoongj");
rval = PL_call_predicate(NULL, PL_Q_NORMAL, pred, h0);
char* output;
size_t len;
int success = PL_get_chars(h1, &output, CVT_LIST | REP_UTF8);
if (success) {
printf("%s\n", output);
} else {
// for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// printf("%02X %d", (unsigned char) output[i], PL_is_atom(h1));
// }
// printf('\n');
PL_halt(rval ? 0 : 1);
return 0;
test: test.c
swipl-ld -goal true -o test test.c
rm -rf test
error: git-cola died of signal 15
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <SWI-Prolog.h>
#define MAXLINE 1024
main(int argc, char **argv)
{ char expression[MAXLINE];
char *e = expression;
char *program = argv[0];
char *plav[2];
int n;
/* combine all the arguments in a single string */
for(n=1; n<argc; n++)
{ if ( n != 1 )
*e++ = ' ';
strcpy(e, argv[n]);
e += strlen(e);
/* make the argument vector for Prolog */
plav[0] = program;
plav[1] = NULL;
/* initialise Prolog */
if ( !PL_initialise(1, plav) )
/* Lookup calc/1 and make the arguments and call */
{ predicate_t pred = PL_predicate("process_nice", 2, "user");
term_t h0 = PL_new_term_refs(2);
term_t h1 = h0 + 1;
int rval;
PL_put_atom_chars(h0, "ddoongj");
rval = PL_call_predicate(NULL, PL_Q_NORMAL, pred, h0);
char* output;
size_t len;
int success = PL_get_chars(h1, &output, CVT_LIST | REP_UTF8);
if (success) {
printf("%s\n", output);
} else {
// for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// printf("%02X %d", (unsigned char) output[i], PL_is_atom(h1));
// }
// printf('\n');
PL_halt(rval ? 0 : 1);
return 0;
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