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Created August 1, 2023 16:56
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TRL Sentiment Tuning with DeepSpeed ZeRO-3
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional
import torch
from datasets import load_dataset
from peft import LoraConfig
from tqdm import tqdm
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, HfArgumentParser, pipeline
from trl import AutoModelForCausalLMWithValueHead, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLMWithValueHead, PPOConfig, PPOTrainer, set_seed
from trl.core import LengthSampler
class ScriptArguments:
The name of the Casual LM model we wish to fine with PPO
# NOTE: gpt2 models use Conv1D instead of Linear layers which are not yet supported in 8 bit mode
# models like gpt-neo* models are more suitable.
model_name: Optional[str] = field(default="lvwerra/gpt2-imdb", metadata={"help": "the model name"})
log_with: Optional[str] = field(default=None, metadata={"help": "use 'wandb' to log with wandb"})
learning_rate: Optional[float] = field(default=1.41e-5, metadata={"help": "the learning rate"})
mini_batch_size: Optional[int] = field(default=128, metadata={"help": "the PPO minibatch size"})
batch_size: Optional[int] = field(default=128, metadata={"help": "the batch size"})
gradient_accumulation_steps: Optional[int] = field(
default=1, metadata={"help": "the number of gradient accumulation steps"}
early_stopping: Optional[bool] = field(default=False, metadata={"help": "whether to early stop"})
target_kl: Optional[float] = field(default=6, metadata={"help": "kl target for early stopping"})
use_peft: Optional[bool] = field(default=False, metadata={"help": "whether to use peft"})
use_seq2seq: Optional[bool] = field(default=False, metadata={"help": "whether to use seq2seq models"})
kl_penalty: Optional[str] = field(
"help": "kl penalty options: 'kl': model_logp - ref_logp, 'abs': abs(kl), 'mse': mean squared error mse(kl) and 'full': the actual kl for all tokens in the distribution"
target_kl: Optional[float] = field(default=0.1, metadata={"help": "kl target for early stopping"})
seed: Optional[int] = field(default=0, metadata={"help": "the random seed"})
parser = HfArgumentParser(ScriptArguments)
script_args = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses()[0]
config = PPOConfig(
# We then define the arguments to pass to the sentiment analysis pipeline.
# We set `return_all_scores` to True to get the sentiment score for each token.
sent_kwargs = {"return_all_scores": True, "function_to_apply": "none", "batch_size": 16}
trl_model_class = (
AutoModelForCausalLMWithValueHead if not script_args.use_seq2seq else AutoModelForSeq2SeqLMWithValueHead
# Below is an example function to build the dataset. In our case, we use the IMDB dataset
# from the `datasets` library. One should customize this function to train the model on
# its own dataset.
def build_dataset(config, dataset_name="imdb", input_min_text_length=2, input_max_text_length=8):
Build dataset for training. This builds the dataset from `load_dataset`, one should
customize this function to train the model on its own dataset.
dataset_name (`str`):
The name of the dataset to be loaded.
dataloader (``):
The dataloader for the dataset.
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(config.model_name)
tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token
# load imdb with datasets
ds = load_dataset(dataset_name, split="train")
ds = ds.rename_columns({"text": "review"})
ds = ds.filter(lambda x: len(x["review"]) > 200, batched=False)
input_size = LengthSampler(input_min_text_length, input_max_text_length)
def tokenize(sample):
sample["input_ids"] = tokenizer.encode(sample["review"])[: input_size()]
sample["query"] = tokenizer.decode(sample["input_ids"])
return sample
ds =, batched=False)
return ds
# We retrieve the dataloader by calling the `build_dataset` function.
dataset = build_dataset(config)
def collator(data):
return dict((key, [d[key] for d in data]) for key in data[0])
# set seed before initializing value head for deterministic eval
# Now let's build the model, the reference model, and the tokenizer.
if not script_args.use_peft:
ref_model = trl_model_class.from_pretrained(config.model_name)
device_map = None
peft_config = None
peft_config = LoraConfig(
ref_model = None
device_map = {"": 0}
model = trl_model_class.from_pretrained(
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(config.model_name)
# GPT-2 tokenizer has a pad token, but it is not eos_token by default. We need to set it to eos_token.
# only for this model.
tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token
# We then build the PPOTrainer, passing the model, the reference model, the tokenizer
ppo_trainer = PPOTrainer(config, model, ref_model, tokenizer, dataset=dataset, data_collator=collator)
# We then build the sentiment analysis pipeline, passing the model name and the
# sentiment analysis pipeline arguments. Let's also make sure to set the device
# to the same device as the PPOTrainer.
# device = ppo_trainer.accelerator.device
# if ppo_trainer.accelerator.num_processes == 1:
# device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" # to avoid a `pipeline` bug
# sentiment_pipe = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model="lvwerra/distilbert-imdb", device=device)
device = ppo_trainer.accelerator.device
if ppo_trainer.accelerator.num_processes == 1:
device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" # to avoid a `pipeline` bug
ds_plugin = ppo_trainer.accelerator.state.deepspeed_plugin
if ds_plugin is not None and ds_plugin.is_zero3_init_enabled():
with ds_plugin.zero3_init_context_manager(enable=False):
sentiment_pipe = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model="lvwerra/distilbert-imdb", device=device)
sentiment_pipe = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model="lvwerra/distilbert-imdb", device=device)
# We then define the arguments to pass to the `generate` function. These arguments
# are passed to the `generate` function of the PPOTrainer, which is a wrapper around
# the `generate` function of the trained model.
generation_kwargs = {
"min_length": -1,
"top_k": 0.0,
"top_p": 1.0,
"do_sample": True,
"pad_token_id": tokenizer.eos_token_id,
"max_new_tokens": 32,
for epoch, batch in tqdm(enumerate(ppo_trainer.dataloader)):
query_tensors = batch["input_ids"]
# Get response from gpt2
response_tensors = ppo_trainer.generate(query_tensors, return_prompt=False, **generation_kwargs)
batch["response"] = tokenizer.batch_decode(response_tensors)
# Compute sentiment score
texts = [q + r for q, r in zip(batch["query"], batch["response"])]
pipe_outputs = sentiment_pipe(texts, **sent_kwargs)
rewards = [torch.tensor(output[1]["score"]) for output in pipe_outputs]
# Run PPO step
stats = ppo_trainer.step(query_tensors, response_tensors, rewards)
ppo_trainer.log_stats(stats, batch, rewards)
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