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Created April 17, 2022 01:00
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from shapely.geometry import LineString, MultiLineString, Point
from collections import deque
def split_line_string(line_string):
"""Break a LineString"""
for start, end in zip(line_string.coords[:-1], line_string.coords[1:]):
yield LineString((start, end))
def unsplit_line_string(segments):
coords = [segments[0].coords[0]]
for segment in segments:
return LineString(coords)
def extend_segment(line_string):
"""Move a line segment's start and end away from each other to ensure intersections."""
p0 = line_string.coords[0]
p1 = line_string.coords[1]
difference = (p0[0] - p1[0], p0[1] - p1[1])
length = (difference[0] ** 2 + difference[1] ** 2) ** 0.5
direction = (difference[0] / length, difference[1] / length)
offset = (direction[0] * 1e-12, direction[1] * 1e-12)
new_p0 = (p0[0] + offset[0], p0[1] + offset[1])
new_p1 = (p1[0] - offset[0], p1[1] - offset[1])
return LineString((new_p0, new_p1))
def fix_starting_point(polygon_pieces):
"""Reconnect the starting point of a polygon's pieces.
When splitting a polygon with two lines, we want to get two pieces.
However, that's not quite how Shapely works. The outline of the
polygon is a LinearRing that starts and ends at the same place, but
Shapely still knows where that starting point is and splits there
We don't want that third piece, so we'll reconnect the segments that
touch the starting point.
if len(polygon_pieces) == 3:
# Fortunately, Shapely keeps the starting point of the LinearRing
# as the starting point of the first segment. That means it's also
# the ending point of the last segment. Reconnecting is super simple:
return [polygon_pieces[1],
LineString(polygon_pieces[2].coords[:] + polygon_pieces[0].coords[1:])]
# We probably cut exactly at the starting point.
return polygon_pieces
def adjust_line_end(line, end):
"""Reverse line if necessary to ensure that it ends near end."""
line_start = Point(*line.coords[0])
line_end = Point(*line.coords[-1])
if line_end.distance(end) < line_start.distance(end):
return line
return LineString(line.coords[::-1])
def ensure_list_of_geometries(thing):
return list(thing.geoms)
except AttributeError:
return [thing]
def clamp_linestring_to_polygon(line_string, polygon):
segments = deque(split_line_string(line_string))
result = []
exiting_segment = None
was_inside = False
# contains() checks can fail without this.
buffered_polygon = polygon.buffer(1e-9)
while segments:
current_segment = segments.popleft()
pieces = ensure_list_of_geometries(current_segment.difference(polygon.exterior))
if pieces[0].coords[0] != current_segment.coords[0]:
# The initial part of this line segment coincided with part of the
# polygon border and was removed.
if was_inside:
# If we were already inside, we include this border segment.
result.append(LineString((current_segment.coords[0], pieces[0].coords[0])))
# Push the rest back on to be processed later.
# Note that extendleft() reverses its arguments, so we have to compensate.
elif len(pieces) > 1 and pieces[0].coords[-1] != pieces[1].coords[0]:
# There's an initial segment, then a portion that coincided with
# part of the polygon border. Break this segment apart and re-process.
segments.appendleft(LineString((pieces[0].coords[1], current_segment.coords[-1])))
elif len(pieces) == 1:
# This segment is either all inside or all outside the polygon.
is_inside = buffered_polygon.contains(current_segment)
if is_inside and not was_inside:
# We've crossed from outside to inside exactly at the starting
# point of this line segment.
if exiting_segment:
# Earlier we crossed out from the inside, now we're
# crossing back in. Find the shortest path along
# the border that gets from the exit point to the
# entry point and add it to the result.
entering_segment = extend_segment(current_segment)
difference = polygon.boundary.difference(MultiLineString((exiting_segment, entering_segment)))
polygon_pieces = ensure_list_of_geometries(difference)
polygon_pieces = fix_starting_point(polygon_pieces)
if len(polygon_pieces) == 1:
# We re-entered exactly where we left, so we
# don't include any of the border.
shorter = min(polygon_pieces, key=lambda piece: piece.length)
# We don't know which direction the polygon border
# piece should be. adjust_line_end() will figure
# that out.
result.append(adjust_line_end(shorter, Point(*current_segment.coords[0])))
exiting_segment = None
elif was_inside and not is_inside:
# Like the previous case, but we've crossed to outside. Store
# an extended version of this segment as the exit point.
exiting_segment = extend_segment(current_segment)
elif is_inside:
was_inside = is_inside
elif len(pieces) > 1:
# This segment crosses the border, or touches the border at a single point,
# or maybe crosses multiple times, etc. Split the first portion off and
# push it and the rest to be reprocessed in the following iterations.
segments.appendleft(LineString((pieces[0].coords[1], current_segment.coords[-1])))
return unsplit_line_string(result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from hilbertcurve.hilbertcurve import HilbertCurve
from geopandas import GeoSeries
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
hilbert_curve = HilbertCurve(5, 2)
hc = LineString(hilbert_curve.points_from_distances(range(1023)))
circle = Point(15, 15).buffer(15)
clamped = clamp_linestring_to_polygon(hc, circle)
gs = GeoSeries([clamped])
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