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Created February 6, 2017 19:53
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#lang racket
(module combinator racket
(require racket/dict
(provide with-contracted-expressions)
(struct bare-string (str)
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define (write-proc str port mode)
(display (bare-string-str str) port))])
(define (macro->/c macro-name ctcs+labels)
(match-let* ([(list (or (list ctcs labels)
(and ctcs (app (const #f) labels)))
[chaperone? (andmap chaperone-contract? ctcs)]
[wrap-procedure (if chaperone? chaperone-procedure impersonate-procedure)])
((if chaperone? make-chaperone-contract make-contract)
#:name (bare-string (~a "a use of " macro-name))
(λ (val) (and (procedure? val)
(procedure-arity-includes? val (length ctcs))))
(λ (blame)
(let* ([blame (blame-add-context blame #f #:important macro-name)]
[arg-blame (for/list ([label (in-list labels)])
(blame-add-context blame label #:swap? #t))])
(λ (val)
(((contract-projection (procedure-arity-includes/c (length ctcs))) blame) val)
(λ args
(let ([contracted-args (for/list ([ctc (in-list ctcs)]
[blame (in-list arg-blame)]
[arg (in-list args)])
(((contract-projection ctc) blame) arg))])
(apply values contracted-args))))))))))
(define-for-syntax infer-macro-name
[x:id #''x]
[(x:id . _) #''x]
[_ #f]))
(define-syntax-parser with-contracted-expressions
[(_ ([id:id ctc:expr expr:expr {~optional {~seq #:description description:expr}
#:defaults ([description #'#f])}]
{~or {~optional {~seq #:source src}}
{~optional {~seq #:name macro-name:expr}}}
body:expr ...+)
#:fail-unless (or (attribute src) (attribute macro-name))
"either the #:name or #:source option must be provided"
#:attr src* (or (attribute src) this-syntax)
#:attr macro-name* (or (attribute macro-name) (infer-macro-name #'src))
#:fail-unless (attribute macro-name*)
"#:name could not be inferred from #:source"
#:with contracted
(syntax/loc #'src*
(contract (macro->/c macro-name* (list (list ctc description) ...))
(λ (id ...) body ...)
(quote-syntax src*)))
(syntax/loc #'src*
(contracted expr ...))]))
(module macro racket
(require syntax/parse/define
(submod ".." combinator))
(provide app-integer-fn)
(define-simple-macro (app-integer-fn f:expr)
#:with src this-syntax
(with-contracted-expressions ([f/c (-> integer? integer?) f
#:description "the 1st argument of"])
#:source src
(f/c "hi"))))
(module use racket
(require (submod ".." macro))
(app-integer-fn add1))
(require 'use)
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