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Created July 18, 2016 16:32
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#lang racket/base
(require ffi/unsafe
(rename-in racket/contract [-> ->/c])
(only-in sha sha256))
[encrypt (bytes? bytes? . ->/c . string?)]
[decrypt (bytes? string? . ->/c . bytes?)]))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define-ffi-definer define-openssl libcrypto)
(define-cpointer-type _EVP_CIPHER)
(define-cpointer-type _EVP_CIPHER_CTX)
(define-cpointer-type _ENGINE)
(define-openssl EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new (_fun -> _EVP_CIPHER_CTX))
(define-openssl EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free (_fun _EVP_CIPHER_CTX -> _void))
(define-openssl EVP_aes_256_cbc (_fun -> _EVP_CIPHER))
(define-openssl EVP_EncryptInit_ex
(_fun _EVP_CIPHER_CTX _EVP_CIPHER _ENGINE/null _bytes _bytes -> _int))
(define-openssl EVP_DecryptInit_ex
(_fun _EVP_CIPHER_CTX _EVP_CIPHER _ENGINE/null _bytes _bytes -> _int))
(define-openssl EVP_EncryptUpdate
; this magic 127 number is a lie for non-AES ciphers; should be EVP_CIPHER_block_size - 1
(out : (_bytes o (+ (bytes-length in) 127))) (outl : (_ptr o _int))
(in : _bytes) (_int = (bytes-length in))
-> (r : _int)
-> (values r (subbytes out 0 outl))))
(define-openssl EVP_EncryptFinal_ex
(_fun (ctx in) ::
; this magic number has the same issue as the one in EVP_EncryptUpdate
(out : (_bytes o 127)) (outl : (_ptr o _int))
-> (r : _int)
-> (values r (bytes-append in (subbytes out 0 outl)))))
(define-openssl EVP_DecryptUpdate
; this magic number has the same issue as the one in EVP_EncryptUpdate
(out : (_bytes o (+ (bytes-length in) 127))) (outl : (_ptr o _int))
(in : _bytes) (_int = (bytes-length in))
-> (r : _int)
-> (values r (subbytes out 0 outl))))
(define-openssl EVP_DecryptFinal_ex
(_fun (ctx in) ::
; this magic number has the same issue as the one in EVP_EncryptUpdate
(out : (_bytes o 127)) (outl : (_ptr o _int))
-> (r : _int)
-> (values r (bytes-append in (subbytes out 0 outl)))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (encrypt secret plaintext)
; get a 256 bit key from the input secret
(define secret-digest (sha256 secret))
; generate a 128 bit initialization vector
(define initialization-vector (crypto-random-bytes 16))
; initialize for encryption
(define ctx (EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new))
(define result (EVP_EncryptInit_ex ctx (EVP_aes_256_cbc) #f secret-digest initialization-vector))
(unless (= 1 result) (error 'encrypt-aes-256-cbc "EVP_DecryptInit_ex returned ~v" result))
; perform the actual encryption
(match-define-values [result* ciphertext] (EVP_EncryptUpdate ctx plaintext))
(unless (= 1 result*) (error 'encrypt-aes-256-cbc "EVP_EncryptUpdate returned ~v" result*))
(match-define-values [result** ciphertext*] (EVP_EncryptFinal_ex ctx ciphertext))
(unless (= 1 result**) (error 'encrypt-aes-256-cbc "EVP_EncryptFinal_ex returned ~v" result**))
; free the cipher state
(EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free ctx)
; return the base64-encoded ciphertext and initialization vector
(bytes-append (base64-encode ciphertext* #"") #"--"
(base64-encode initialization-vector #""))))
(define (decrypt secret ciphertext+initialization-vector)
; parse the ciphertext and initialization vector out of the input
(match-define (list ciphertext initialization-vector)
(map (compose1 base64-decode string->bytes/utf-8)
(string-split ciphertext+initialization-vector "--")))
; get a 256 bit key from the input secret
(define secret-digest (sha256 secret))
; intialize for decryption
(define ctx (EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new))
(define result (EVP_DecryptInit_ex ctx (EVP_aes_256_cbc) #f secret-digest initialization-vector))
(unless (= 1 result) (error 'decrypt-aes-256-cbc "EVP_DecryptInit_ex returned ~v" result))
; perform the actual decryption
(match-define-values [result* plaintext] (EVP_DecryptUpdate ctx ciphertext))
(unless (= 1 result*) (error 'decrypt-aes-256-cbc "EVP_DecryptUpdate returned ~v" result*))
(match-define-values [result** plaintext*] (EVP_DecryptFinal_ex ctx plaintext))
(unless (= 1 result**) (error 'decrypt-aes-256-cbc "EVP_DecryptFinal_ex returned ~v" result**))
; free the cipher state
(EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free ctx)
; return the decrypted data
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