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Created April 16, 2017 17:08
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#lang curly-fn racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base
(only-in macrotypes/stx-utils make-variable-like-transformer)
(provide #%module-begin #%top
(rename-out [app #%app]
[top-interaction #%top-interaction]
[λ: λ])
Unit -> ∀
: unit app)
(define preservable-property->expression
[(and (app prefab-struct-key (? values prefab-key))
(app struct->vector (vector _ fields ...)))
#`(make-prefab-struct '#,prefab-key #,@(map preservable-property->expression fields))]
[(? list? lst)
#`(list #,@(map preservable-property->expression lst))]
[(cons a b)
#`(cons #,(preservable-property->expression a)
#,(preservable-property->expression b))]
[(? syntax? stx)
#`(quote-syntax #,stx)]
[(and (or (? boolean?) (? symbol?) (? number?) (? char?) (? string?) (? bytes?) (? regexp?))
#`(quote #,datum)]
(error 'preservable-property->expression
"disallowed value within preserved syntax property\n value: ~e"
(define (snoc lst x) (append lst (list x)))
(define (until lst x [=? equal?]) (takef lst #{not (=? x %)}))
(define τ:unit '#s(TUnit))
(struct τ:var (x) #:prefab)
(struct τ:var^ (x^) #:prefab)
(struct τ:-> (a b) #:prefab)
(struct τ:∀ (x t) #:prefab)
(define (τ:unit? x) (equal? τ:unit x))
(define (τ? x) ((disjoin τ:unit? τ:var? τ:var^? τ:->? τ:∀?) x))
(define τ=?
[[(== τ:unit) (== τ:unit)] #t]
[[(τ:var x) (τ:var y)] (free-identifier=? x y)]
[[(τ:var^ x^) (τ:var^ y^)] (free-identifier=? x^ y^)]
[[(τ:-> a b) (τ:-> c d)] (and (τ=? a c) (τ=? b d))]
[[(τ:∀ x a) (τ:∀ y b)] (and (free-identifier=? x y) (τ=? a b))]
[[_ _] #f]))
(define τ-mono?
[(== τ:unit) #t]
[(τ:var _) #t]
[(τ:var^ _) #t]
[(τ:-> a b) (and (τ-mono? a) (τ-mono? b))]
[(τ:∀ _ _) #f]))
(define τ-vars^
[(== τ:unit) '()]
[(τ:var _) '()]
[(τ:var^ x^) (list x^)]
[(τ:-> a b) (append (τ-vars^ a) (τ-vars^ b))]
[(τ:∀ _ t) (τ-vars^ t)]))
(define/contract (τ->string t)
(-> τ? string?)
(format "~a"
(let ->datum ([t t])
(match t
[(== τ:unit) 'Unit]
[(τ:var x) (syntax-e x)]
[(τ:var^ x^) (string->symbol (format "~a^" (syntax-e x^)))]
[(τ:-> a b) `(-> ,(->datum a) ,(->datum b))]
[(τ:∀ x t) `(∀ ,(syntax-e x) ,(->datum t))]))))
(struct ctx:var (x) #:prefab)
(struct ctx:var^ (x^) #:prefab)
(struct ctx:assump (x t) #:prefab)
(struct ctx:solution (x^ t) #:prefab)
(struct ctx:marker (x^) #:prefab)
(define (ctx-elem? x) ((disjoin ctx:var? ctx:var^? ctx:assump? ctx:solution? ctx:marker?) x))
(define (ctx? x) ((listof ctx-elem?) x))
(define ctx-elem=?
[[(ctx:var x) (ctx:var y)] (free-identifier=? x y)]
[[(ctx:var^ x) (ctx:var^ y)] (free-identifier=? x y)]
[[(ctx:assump x a) (ctx:assump y b)] (and (free-identifier=? x y) (τ=? a b))]
[[(ctx:solution x^ a) (ctx:solution y^ b)] (and (free-identifier=? x^ y^) (τ=? a b))]
[[(ctx:marker x^) (ctx:marker y^)] (free-identifier=? x^ y^)]
[[_ _] #f]))
(define (ctx-member? ctx elem)
(and (member elem ctx ctx-elem=?) #t))
(define (ctx-until ctx elem)
(until ctx elem ctx-elem=?))
(define ctx-split
[(ctx elem)
(let ([idx (index-of ctx elem ctx-elem=?)])
(and idx (let-values ([(a b) (split-at ctx idx)])
(list a (drop b 1)))))]
[(ctx elem . elems)
(let ([ctx* (ctx-split ctx elem)])
(and ctx* (cons (first ctx*) (apply ctx-split (second ctx*) elems))))]))
(define (current-ctx-split elem . elems)
(apply ctx-split (current-type-context) elem elems))
(define (ctx-find-assump ctx x)
(and~> (findf #{and (ctx:assump? %) (free-identifier=? x (ctx:assump-x %))} ctx)
(define (current-ctx-assump x)
(ctx-find-assump (current-type-context) x))
(define (ctx-find-solution ctx x^)
(and~> (findf #{and (ctx:solution? %) (free-identifier=? x^ (ctx:solution-x^ %))} ctx)
(define (current-ctx-solution x^)
(ctx-find-solution (current-type-context) x^))
(define/contract (τ-wf! ctx t)
(-> ctx? τ? void?)
(match t
[(== τ:unit) (void)]
[(τ:var x) (if (ctx-member? ctx (ctx:var x)) (void)
(raise-syntax-error #f "unbound type variable" x))]
[(τ:var^ x^) (if (or (ctx-member? ctx (ctx:var^ x^))
(ctx-find-solution ctx x^))
(raise-syntax-error #f "unbound existential variable" x^))]
[(τ:-> a b) (τ-wf! ctx a) (τ-wf! ctx b)]
[(τ:∀ x t) (τ-wf! (snoc ctx (ctx:var x)) t)]))
(define (current-τ-wf! t)
(τ-wf! (current-type-context) t))
(define/contract (apply-subst ctx t)
(-> ctx? τ? τ?)
(match t
[(== τ:unit) τ:unit]
[(τ:var _) t]
[(τ:var^ x^) (let ([s (ctx-find-solution ctx x^)])
(if s (apply-subst ctx s) t))]
[(τ:-> a b) (τ:-> (apply-subst ctx a) (apply-subst ctx b))]
[(τ:∀ x t) (τ:∀ x (apply-subst ctx t))]))
(define (apply-current-subst t)
(apply-subst (current-type-context) t))
(define/contract (inst t x s)
(-> τ? identifier? τ? τ?)
(match t
[(== τ:unit) τ:unit]
[(τ:var y) (if (free-identifier=? x y) s t)]
[(τ:var^ _) t]
[(τ:-> a b) (τ:-> (inst a x s) (inst b x s))]
[(τ:∀ x t*) (τ:∀ (inst t* x s))]))
(define/contract current-type-context (parameter/c ctx?) (make-parameter '()))
(define/contract (modify-type-context f)
(-> (-> ctx? ctx?) void?)
(current-type-context (f (current-type-context))))
(define/contract τ<:!
(-> τ? τ? void?)
; <:Unit
[[(== τ:unit) (== τ:unit)]
; <:Var
[[(τ:var x) (τ:var y)]
#:when (free-identifier=? x y)
; <:Exvar
[[(τ:var^ x^) (τ:var^ y^)]
#:when (free-identifier=? x^ y^)
; <:→
[[(τ:-> a b) (τ:-> c d)]
(τ<:! c a)
(τ<:! b d)]
; <:∀L
[[(τ:∀ x a) b]
(let* ([x^ (generate-temporary x)]
[a* (inst a x (τ:var^ x^))])
(modify-type-context #{append % (list (ctx:marker x^) (ctx:var^ x^))})
(τ<:! a* b)
(modify-type-context #{ctx-until % (ctx:marker x^)}))]
; <:∀R
[[a (τ:∀ x b)]
(modify-type-context #{snoc % (ctx:var x)})
(τ<:! a b)
(modify-type-context #{ctx-until % (ctx:var x)})]
; <:InstantiateL
[[(τ:var^ x^) a]
#:when (not (member x^ (τ-vars^ a) free-identifier=?))
(τ-inst-l! x^ a)]
; <:InstantiateR
[[a (τ:var^ x^)]
#:when (not (member x^ (τ-vars^ a) free-identifier=?))
(τ-inst-r! a x^)]
[[a b]
(error (format "type mismatch: expected ~a, given ~a" (τ->string b) (τ->string a)))]))
(define/contract (τ-inst-l! x^ t)
(-> identifier? τ? void?)
(match t
; InstLSolve
[(? τ-mono?) {=> fail}
(match-let ([(list l r) (or (current-ctx-split (ctx:var^ x^)) (fail))])
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:syntax? (λ (exn) (fail))])
(τ-wf! l t))
(current-type-context (append l (list (ctx:solution x^ t)) r)))]
; InstLReach
[(τ:var^ y^) {=> fail}
(match-let ([(list l m r) (or (current-ctx-split (ctx:var^ x^) (ctx:var^ y^)) (fail))])
(current-type-context (append l (list (ctx:var^ x^)) m (list (ctx:solution y^ (τ:var^ x^))) r)))]
; InstLArr
[(τ:-> a b) {=> fail}
(match-let ([(list l r) (or (current-ctx-split (ctx:var^ x^)) (fail))]
[x1^ (generate-temporary x^)]
[x2^ (generate-temporary x^)])
(current-type-context (append l (list (ctx:var^ x2^) (ctx:var^ x1^) (ctx:solution x^ (τ:-> (τ:var^ x1^) (τ:var^ x2^)))) r))
(τ-inst-r! a x1^)
(τ-inst-l! x2^ (apply-current-subst b)))]
; InstLAllR
[(τ:∀ x t*)
(modify-type-context #{snoc % (ctx:var x)})
(τ-inst-l! x^ t*)
(match-let ([(list ctx _) (current-ctx-split (ctx:var x))])
(current-type-context ctx))]
[_ (error 'τ-inst-l! (format "failed to instantiate ~a to a subtype of ~a"
(τ->string (τ:var^ x^)) (τ->string t)))]))
(define/contract (τ-inst-r! t x^)
(-> τ? identifier? void?)
(match t
; InstRSolve
[(? τ-mono?) {=> fail}
(match-let ([(list l r) (or (current-ctx-split (ctx:var^ x^)) (fail))])
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:syntax? (λ (exn) (fail))])
(τ-wf! l t))
(current-type-context (append l (list (ctx:solution x^ t)) r)))]
; InstRReach
[(τ:var^ y^) {=> fail}
(match-let ([(list l m r) (or (current-ctx-split (ctx:var^ x^) (ctx:var^ y^)) (fail))])
(current-type-context (append l (list (ctx:var^ x^)) m (list (ctx:solution y^ (τ:var^ x^))) r)))]
; InstRArr
[(τ:-> a b) {=> fail}
(match-let ([(list l r) (or (current-ctx-split (ctx:var^ x^)) (fail))]
[x1^ (generate-temporary x^)]
[x2^ (generate-temporary x^)])
(current-type-context (append l (list (ctx:var^ x2^) (ctx:var^ x1^) (ctx:solution x^ (τ:-> (τ:var^ x1^) (τ:var^ x2^)))) r))
(τ-inst-l! x1^ a)
(τ-inst-r! (apply-current-subst b) x2^))]
; InstRAllL
[(τ:∀ x t*)
(let ([y^ (generate-temporary x)])
(modify-type-context #{append % (list (ctx:marker y^) (ctx:var^ y^))})
(τ-inst-r! (inst t* x (τ:var^ y^)) x^)
(match-let ([(list ctx _) (current-ctx-split (ctx:marker y^))])
(current-type-context ctx)))]
[_ (error 'τ-inst-r! (format "failed to instantiate ~a to a supertype of ~a"
(τ->string (τ:var^ x^)) (τ->string t)))]))
;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define/contract (τ⇐/λ! e t bindings)
(-> syntax? τ? (listof (cons/c identifier? τ?)) (values (listof identifier?) syntax?))
(current-τ-wf! t)
(match t
[(τ:∀ x a)
(modify-type-context #{snoc % (ctx:var x)})
(τ⇐/λ! e a bindings)
(modify-type-context #{ctx-until % (ctx:var x)}))]
(define/syntax-parse [x ...] (map car bindings))
(define/syntax-parse [x- ...] (generate-temporaries (attribute x)))
(define/syntax-parse [t_x ...] (map (λ~> cdr preservable-property->expression) bindings))
(define-values [xs- e-]
(syntax-parse (local-expand #`(λ (x- ...)
(let-syntax ([x (make-typed-var-transformer #'x- t_x)] ...)
#,(attach-expected e t)))
'expression '())
#:literals [#%plain-lambda let-values]
[(#%plain-lambda (x-* ...) (let-values _ (let-values _ e-)))
(values (attribute x-*) #'e-)]))
(define t_e (get-type e-))
(unless t_e (raise-syntax-error #f "no inferred type" e))
(τ<:! (apply-current-subst t_e) (apply-current-subst t))
(values xs- e-)]))
(define/contract (τ⇐! e t)
(-> syntax? τ? syntax?)
(match-let-values ([(_ e-) (τ⇐/λ! e t '())])
(define/contract (τ⇒! e)
(-> syntax? (values syntax? τ?))
(define-values [e- τ_e] (local-expand/get-type e))
(unless τ_e (raise-syntax-error #f "no inferred type" e))
(values e- τ_e))
(define/contract (τ⇒app! t e)
(-> τ? syntax? (values syntax? τ?))
(match t
[(τ:var^ x^)
(match-let ([(list l r) (current-ctx-split (ctx:var^ x^))]
[x1^ (generate-temporary x^)]
[x2^ (generate-temporary x^)])
(current-type-context (append l (list (ctx:var^ x2^) (ctx:var^ x1^) (ctx:solution x^ (τ:-> (τ:var x1^) (τ:var x2^)))) r))
(values (τ⇐! e (τ:var^ x1^)) (τ:var^ x2^)))]
[(τ:-> a b)
(values (τ⇐! e a) b)]
[(τ:∀ x t)
(let ([x^ (generate-temporary x)])
(modify-type-context #{snoc % (ctx:var^ x^)})
(τ⇒app! (inst t x (τ:var^ x^)) e))]
[_ (raise-syntax-error #f (format "cannot apply expression of type ~a to expression ~a"
(τ->string t) (syntax->datum e))
;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (parse-type t)
(or (syntax-property (local-expand t 'expression '()) 'τ)
(raise-syntax-error #f "expected type" t)))
;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (τ-stx-token t)
(syntax-property #'(void) 'τ t #t))
(define (attach-type stx t)
(syntax-property stx ': t #t))
(define (attach-expected stx t)
(syntax-property stx ':⇐ t #t))
(define (get-type stx)
(let loop ([val (syntax-property stx ':)])
(if (pair? val) (loop (car val)) val)))
(define (get-expected stx)
(let loop ([val (syntax-property stx ':⇐)])
(if (pair? val) (loop (car val)) val)))
(define (local-expand/get-type stx)
(let ([stx* (local-expand stx 'expression '())])
(values stx* (get-type stx*))))
(define/contract (make-typed-var-transformer x t)
(-> identifier? τ? any)
(make-variable-like-transformer (attach-type x t))))
(define unit- (let () (struct unit ()) (unit)))
(define-syntax unit (make-typed-var-transformer #'unit- τ:unit))
(define-syntax-parser Unit
[_:id (τ-stx-token τ:unit)])
(define-syntax-parser ->
[(-> a b) (τ-stx-token (τ:-> (parse-type #'a) (parse-type #'b)))])
(define-syntax-parser ∀
[(∀ x:id t)
#:with x- (generate-temporary #'x)
#:with x/τ (preservable-property->expression (τ:var #'x-))
(syntax-parse (local-expand #'(let-syntax ([x (make-variable-like-transformer
(syntax-property #'(void) 'τ x/τ))])
'expression '())
#:literals [let-values]
[(let-values _ (let-values _ t-))
(τ-stx-token (τ:∀ #'x- (syntax-property #'t- 'τ)))])])
(define-syntax-parser :
[(_ e t-expr)
#:do [(define t (parse-type #'t-expr))
(define-values [e- t⇒] (τ⇒! (attach-expected #'e t)))]
#:fail-when (and (not (τ=? t t⇒)) #'e) (format "type mismatch: expected ~a, produced ~a"
(τ->string t) (τ->string t⇒))
(define-syntax-parser λ:
[(_ x:id e:expr)
#:do [(define t (get-expected this-syntax))]
#:fail-unless t "no expected type, add more type annotations"
#:fail-unless (τ:->? t) (format "expected ~a, given function" (τ->string t))
#:do [(match-define (τ:-> a b) t)
(modify-type-context #{snoc % (ctx:assump #'x a)})
(define-values [xs- e-] (τ⇐/λ! #'e b (list (cons #'x a))))
(modify-type-context #{ctx-until % (ctx:assump #'x a)})]
#:with [x-] xs-
(attach-type #`(λ (x-) #,e-) t)]
[(_ x:id e:expr)
#:do [(define x^ (generate-temporary))
(define y^ (generate-temporary))
(modify-type-context #{append % (list (ctx:var^ x^) (ctx:var^ y^) (ctx:assump #'x (τ:var^ x^)))})
(define-values [xs- e-] (τ⇐/λ! #'e (τ:var^ y^) (list (cons #'x (τ:var^ x^)))))
(modify-type-context #{ctx-until % (ctx:assump #'x (τ:var^ x^))})]
#:with [x-] xs-
(attach-type #`(λ (x-) #,e-) (τ:-> (τ:var^ x^) (τ:var^ y^)))])
(define-syntax-parser app
[(_ f:expr e:expr)
#:do [(define-values [f- t_f] (τ⇒! #'f))
(define-values [e- t_r] (τ⇒app! (apply-current-subst t_f) #'e))]
(attach-type #`(#%app #,f- #,e-) t_r)])
(define-syntax-parser :infer/print-type
[(_ e)
(parameterize ([current-type-context '()])
(~> (τ⇒! #'e)
(λ () _)
(call-with-values _ list)
(define-syntax-parser top-interaction
[(_ . e)
(parameterize ([current-type-context '()])
(define-values [e- τ_e] (τ⇒! #'e))
(printf ": ~a\n" (τ->string (apply-current-subst τ_e)))
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