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Created October 9, 2016 00:50
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#lang turnstile/lang
(provide (rename-out [app #%app])
Integer String Maybe)
(require (postfix-in - racket/base))
(define-syntax-category kind)
(define-base-kind ★)
(current-type? (λ (t) (kind? (typeof t)))))
(define-type-constructor →-
#:arity = 2
#:arg-variances (const (list covariant contravariant))
(define-typed-syntax →
[(_ a:type b:type) ≫
[⊢ a ≫ a- ⇐ ★]
[⊢ b ≫ b- ⇐ ★]
[⊢ (→- a- b-) ⇒ ★]])
(define-typed-syntax λ
#:datum-literals [:]
[(_ [x:id : t_in:type] expr) ≫
[[x ≫ x- : t_in.norm] ⊢ expr ≫ expr- ⇒ t_out]
[⊢ (λ- (x-) expr-) ⇒ (→ t_in.norm t_out)]]
[(_ x:id expr) ⇐ (~→- t_in t_out) ≫
[[x ≫ x- : t_in] ⊢ expr ≫ expr- ⇐ t_out]
[⊢ (λ- (x-) expr-)]])
(define-typed-syntax app
[(_ fn arg) ≫
[⊢ fn ≫ fn- ⇒ (~→- t_in t_out)]
[⊢ arg ≫ arg- ⇐ t_in]
[⊢ (#%app- fn- arg-) ⇒ t_out]]
[(_ fn arg args ...+) ≫
[≻ ((app fn arg) args ...)]])
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define-simple-macro (define-base-type: τ {~datum :} k)
#:with τ- (generate-temporary #'τ)
(define-base-type τ- #:no-attach-kind #:no-provide)
(define-syntax τ (make-variable-like-transformer (⊢ τ- : k)))))
(define-kind-constructor →k
#:arity = 2
#:arg-variances (const (list covariant contravariant)))
(define-base-type: Integer : ★)
(define-base-type: String : ★)
(define-base-type: Maybe : (→k ★ ★))
(define-typed-syntax #%datum
[(_ . n:integer) ≫
[⊢ (#%datum- . n) ⇒ Integer]]
[(_ . n:str) ≫
[⊢ (#%datum- . n) ⇒ String]]
[(_ . x) ≫
[_ #:error (type-error #:src #'x #:msg "Unsupported literal: ~v" #'x)]])
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