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Created October 13, 2016 23:08
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#lang curly-fn racket/base
(provide λ +
(rename-out [hash-percent-app #%app]
[hash-percent-datum #%datum]
[hash-percent-module-begin #%module-begin]))
(require (for-syntax racket/hash
(except-in macrotypes/typecheck #%module-begin)
(postfix-in - racket/base)
(prefix-in kernel: '#%kernel)
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define-type-constructor →
#:arity = 2
#:arg-variances (const (list covariant contravariant)))
(define-type-constructor ∀ #:bvs >= 0)
(define-type-constructor τ~ #:arity = 2)
(define-base-type Integer)
(define-base-type String)
(define (propagate-originalness new-stx old-stx)
(if (or (syntax-original? old-stx)
(syntax-property old-stx 'original-for-check-syntax))
(syntax-property new-stx 'original-for-check-syntax #t)
(define (fresh)
(mk-type #`#s(var #,(generate-temporary))))
(define type->string
#:context 'type->string
#:literals [quote]
['#s(var ~! α:id)
(symbol->string (syntax-e #'α))]
[(~→ τa τb)
(format "(→ ~a ~a)" (type->string #'τa) (type->string #'τb))]
[(~∀ [τv ...] τ)
(format "(∀ ~a ~a)" (map type->string (attribute τv)) (type->string #'τ))]
[(~τ~ τa τb)
(format "(τ~~ ~a ~a)" (type->string #'τa) (type->string #'τb))]
[~Integer "Integer"]
[~String "String"]
#;[_ (type->str this-syntax)]))
(let ([old-type=? (current-type=?)])
(λ (τa τb)
(syntax-parse (list τa τb)
[(#s(var a:id) #s(var b:id))
(free-identifier=? #'a #'b)]
[(#s(var _) _) #f]
[(_ #s(var _)) #f]
[(_ _) (old-type=? τa τb)]))))
(define (infer+erase stx #:ctx [ctx #'()])
(define wrapped-stx
(syntax-parse ctx
[([x:id : τ] ...)
#:with (x- ...) (for/list ([x-stx (in-list (attribute x))])
(let ([tmp (generate-temporary x-stx)])
(datum->syntax tmp (syntax-e tmp) x-stx)))
#`(λ- (x- ...)
(let-syntax ([x (make-variable-like-transformer (⊢ x- : τ))]
(define-values [τ xs- stx-]
(syntax-parse (local-expand wrapped-stx 'expression null)
#:literals [kernel:lambda kernel:let-values]
[(kernel:lambda xs-
(kernel:let-values _
(kernel:let-values _ body)))
(values (typeof #'body) #'xs- #'body)]))
(list τ xs- stx-))
(define (assign-constraint stx c)
(syntax-property stx
(list (syntax-property (syntax-local-introduce ((current-type-eval) c))
'constraint-source stx #t))
(define-syntax-parser λ
[(_ x:id e:expr)
#:with τv (fresh)
#:with [τ [x-] e-] (infer+erase #'e #:ctx #'([x : τv]))
(⊢ (λ- (x-) e-) : (→ τv τ))])
(define-syntax-parser hash-percent-app
[(_ fn arg)
#:with τv (fresh)
#:with [τ_fn [] fn-] (infer+erase #'fn)
#:with [τ_arg [] arg-] (infer+erase #'arg)
(assign-constraint (⊢ #,(syntax/loc this-syntax
(#%app- fn- arg-)) : τv)
#'{τ_fn . τ~ . (→ τ_arg τv)})])
(define-syntax-parser hash-percent-datum
[(_ . n:integer)
(⊢ (#%datum- . n) : Integer)]
[(_ . n:str)
(⊢ (#%datum- . n) : String)]
[(_ . x)
(type-error #:src #'x #:msg "Unsupported literal: ~v" #'x)])
(define ((+/c a) b) (+- a b))
(define-syntax + (make-variable-like-transformer
(⊢ +/c : (→ Integer (→ Integer Integer)))))
(define/match (flatten-syntax-property-value val)
[((cons a b))
(append (flatten-syntax-property-value a)
(flatten-syntax-property-value b))]
[((? list?))
(append-map flatten-syntax-property-value val)]
(list val)])
(define (collect-properties stx key)
(define (get-properties stx)
(flatten-syntax-property-value (syntax-property stx key)))
(let recur ([stx stx])
(syntax-parse stx
[(elem ...+ . cdr)
(append (get-properties this-syntax)
(append-map recur (attribute elem))
(recur #'cdr))]
[_ (get-properties this-syntax)])))
(define (collect-constraints stx)
(collect-properties stx 'constraints)))
(define-syntax-parser hash-percent-module-begin
[(_ . body)
#:with expanded (local-expand #'(#%plain-module-begin- . body)
'module-begin null)
#:do [(define subst (solve-constraints (collect-constraints #'expanded)))]
(apply-substitutions-to-types subst #'expanded)])
; left-biased union of immutable free-id tables
(define (free-id-table-union a b)
(let ([t (make-free-id-table)])
(for ([(k v) (in-free-id-table b)])
(free-id-table-set! t k v))
(for ([(k v) (in-free-id-table a)])
(free-id-table-set! t k v))
(make-immutable-free-id-table t)))
(define (compose-substs a b)
(for/list ([(k v) (in-free-id-table b)])
(cons k (apply-subst a v))))
(define (apply-subst subst stx)
(syntax-parse stx
#:context 'apply-subst
#:literals [quote]
['#s(var τv:id)
(free-id-table-ref subst #'τv stx)]
[(~→ τa τb)
#`(→ #,(apply-subst subst #'τa)
#,(apply-subst subst #'τb)))]
[(~∀ τvs τ)
#`(∀ τvs #,(apply-subst subst #'τ)))]
[(~τ~ τa τb)
(datum->syntax this-syntax
(syntax-e ((current-type-eval)
#`(τ~ #,(apply-subst subst #'τa)
#,(apply-subst subst #'τb))))
this-syntax this-syntax)]
[_ stx]))
(define (bind-subst τv τ)
(list (cons τv τ))))
(define (unify τa τb #:src src)
(if ((current-type=?) τa τb)
(syntax-parse (list τa τb)
#:literals [quote]
[('#s(var τv:id) τ)
(bind-subst #'τv #'τ)]
[(τ '#s(var τv:id))
(bind-subst #'τv #'τ)]
[((~→ τa τb) (~→ τc τd))
(compose-substs (unify #'τa #'τc #:src src)
(unify #'τb #'τd #:src src))]
[(_ _)
(raise-syntax-error #f (format "could not unify ~a with ~a"
(type->string τa) (type->string τb))
(define (solve-constraints cs)
(let recur ([cs cs]
[subst (make-immutable-free-id-table)])
(if (empty? cs) subst
(syntax-parse (first cs)
#:context 'solve-constraints
[(~τ~ τa τb)
(let ([subst* (unify #'τa #'τb
#:src (syntax-property this-syntax 'constraint-source))])
(recur (map #{apply-subst subst* %} (rest cs))
(compose-substs subst* subst)))]))))
(define (apply-substitutions-to-syntax subst stx)
(let recur ([stx stx])
(syntax-parse (syntax-disarm stx (current-code-inspector))
#:literals [quote]
['#s(var α:id)
(free-id-table-ref subst #'α this-syntax)]
[(elem . rest)
(datum->syntax this-syntax (cons (recur #'elem) (recur #'rest))
this-syntax this-syntax)]
[_ this-syntax])
(define (apply-substitutions-to-props subst stx prop)
(define (perform-substitution stx)
(if (syntax-property stx prop)
(syntax-property stx prop (apply-substitutions-to-syntax
(syntax-property stx prop))
(syntax-property-preserved? stx prop))
(let recur ([stx stx])
(syntax-parse (syntax-disarm stx (current-code-inspector))
[(elem . rest)
(datum->syntax this-syntax (cons (recur #'elem) (recur #'rest))
this-syntax this-syntax))]
[_ (perform-substitution this-syntax)])
(define (apply-substitutions-to-types subst stx)
(apply-substitutions-to-props subst stx ':)))
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