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Created April 30, 2016 05:11
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function fish_prompt
set -l red (tput setaf 1)
set -l green (tput setaf 2)
set -l yellow (tput setaf 3)
set -l blue (tput setaf 4)
set -l magenta (tput setaf 5)
set -l cyan (tput setaf 6)
set -l lgray (tput setaf 7)
set -l gray (tput setaf 8)
set -l lred (tput setaf 9)
set -l lgreen (tput setaf 10)
set -l lyellow (tput setaf 11)
set -l lblue (tput setaf 12)
set -l lmagenta (tput setaf 13)
set -l lcyan (tput setaf 14)
set -l white (tput setaf 15)
set -l black (tput setaf 16)
set -l bold (tput bold)
set -l underline (tput smul)
set -l reset (tput sgr0)
set -l location (
if [ (pwd) = "$HOME" ]
echo "$blue~"
set -l parent_dir (dirname (pwd))
if [ "$parent_dir" != "$HOME" ]
echo -ns "$blue" (basename $parent_dir) " → "
echo -s "$green" (basename (pwd))
set -l question_mark_in_circle '?'\u20dd
# show some pretty git information if we're in a git repo
set -l git_branch (git branch ^/dev/null | sed -n '/\* /s///p')
set -l git_prompt (
if [ "$git_branch" ]
# color the branch name differently if the working tree is dirty
set -l git_color $yellow
set -l git_status (git status --porcelain)
set -l git_color (
if [ "$git_status" ]; echo $lred; else; echo $yellow; end
# check how far ahead/behind the branch is
set -l git_upstream_status (
git rev-parse '@{u}' >/dev/null ^&1
if [ $status -eq 0 ]
# if an upstream is set, display information
set -l git_commits_ahead (git rev-list '@{u}..HEAD' | wc -l | awk \{'print $1'\})
set -l git_commits_behind (git rev-list 'HEAD..@{u}' | wc -l | awk \{'print $1'\})
if [ \( $git_commits_ahead -eq 0 \) -a \( $git_commits_behind -eq 0 \) ]
echo -n "$blue⦿"
if [ $git_commits_behind -gt 0 ]
echo -n "$red↓$git_commits_behind"
if [ $git_commits_ahead -gt 0 ]
echo -n "$lred↑$git_commits_ahead"
# otherwise, indicate that an upstream is unknown
echo "$lred$question_mark_in_circle"
echo -s "$git_upstream_status $blue" '[' "$git_color$git_branch$reset$blue] "
echo -s "$red# $location$blue $git_prompt$blue$lcyan" "λ:$reset "
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