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Last active August 2, 2021 19:49
#lang racket/base
(require (for-meta 2 racket/base
(for-syntax racket/base
; Like syntax/loc and friends, but copy properties from the source syntax object in addition to
; source location.
(define-syntaxes [syntax/loc/props quasisyntax/loc/props template/loc/props quasitemplate/loc/props]
(let ()
(define (make-syntax/loc/props name syntax-id)
[(_ from-stx-expr:expr {~describe "template" template})
#`(let ([from-stx from-stx-expr])
(unless (syntax? from-stx)
(raise-argument-error '#,name "syntax?" from-stx))
(let* ([stx (#,syntax-id template)]
[stx* (syntax-disarm stx #f)])
(syntax-rearm (datum->syntax stx* (syntax-e stx*) from-stx from-stx) stx)))]))
(values (make-syntax/loc/props 'syntax/loc/props #'syntax)
(make-syntax/loc/props 'quasisyntax/loc/props #'quasisyntax)
(make-syntax/loc/props 'template/loc/props #'template)
(make-syntax/loc/props 'quasitemplate/loc/props #'quasitemplate))))
(define current-context (make-parameter #f))
(define current-stop-list (make-parameter (list #'define-values #'define-syntaxes #'for)))
(define current-intdef-ctx (make-parameter #f))
(define (current-expand stx)
(syntax-disarm (local-expand (syntax-disarm stx #f)
(define-syntax-class plain-formals
#:description "formals"
#:attributes [[id 1]]
[pattern (id:id ...)]
[pattern (id*:id ... . id**:id) #:with [id ...] #'[id* ... id**]])
(define-syntax-class lambda-clause
#:description #f
#:attributes [expansion]
[pattern [formals:plain-formals body ...]
#:do [(define intdef-ctx (syntax-local-make-definition-context (current-intdef-ctx)))
(syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (attribute #f intdef-ctx)]
#:with formals* (internal-definition-context-introduce intdef-ctx #'formals)
#:with body* (parameterize ([current-intdef-ctx intdef-ctx])
(expand-body/in-ctx (attribute body) intdef-ctx))
#:attr expansion #'[formals* body*]])
(define (expand-expression stx)
(syntax-parse (parameterize ([current-context 'expression])
(current-expand stx))
#:literal-sets [kernel-literals]
#:literals [for]
[({~or quote quote-syntax #%top #%variable-reference} ~! . _)
[({~and head {~or #%expression #%plain-app begin begin0 if with-continuation-mark}} ~! form ...)
#:with [form* ...] (map expand-expression (attribute form))
(syntax/loc/props this-syntax
(head form* ...))]
[(head:#%plain-lambda ~! . clause:lambda-clause)
(syntax/loc/props this-syntax
(head . clause.expansion))]
[(head:case-lambda ~! clause:lambda-clause ...)
(syntax/loc/props this-syntax
(head clause.expansion ...))]
[({~or {~or {~and head:let-values ~! {~bind [rec? #f] [stxs? #f]}}
{~and head:letrec-values ~! {~bind [rec? #t] [stxs? #f]}}}
{~seq head:letrec-syntaxes+values {~bind [rec? #t] [stxs? #t]}
~! ([(x/s:id ...) rhs/s] ...)}}
([(x:id ...) rhs] ...) body ...)
#:do [(define intdef-ctx (syntax-local-make-definition-context (current-intdef-ctx)))
(syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (append* (attribute x)) #f intdef-ctx)
(when (attribute stxs?)
(for ([xs/s (in-list (attribute x/s))]
[rhs/s (in-list (attribute rhs/s))])
(syntax-local-bind-syntaxes xs/s rhs/s intdef-ctx)))]
#:with [[x* ...] ...] (internal-definition-context-introduce intdef-ctx #'[[x ...] ...])
#:with [rhs* ...] (if (attribute rec?)
(parameterize ([current-intdef-ctx intdef-ctx])
(map expand-expression (attribute rhs)))
(map expand-expression (attribute rhs)))
#:with body* (parameterize ([current-intdef-ctx intdef-ctx])
(expand-body/in-ctx (attribute body) intdef-ctx))
(if (attribute stxs?)
(~> (syntax/loc this-syntax
(letrec-values ([(x* ...) rhs*] ...) body*))
(syntax-track-origin this-syntax #'head))
(syntax/loc/props this-syntax
(head ([(x* ...) rhs*] ...) body*)))]
[(head:for ([x:id seq:expr] ...) body ...+)
(syntax/loc/props this-syntax
(head ([x (in-list (reverse (sequence->list seq)))] ...)
body ...))]
(define (expand-body/in-ctx stxs ctx)
(define (add-ctx-scope stx)
(internal-definition-context-introduce ctx stx 'add))
(parameterize ([current-intdef-ctx ctx])
(add-ctx-scope (expand-body (map add-ctx-scope stxs)))))
(define (expand-body stxs)
(define intdef-ctx (syntax-local-make-definition-context (current-intdef-ctx)))
(parameterize ([current-context (list (gensym))]
[current-intdef-ctx intdef-ctx])
(define-values [binding-clauses exprs disappeared-uses disappeared-bindings]
(let loop ([stxs stxs]
[binding-clauses '()]
[exprs '()]
[disappeared-uses '()]
[disappeared-bindings '()])
(if (empty? stxs)
(values (reverse binding-clauses) (reverse exprs) disappeared-uses disappeared-bindings)
(syntax-parse (current-expand (first stxs))
#:literal-sets [kernel-literals]
[(head:begin ~! form ...)
(loop (append (for/list ([form (in-list (attribute form))])
(syntax-track-origin form this-syntax #'head))
(rest stxs))
binding-clauses exprs disappeared-uses disappeared-bindings)]
[(head:define-values ~! [x:id ...] rhs)
#:with [x* ...] (map syntax-local-identifier-as-binding (attribute x))
#:do [(syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (attribute x*) #f intdef-ctx)]
(rest stxs)
(cons (syntax-track-origin #'[(x* ...) rhs] this-syntax #'head) binding-clauses)
exprs disappeared-uses disappeared-bindings)]
[(head:define-syntaxes ~! [x:id ...] rhs)
#:with [x* ...] (map syntax-local-identifier-as-binding (attribute x))
#:do [(syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (attribute x*) #'rhs intdef-ctx)]
(loop (rest stxs) binding-clauses exprs
(cons #'head disappeared-uses) (cons (attribute x*) disappeared-bindings))]
(loop (rest stxs) binding-clauses (cons this-syntax exprs)
disappeared-uses disappeared-bindings)]))))
(define expanded-binding-clauses
(for/list ([binding-clause (in-list binding-clauses)])
(syntax-parse binding-clause
[[(x ...) rhs]
(quasisyntax/loc/props this-syntax
[(x ...) #,(expand-expression #'rhs)])])))
(define expanded-exprs (map expand-expression exprs))
(~> #`(letrec-values #,expanded-binding-clauses #,@expanded-exprs)
(syntax-property 'disappeared-uses disappeared-uses)
(syntax-property 'disappeared-bindings disappeared-bindings)))))
(define-simple-macro (print-up-to n)
(for ([i (in-range n)])
(println i)))
(define-syntax-parser hijack-for-loops
[(_ form:expr) (expand-expression #'form)])
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sorawee commented Jul 10, 2021

Hi Alexis!

Just want to make sure that I didn't miss something: this doesn't work recursively, right? For example, if I define:

(define-simple-macro (print-up-to n)
  (match #t
    [_ (for ([i (in-range n)])
         (println i))]))

where match is from racket/match, then (hijack-for-loops (print-up-to 10)) would not be able to hijack it.

I think I understand it now: match uses syntax parameters, which uses syntax-local-expand-expression, so the expansion is beyond the control of hijack-for-loops.

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sorawee commented Jul 10, 2021

On line 138, it should be (rest stxs) rather than stxs, right?

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On line 138, it should be (rest stxs) rather than stxs, right?

Yes, it should be. Thanks for the catch; I’ve updated the gist.

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