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Last active July 9, 2018 03:47
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#lang hackett
(require (only-in racket/base for-syntax begin)
(for-syntax racket/base
(def init! : (forall [a] {(List a) -> (List a)})
{reverse . tail! . reverse})
(define-simple-macro (defrecord record-type
(record-constructor [field-name:id field-type] ...+)
opt ...)
#:with [defns ...]
(let loop ([pre-fields '()]
[other-fields (attribute field-name)])
(if (empty? other-fields) '()
(let* ([field (first other-fields)]
[post-fields (rest other-fields)]
[set-field-name (format-id field "set-~a" field
#:source field #:props field)]
[update-field-name (format-id field "update-~a" field
#:source field #:props field)])
(defn #,field
[[(record-constructor field-name ...)] #,field])
(defn #,set-field-name
[[v (record-constructor field-name ...)]
(record-constructor #,@(reverse pre-fields) v #,@post-fields)])
(defn #,update-field-name
[[f x] (#,set-field-name (f (#,field x)) x)]))
(loop (cons field pre-fields) post-fields)))))
(data record-type (record-constructor field-type ...) opt ...)
defns ...))
(data Point (Point Integer Integer)
#:deriving [Eq Show])
(data Direction D:Left D:Right D:Up D:Down
#:deriving [Eq Show])
(defn move : {Direction -> Point -> Point}
[[D:Left (Point x y)] (Point {x - 1} y)]
[[D:Right (Point x y)] (Point {x + 1} y)]
[[D:Up (Point x y)] (Point x {y - 1})]
[[D:Down (Point x y)] (Point x {y + 1})])
(defrecord World-State
(World-State [snake-direction Direction]
[snake-blocks (List Point)]
[food-blocks (List Point)])
#:deriving [Show])
(def board-width 50)
(def board-height 30)
(def tile->absolute {(d* 15.0) . integer->double})
(def empty-board (blank-rect (tile->absolute board-width) (tile->absolute board-height)))
(def block (filled-square 13.0))
(def food-block (colorize red block))
(def snake-block (colorize black block))
(defn render-on-board : {Pict -> (List Point) -> Pict}
[[pict points]
(foldr (λ [(Point x y) acc]
(pin-over acc (tile->absolute x) (tile->absolute y) pict))
empty-board points)])
(defn render : {World-State -> Pict}
[[(World-State _ snake-points food-points)]
(pin-over (render-on-board snake-block snake-points)
0.0 0.0
(render-on-board food-block food-points))])
(def random-point : (IO Point)
{Point <$> (random-integer 0 board-width)
<*> (random-integer 0 board-height)})
(defn on-tick : {World-State -> (IO World-State)}
[[(World-State dir snake-points food-points)]
(let ([new-snake-point (move dir (head! snake-points))])
(if {new-snake-point elem? food-points}
(do [new-food-point <- random-point]
(pure (World-State dir
{new-snake-point :: snake-points}
{new-food-point :: (delete new-snake-point food-points)})))
(pure (World-State dir {new-snake-point :: (init! snake-points)} food-points))))])
(defn on-key : {Key-Event -> World-State -> (IO World-State)}
[[KE:Left ] {pure . (set-snake-direction D:Left)}]
[[KE:Right] {pure . (set-snake-direction D:Right)}]
[[KE:Up ] {pure . (set-snake-direction D:Up)}]
[[KE:Down ] {pure . (set-snake-direction D:Down)}]
[[_ ] {pure . id}])
(def initial-state
(do [initial-food <- (sequence (take 5 (repeat random-point)))]
(pure (World-State D:Right
(List (Point 25 15) (Point 24 15) (Point 23 15))
(main (do [state <- initial-state]
(big-bang state
#:to-draw render
#:on-tick on-tick 0.2
#:on-key on-key)))
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