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Last active August 29, 2020 02:45
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Control.Monad.Reader hiding ( asks)
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Control.Monad.Loops
import Text.Printf
--import Formatting
import Data.Aeson
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Network.HTTP.Conduit (simpleHttp)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List.Split
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Log.Logger
import System.Log.Handler (setFormatter)
import System.Log.Handler.Simple (streamHandler)
import System.Log.Formatter
import System.Console.ANSI
clBold = SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity
clFg i c = SetColor Foreground i c
cl = setSGRCode
colBold = setSGRCode [ clBold ]
colFg i c = setSGRCode [ clFg i c ]
colRst = setSGRCode [ Reset ]
colorize sgr s = setSGRCode sgr ++ s ++ colRst
colorizeF sgr f v = colorize sgr $ printf f v
pretty sgr align s = colorize sgr $
if align == 0
then s
else printf ("%" ++ show align ++ "s") s
prettyf sgr align f v = pretty sgr align $ printf f v
colorLogFormatter h (prio, msg) loggername = return $
case prio of
DEBUG -> setSGRCode [ SetColor Foreground Vivid Black ]
INFO -> setSGRCode [ SetColor Foreground Vivid Green ]
NOTICE -> setSGRCode [ SetColor Foreground Dull Blue ]
WARNING -> setSGRCode [ SetColor Foreground Vivid Blue ]
ERROR -> setSGRCode [ SetColor Foreground Dull Red ]
CRITICAL -> setSGRCode [ SetColor Foreground Vivid Red ]
ALERT -> setSGRCode [ SetColor Foreground Dull Yellow ]
EMERGENCY -> setSGRCode [ SetColor Foreground Vivid Yellow ]
++ printf "[%10s] " loggername
++ setSGRCode [ Reset ] ++ msg
initialize = do
h <- streamHandler stdout DEBUG >>= \lh -> return $
setFormatter lh colorLogFormatter
updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName (
setHandlers [h] .
setLevel DEBUG
type Amount = Double
type Price = Double
type Fraction = Double
asAmountBTC x = prettyf [ clBold, clFg Dull Magenta ] 0 "%.2f" x
asAmountUSD' :: Amount -> String
asAmountUSD' x = (if x < 0 then "-" else "") ++ (printf "$%.2f" (abs x))
asAmountUSD x = pretty [ clBold, clFg Dull Yellow ] 0 $ asAmountUSD' x
asPrice x = prettyf [ clBold, clFg Vivid White ] 0 "$%.2f" x
asProfit x = pretty
[ clBold
, clFg Vivid $ if x >= 0
then Green
else Red
] 0 $ asAmountUSD' x
apiBaseURL = ""
apiSymbol = "BTCUSD"
data Order = Order
{ orderPrice :: Price
, orderAmount :: Amount
instance FromJSON Order where
parseJSON (Object v) = let unfuck x = fmap read (v .: x) in
Order <$>
unfuck "price" <*>
unfuck "amount"
instance Show Order where
show (Order p a) = printf "\n%8.2f @ $%-4.2f" a p
data OrderBook = OrderBook
{ bids :: [Order]
, asks :: [Order]
} deriving (Generic)
instance FromJSON OrderBook
instance Show OrderBook where
show (OrderBook (b:_) (a:_)) =
"Max bid: " ++ asPrice (orderPrice b) ++
"\nMin ask: " ++ asPrice (orderPrice a)
show (OrderBook b a) = "Max bid: " ++ show b ++ "\nMin ask: " ++ show a
getOrderBook :: IO OrderBook
getOrderBook = fromJust . decode <$> simpleHttp (apiBaseURL ++ "book/" ++ apiSymbol)
type OrderBookState = StateT OrderBook IO
mergeOrders :: [Order] -> [Order]
mergeOrders [] = []
mergeOrders (x:[]) = [x]
mergeOrders (x1:(x2:xs)) = if orderPrice x1 == orderPrice x2 then
mergeOrders (x1{orderAmount = orderAmount x1 + orderAmount x2}:xs) else
(x1:(mergeOrders (x2:xs)))
collectUntilAmount :: [Order] -> Amount -> Amount -> ([Order], [Order], Amount)
collectUntilAmount [] _ acc = ([], [], acc)
collectUntilAmount os 0 acc = (os, [], acc)
collectUntilAmount (o:os) a acc
| oa > a = (o{orderAmount = oa - a} : os, [o{orderAmount = a}], acc + a * op)
| oa == a = (os, [o], acc + a * op)
| otherwise = (\(rs, rl, racc) -> (rs, o:rl, racc)) $ collectUntilAmount os (a - oa) (acc + oa * op)
oa = orderAmount o
op = orderPrice o
collectUntilValue :: [Order] -> Amount -> Amount -> ([Order], [Order], Amount)
collectUntilValue [] _ acc = ([], [], acc)
collectUntilValue (o:os) v acc
| ov > v = (o{orderAmount = oa - va} : os, [o{orderAmount = va}], acc + va)
| ov == v = (os, [o], acc + va)
| otherwise = (\(rs, rl, racc) -> (rs, o:rl, racc)) $ collectUntilValue os (v - ov) (acc + oa)
oa = orderAmount o
op = orderPrice o
ov = oa * op
va = v / op
bb = [Order x 10 | x <- [1..10]]
executeTrade :: Amount -> Deal Amount
executeTrade amount = lift $ lift $ iterateUntilM
(\(a, _) -> a < 0.0001)
(\(a, sum) -> do
x:xs <- getBook
oa = orderAmount x
op = orderPrice x
in if oa < a
then do
liftIO $ debugM "market" $
"execute " ++ asAmountBTC oa ++ " @ " ++ asPrice op
putBook xs
return (a - oa, sum + (oa*op))
else do
liftIO $ debugM "market" $
"execute " ++ asAmountBTC a ++ " @ " ++ asPrice op
putBook (x{orderAmount = oa - a}:xs)
return (0, sum + (a*op)))
(abs amount, 0) >>= (return . (/ abs amount) . snd)
getBook = gets (if amount < 0 then bids else asks)
putBook :: [Order] -> OrderBookState ()
putBook xs = do
b <- get
put (if amount < 0 then b{bids = xs} else b{asks = xs})
executeBuy amount = executeTrade amount
executeSell amount = executeTrade (-amount)
initiallyRequired = 0.3 :: Fraction
maintenanceRequired = 0.15 :: Fraction
takerFee = 0.002 :: Fraction
makerFee = 0.001 :: Fraction
type Deal a = ReaderT Fraction AccountState a
--deal :: Fraction -> Deal a -> AccountState a
deal = (flip runReaderT)
market = deal takerFee
limit = deal makerFee
dealFee :: Amount -> Price -> Deal Amount
dealFee a p = do
f <- ask
return $ (abs a) * p * f
dealWithFee a p = dealFee a p >>= (return . (a*p -))
data Position = Position
{ amount :: Amount
, price :: Price
instance Show Position where
show pos@(Position a p) = asAmountBTC a ++ " @ " ++ asPrice p
++ ", profitable at "
++ [if a > 0 then '>' else '<']
++ asPrice (runReader (profitablePrice pos) takerFee)
positionProfit :: Position -> Price -> Deal Amount
positionProfit (Position a p0) p1 = dealFee a p1 >>= (return . (a * (p1-p0) - ))
(Position a1 p1) |+| (Position a2 p2) = Position (a1+a2) ((a1*p1+a2*p2)/(a1+a2))
profitablePrice :: Position -> Reader Fraction Price
profitablePrice (Position a p) = do
fee <- ask
let fc = fee * abs a /a in (return $ p * (1+fc)/(1-fc))
--profitablePrice (Position a p) = a * p * (fc/a + 1) / (a-fc) where fc = takerFee * abs a
data Account = Account
{ balance :: Amount
, position :: Maybe Position
instance Show Account where
show a@(Account bal pos) =
printf "Balance: %s$%.2f%s"
(setSGRCode [ SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity, SetColor Foreground Vivid Yellow ])
(setSGRCode [ Reset ])
if (isJust pos)
then "\nPosition: " ++ (show $ fromJust pos) ++
", liq at " ++ asPrice (liquidationPrice a)
else ""
type AccountState = StateT Account OrderBookState
liquidationPrice :: Account -> Price
liquidationPrice (Account bal (Just (Position a p))) = (1+maintenanceRequired)*p-bal/a
pay :: Amount -> AccountState ()
pay x = do
acc <- get
put $ acc{balance = balance acc - x}
maxAmount :: Price -> Deal Amount
maxAmount p = do
Account bal _ <- get
fee <- ask
return $ ((1-fee)/p/initiallyRequired) * bal
trade :: Price -> Amount -> Deal ()
trade price amount = do
Account bal pos <- get
fee <- dealFee amount price
liftIO $ debugM "account" $ "trade "
++ asAmountBTC amount ++ " @ " ++ asPrice price
++ ", fee: " ++ (asProfit (-fee))
put $ Account (bal - fee) (Just $ (fromMaybe (Position 0 0) pos) |+| Position amount price)
-- close currently opened position
close :: Price -> Deal ()
close price = do
Account bal pos <- get
p <- positionProfit (fromJust pos) price
liftIO $ debugM "account" $ printf "close position "
++ asAmountBTC (amount $ fromJust pos) ++ " @ " ++ asPrice price
++ ", profit: " ++ asProfit p
put $ Account (bal + p) Nothing
-- buy or sell given amount of btc for specified price
buy price amount = trade price amount
sell price amount = trade price (-amount)
-- buy or sell for all account value
buyAll price = maxAmount price >>= buy price
sellAll price = maxAmount price >>= sell price
-- reopen will close position and open new one in same direction
reopen p = do
a <- gets (amount . fromJust . position)
close p
if a > 0 then buyAll p else sellAll p
-- turnaround will close position and open new one in opposite direction
turnaround p = do
a <- gets (amount . fromJust . position)
close p
if a > 0 then sellAll p else buyAll p
-- buy, sell and close using actual bitfinex orderbook
buyNow a = (executeBuy a) >>= flip buy a
sellNow a = (executeSell a) >>= flip sell a
closeNow = do
a <- gets (amount . fromJust . position)
(executeTrade (-a)) >>= close
-- inital account state
now' :: OrderBookState Account
now' = return $ Account 533.47352936 Nothing
now' = execStateT (do
limit $ sell 413 10.65
market $
buy 463.45 0.39 >>
buy 463.52 1.26
) $ Account 1320.12413017 Nothing
-- some trades that already happened on the account
recent = do
market $ sell 385.55 4.6
pay (-315.88533705)
-- call like this:
-- estimate $ limit $ buy 330 1 >> turnaround 340 >> close 320 >> buyAll 330
newtype TradingResult = TR (Account, OrderBook)
instance Show TradingResult where
show (TR (a, ob)) = show a ++ "\n\n" ++ show ob
accountInfo = mapM_ (\x -> liftIO $ infoM "account" x) . lines
estimate x = evalStateT (do
n <- now'
accountInfo $
"\n--<[ Before ]>------------------------------------\n" ++
show n ++
r <- execStateT x n
accountInfo $
"\n--<[ After ]>------------------------------------\n" ++
show r ++
"\n--------------------------------------------------" ++
"\nOverall profit: " ++ asProfit (balance r - balance n)
) $ unsafePerformIO getOrderBook
-- estimate prepending 'recent' trades
estim x = estimate $ do
-- print current account state
now = evalStateT (do
n <- now'
accountInfo $
"--<[ Current state ]>-----------------------------\n" ++
show n
) $ unsafePerformIO getOrderBook
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