Save lextra2/11106c55561c8d45c5601b90fee33f5a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
321 |
LWLibavVideoSource("C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\New folder\OVA01.mkv") | |
ConvertBits(32).ConvertToPlanarRGB() | |
Trim(0, 600) | |
mlrt_ort(network_path="C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins64+\models2\2x_AniScale2S_Compact_i8_60K.onnx", builtin=false, provider="dml") | |
# |
function EZdenoise(clip Input, int "thSAD", int "thSADC", int "TR", int "BLKSize", int "Overlap", int "Pel", bool "Chroma", bool "out16") | |
{ | |
thSAD = default(thSAD, 150) | |
thSADC = default(thSADC, thSAD) | |
TR = default(TR, 3) | |
BLKSize = default(BLKSize, 8) | |
Overlap = default(Overlap, BLKSize/2) | |
Pel = default(Pel, 1) | |
Chroma = default(Chroma, false) | |
out16 = default(out16, false) | |
Super = Input.MSuper(Pel=Pel, Chroma=Chroma) | |
Multi_Vector = Super.MAnalyse(Multi=true, Delta=TR, BLKSize=BLKSize, Overlap=Overlap, Chroma=Chroma) | |
Input.MDegrainN(Super, Multi_Vector, TR, thSAD=thSAD, thSAD2=int(float(thSAD*0.9)), thSADC=thSADC, thSADC2=int(float(thSADC*0.9)), out16=out16) | |
} |
LWLibavVideoSource("C:\Video\SPONGEBOB_DISC1_NTSC\D3_t02.mkv") | |
tfm(slow=2, mChroma=false) | |
tdecimate(mode=1) |
MPEG2Source("C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\New folder\E3_t06.d2v") | |
TFM(d2v="C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\New folder\E3_t06.d2v", slow=2, mode=5) | |
TDecimate(mode=1) | |
Crop(6, 0, -6, -0) | |
Spline36Resize(720, 540) | |
FFT3DFilter(sigma=10, bt=5, bw=32, bh=32, ow=16, oh=16, plane=3) | |
Autolevels(filterRadius=30).Levels(0, 1, 255, 0, 235) | |
Prefetch(4) | |
ConvertBits(32).ConvertToPlanarRGB() | |
mlrt_ort(network_path="C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins64+\models2\2x_Garfieldjr_span48.onnx", builtin=false, provider="dml") | |
#4445 | |
#7590 |
LWLibavVideoSource("C:\Users\Admin\Documents\01.mkv") | |
Debilinear(1280, 720) | |
EZdenoise(TR=8, Chroma=true) | |
ConvertBits(10, dither=1) | |
#Trim(0, 15720) | |
Trim(0, 600) | |
Prefetch(12, 48) |
LWLibavVideoSource("C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\New folder\005.mkv") | |
ConvertBits(32).ConvertToPlanarRGB() | |
RIFE(model=44, factor_num=1, factor_den=1, fps_num=60, fps_den=1) | |
Prefetch(2) |
function ShowMe(clip Input) | |
{ | |
Super = Input.MSuper(hpad=0, vpad=0, pel=1) | |
Vector = MAnalyse(Super) | |
MShow(Super, Vector, showsad=true) | |
} |
LWLibavVideoSource("C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\New folder\S01E01.mkv") | |
global c = last | |
global n = DoubleWeave(c).SelectOdd() | |
global p = DoubleWeave(c).SelectOdd().DuplicateFrame(0) | |
global c = VMAF2(c,vinverse(c),feature = 0) | |
global n = VMAF2(n,vinverse(n),feature = 0) | |
global p = VMAF2(p,vinverse(p),feature = 0) | |
c | |
ScriptClip(""" | |
n_metric = propGetFloat(n,"psnr_y") + propGetFloat(n,"psnr_cb") + propGetFloat(n,"psnr_cr") | |
c_metric = propGetFloat(c,"psnr_y") + propGetFloat(c,"psnr_cb") + propGetFloat(c,"psnr_cr") | |
p_metric = propGetFloat(p,"psnr_y") + propGetFloat(p,"psnr_cb") + propGetFloat(p,"psnr_cr") | |
n_metric > c_metric && n_metric > p_metric ? n : \ | |
p_metric > c_metric && p_metric > n_metric ? p : c | |
""") |
Nov 27, 2020
- AviSynthPlus OLD
- AviSynthPlus NEW
- Thread
- AvsPmod
- Thread
- LSMASHSource - OLD
- LSMASHSource - NEW
- Thread
- MVTools2 - OLD
- MVTools2 - NEW
- Thread
- EZdenoise
- Very Effective Field Matching script
- Vinverse
ffmpeg -y -benchmark -init_hw_device opencl=GPU -filter_hw_device GPU -i INPUT.mkv -c:v prores_ks -filter_complex "format=yuv420p, hwupload, nlmeans_opencl, hwdownload, format=yuv420p" -q:v 4 -an -frames 480 OUTPUT.mkv
Note: Much slower and much worse quality over MVtools. Do not use!
-c:v ffv1 -level 3 -coder 1 -context 1 -g 1 -slices 24 -slicecrc 1
ffmpeg -y -benchmark -i 02.mkv -c:v prores_ks -q:v 4 -vf "dejudder, fps=30000/1001, fieldmatch=mode=pcn_ub:combmatch=full, yadif=deint=interlaced, decimate" -c:a copy 002.mkv
decides the type of search at every level
is an additional parameter (step, radius) for this search
Below are the possible values for the search type
- OneTimeSearch
- NStepSearch
- DIA, diamond search, logarithmic search. searchparam is the initial step search, there again, it is refined progressively.
- ESA, exhaustive search, searchparam is the radius (square side is 2*radius+1). It is slow, but it gives the best results, SAD-wise.
- HEX, hexagonal search. searchparam is the range. (similar to x264). DEFAULT
- UMH, uneven multi-hexagon search. searchparam is the range. (similar to x264).
- pure Horizontal exhaustive search, searchparam is the radius (width is 2*radius+1).
- pure Vertical exhaustive search, searchparam is the radius (height is 2*radius+1).
Multi_Vector = Super.MAnalyse(Multi=true, Delta=TR, BLKSize=BLKSize, Overlap=Overlap, Chroma=Chroma, search=3, searchparam=4)
try search=3 (esa)
try dct=5
try fulls=False, fulld=True with 16 or 32 bits
find out a way to if>else in avsi script for MAnalyse
test lowpass "pre" filter MVLPFGauss=0.6
try all of that wall of text
ternary operator
Plane = 4 if Chroma = true, else Plane = 1
Plane = Chroma ? 4 : 1
function EZdenoise(clip Input, int "thSAD", int "thSADC", int "TR", int "BLKSize", int "Overlap", int "Pel", bool "Chroma", bool "out16")
thSAD = default(thSAD, 150)
thSADC = default(thSADC, thSAD)
TR = default(TR, 3)
BLKSize = default(BLKSize, 8)
Overlap = default(Overlap, BLKSize/2)
Pel = default(Pel, 1)
Chroma = default(Chroma, false)
out16 = default(out16, false)
Plane = Chroma ? 4 : 1
Super = Input.MSuper(Pel=Pel, Chroma=Chroma)
Multi_Vector = Super.MAnalyse(Multi=true, Delta=TR, BLKSize=BLKSize, Overlap=Overlap, Chroma=Chroma)
Input.MDegrainN(Super, Multi_Vector, TR, thSAD=thSAD, thSAD2=int(float(thSAD*0.9)), thSADC=thSADC, thSADC2=int(float(thSADC*0.9)), out16=out16, Plane=Plane)