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Created December 13, 2019 07:12
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Get Client Rect Offset
function getClientRectOffsetY(elem, part, offset) {
elem = ge(elem);
offset = offset || 0;
var ey = getXY(elem)[1],
eh = getSize(elem)[1],
w = window, de = document.documentElement,
ch = Math.max(intval(w.innerHeight), intval(de.clientHeight)),
fixed_head = ge('page_header_cont'),
hh = getSize(fixed_head)[1],
st = (de.scrollTop || bodyNode.scrollTop || window.scrollY || 0);
if (!part) {
if (ey < st + hh + offset) return (ey - st + hh - offset);
if (ey + eh > st + ch - offset) return (ey + eh - st - ch + offset);
} else {
if (ey + eh < st + hh + offset) return (ey + eh - st - hh - offset);
if (ey > st + ch - offset) return (ey - st - ch + offset);
return 0;
function getXYRect(obj, notBounding) {
var rect;
if (notBounding && getStyle(obj, 'display') == 'inline') {
var rects = obj.getClientRects();
rect = rects && rects[0] || obj.getBoundingClientRect();
} else {
rect = obj.getBoundingClientRect();
return rect;
function getXY(obj, forFixed) {
obj = ge(obj);
if (!obj) return [0,0];
var docElem, win,
rect = {top: 0, left: 0},
doc = obj.ownerDocument;
if (!doc) {
return [0, 0];
docElem = doc.documentElement;
if (boundingRectEnabled(obj)) {
rect = getXYRect(obj, true);
win = doc == doc.window ? doc : (doc.nodeType === 9 ? doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow : false);
return [
rect.left + (!forFixed ? win.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft : 0) - (docElem.clientLeft || 0), + (!forFixed ? win.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop : 0) - (docElem.clientTop || 0)
function getSize(elem, withoutBounds, notBounding) {
elem = ge(elem);
var s = [0, 0], de = document.documentElement, rect;
if (withoutBounds && getStyle(elem, 'boxSizing') === 'border-box') {
withoutBounds = false;
if (elem == document) {
s = [Math.max(
bodyNode.scrollWidth, de.scrollWidth,
bodyNode.offsetWidth, de.offsetWidth
), Math.max(
bodyNode.scrollHeight, de.scrollHeight,
bodyNode.offsetHeight, de.offsetHeight
} else if (elem){
function getWH() {
if (boundingRectEnabled(elem) && (rect = getXYRect(elem, notBounding)) && rect.width !== undefined) {
s = [rect.width, rect.height];
} else {
s = [elem.offsetWidth, elem.offsetHeight];
if (!withoutBounds) return;
var padding = 0, border = 0;
each(s, function(i, v) {
var which = i ? ['Top', 'Bottom'] : ['Left', 'Right'];
each(which, function(){
s[i] -= parseFloat(getStyle(elem, 'padding' + this)) || 0;
s[i] -= parseFloat(getStyle(elem, 'border' + this + 'Width')) || 0;
if (!isVisible(elem)) {
var props = {position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden', display: 'block'};
var old = {}, old_cssText = false;
if ('!important') > -1) {
old_cssText =;
each(props, function(i, v) {
old[i] =[i];[i] = v;
each(props, function(i, v) {[i] = old[i];
if (old_cssText) { = old_cssText;
} else getWH();
return s;
function getW(el) {
return getSize(el)[0];
function getH(el) {
return getSize(el)[1];
function ge(el) {
return (typeof el == 'string' || typeof el == 'number') ? document.getElementById(el) : el;
function getStyle(elem, name, force) {
elem = ge(elem);
if (isArray(name)) { var res = {}; each(name, function(i,v){res[v] = getStyle(elem, v);}); return res; }
if (!elem) return '';
if (force === undefined) {
force = true;
if (!force && name == 'opacity' && browser.msie) {
var filter =['filter'];
return filter ? (filter.indexOf('opacity=') >= 0 ?
(parseFloat(filter.match(/opacity=([^)]*)/)[1] ) / 100) + '' : '1') : '';
if (!force && && ([name] || name == 'height')) {
var ret, defaultView = document.defaultView || window;
if (defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
name = name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase();
var computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null);
if (computedStyle) {
ret = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(name);
} else if (elem.currentStyle) {
if (name == 'opacity' && browser.msie) {
var filter = elem.currentStyle['filter'];
return filter && filter.indexOf('opacity=') >= 0 ?
(parseFloat(filter.match(/opacity=([^)]*)/)[1]) / 100) + '' : '1';
var camelCase = name.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(all, letter){
return letter.toUpperCase();
ret = elem.currentStyle[name] || elem.currentStyle[camelCase];
//dummy fix for ie
if (ret == 'auto') {
ret = 0;
ret = (ret + '').split(' ');
each(ret, function(i,v) {
if (!/^\d+(px)?$/i.test(v) && /^\d/.test(v)) {
var style =, left = style.left, rsLeft = elem.runtimeStyle.left;
elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left;
style.left = v || 0;
ret[i] = style.pixelLeft + 'px';
style.left = left;
elem.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft;
ret = ret.join(' ');
if (force && (name == 'width' || name == 'height')) {
var ret2 = getSize(elem, true)[({'width': 0, 'height': 1})[name]];
ret = (intval(ret) ? Math.max(floatval(ret), ret2) : ret2) + 'px';
return ret;
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