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Last active January 22, 2021 01:53
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Simple blur lock screen that works with i3lock, xsslock, scrot and ImageMagick
## CONFIGURATION ##############################################################
# Options to pass to i3lock
# Run before starting the locker
pre_lock() {
# Uncomment when you automatically want to pause cmus playback on lock
# cmus-remote -U
MUTED=$(pactl list sinks | grep '^[[:space:]]Mute:' | sed "s/^[[:space:]]Mute: //")
# Uncomment to pause the Media player daemon on lock
# mpc pause
# Mute the audio sink on lock, you might need to change the id of your sink.
# For now this only works with one audio output activated.
# With more it will fail to auto unmute on unlock
# pactl set-sink-mute 0 1
# Place your lock icon here or change path accordingly.
if [ -f "$TMPBG" ]; then
scrot /tmp/screen.png
convert $TMPBG -scale 10% -scale 1000% $TMPBG
# If you have multiple monitors, you might have to play around with the geometry option (-geometry (+/-)x_off(+/-)y_off) a bit
# to center the icon on your main screen.
convert $TMPBG $ICON -gravity center -geometry 0+0 -composite -matte $TMPBG
i3lock_options+=" -i $TMPBG"
# Run after the locker exits
post_lock() {
## If the sink was unmuted before locking, umute it on unlock
# if [ "$MUTED" == "no" ]; then
# pactl set-sink-mute 0 0
# fi
# We set a trap to kill the locker if we get killed, then start the locker and
# wait for it to exit. The waiting is not that straightforward when the locker
# forks, so we use this polling only if we have a sleep lock to deal with.
if [[ -e /dev/fd/${XSS_SLEEP_LOCK_FD:--1} ]]; then
kill_i3lock() {
pkill -xu $EUID "$@" i3lock
trap kill_i3lock TERM INT
# we have to make sure the locker does not inherit a copy of the lock fd
i3lock $i3lock_options {XSS_SLEEP_LOCK_FD}<&-
# now close our fd (only remaining copy) to indicate we're ready to sleep
while kill_i3lock -0; do
sleep 0.5
trap 'kill %%' TERM INT
i3lock -n $i3lock_options &
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