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Created September 17, 2014 18:37
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Big John's Beef Jerky Calculator
import System.Environment(getArgs)
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart
import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.Names
import Data.Default.Class
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Diagrams
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.Floating
import Control.Lens
lifetime_discount = 0.05
loyalty_discount = [0.00, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07]
bjbj_trunc :: Rational -> Rational
bjbj_trunc x = fromIntegral(floor (x * 10)) / 10
bjbj_other_discount :: Rational -> Rational -> Rational
bjbj_other_discount x d = bjbj_trunc (x * d)
bjbj_discount :: Rational -> Rational -> Rational
bjbj_discount x d = x - (x * d)
bjbj_discount_amount :: Rational -> Rational
bjbj_discount_amount x
| x < 50.00 = 0
| x < 129.00 = 0.25
| x < 275.00 = 0.30
| x < 718.00 = 0.35
| x < 1724.00 = 0.37
| x < 3000.00 = 0.40
| x >= 3000.00 = 0.44
bjbj :: Rational -> Rational -> Double
bjbj x loyalty = fromRational(discounted_price - ((bjbj_other_discount discounted_price lifetime_discount) + (bjbj_other_discount discounted_price loyalty)))
discounted_price = bjbj_discount x (bjbj_discount_amount x)
chart = toRenderable layout
loyalty :: [PlotLines Double Double]
loyalty = [(plot_lines_values .~ [[ (fromRational x, bjbj x (loyalty_discount !! 0)) | x <- [0.0, 1.0..3100.0] ]]
$ plot_lines_style . line_color .~ opaque blue
$ plot_lines_title .~ "0% Loyalty Rewards"
$ def), (plot_lines_values .~ [[ (fromRational x, bjbj x (loyalty_discount !! 1)) | x <- [0.0, 1.0..3100.0] ]]
$ plot_lines_style . line_color .~ opaque red
$ plot_lines_title .~ "0.03% Loyalty Rewards"
$ def), (plot_lines_values .~ [[ (fromRational x, bjbj x (loyalty_discount !! 2)) | x <- [0.0, 1.0..3100.0] ]]
$ plot_lines_style . line_color .~ opaque green
$ plot_lines_title .~ "0.05% Loyalty Rewards"
$ def), (plot_lines_values .~ [[ (fromRational x, bjbj x (loyalty_discount !! 3)) | x <- [0.0, 1.0..3100.0] ]]
$ plot_lines_style . line_color .~ opaque purple
$ plot_lines_title .~ "0.07% Loyalty Rewards"
$ def)]
layout = layout_title .~ "Big John's Beef Jerky Bulk Pricing (with Lifetime Loyalty Discount (5%))"
$ layout_plots .~ fmap toPlot loyalty
$ def
main = renderableToSVGFile chart 800.0 600.0 "bigjohnsbeefjerky_optimal.svg"
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