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Created July 19, 2024 05:42
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\ lf94 /
\ I git turmites in me house
\ 2-state 2-color turmite
\ check a condition is true otherwise abort
: assert ( bool -- ) <> abort" not equal" ;
0 constant state.0
1 constant state.1
0 constant color.0
1 constant color.1
0 constant dir.east
1 constant dir.south
2 constant dir.west
3 constant dir.north
4 constant
64 constant width
16 constant height
: bits ( n -- n ) 8 / ;
: by ;
: lines * ;
: bitmap-new, ( -- )
width bits by height lines \ calc the total bytes needed
dup allot \ allot them
( here n ) 0 do ( here ) 0 over I + ! loop \ fill with zeros
( here ) drop
create bitmap bitmap-new,
create bug.x 32 ,
create bug.y 8 ,
create bug.dir dir.east ,
: state.0,color.0 color.0 = swap state.0 = and ;
: state.0,color.1 color.1 = swap state.0 = and ;
: state.1,color.0 color.0 = swap state.1 = and ;
: state.1,color.1 color.1 = swap state.1 = and ;
: bug.turn-right! ( -- )
bug.dir @ 1 + \ next dir is always +90deg mod \ loop around to zero
bug.dir !
: bug.turn-none ( -- ) ;
: bug.crawl! ( -- )
bug.dir @ case
dir.east of bug.x @ 1 + width min bug.x ! endof
dir.south of bug.y @ 1 + height min bug.y ! endof
dir.west of bug.x @ 1 - 0 max bug.x ! endof
dir.north of bug.y @ 1 - 0 max bug.y ! endof
: bug.xy! ( x y -- ) bug.y ! bug.x ! ;
: bug.xy@ ( -- x y ) bug.x @ bug.y @ ;
: xy-to-bit-index ( x y -- u )
width * +
\ 18 0 xy-to-bit-index ) 18 assert
\ 18 3 xy-to-bit-index ) 24 8 * 18 + assert
: bitmap.bit! ( bit x y -- )
rot rot swap ( y x bit ) over 8 mod
( y x bit x2 ) lshift
( y x bit2 ) -rot swap
( bit2 x y ) over swap ( bit2 x x y ) xy-to-bit-index 8 /
( bit2 x n ) bitmap + dup c@
( bit2 x addr c ) rot
( bit2 addr c x ) 8 mod 1 swap lshift invert and
( bit2 addr c ) rot ( addr bit2 c ) or
( addr c ) swap c!
: bitmap.bit@ ( x y -- bit )
over swap ( x x y ) xy-to-bit-index 8 / bitmap + c@
swap ( c x ) 8 mod rshift 1 and
\ 0 0 bug.xy!
\ color.1 bug.xy@ bitmap.bit!
\ bug.xy@ bitmap.bit@ 1 assert
\ 1 0 bug.xy!
\ color.1 bug.xy@ bitmap.bit!
\ bug.xy@ bitmap.bit@ 1 assert
\ 2 0 bug.xy!
\ color.1 bug.xy@ bitmap.bit!
\ bug.xy@ bitmap.bit@ 1 assert
\ 3 0 bug.xy!
\ color.1 bug.xy@ bitmap.bit!
\ bug.xy@ bitmap.bit@ 1 assert
\ 4 0 bug.xy!
\ color.1 bug.xy@ bitmap.bit!
\ bug.xy@ bitmap.bit@ 1 assert
\ 8 0 bug.xy!
\ color.1 bug.xy@ bitmap.bit!
\ bug.xy@ bitmap.bit@ 1 assert
\ 9 0 bug.xy!
\ color.1 bug.xy@ bitmap.bit!
\ bug.xy@ bitmap.bit@ 1 assert
\ width 0 bug.xy!
\ color.1 bug.xy@ bitmap.bit!
\ bug.xy@ bitmap.bit@ 1 assert
\ width 2 / height 2 / bug.xy!
\ color.1 bug.xy@ bitmap.bit!
\ bug.xy@ bitmap.bit@ 1 assert
\ width height 2 / bug.xy!
\ color.0 bug.xy@ bitmap.bit!
\ bug.xy@ bitmap.bit@ 0 assert
\ Lazy grid plotting, much more performant than full redraw.
: term.emit-color ( color -- )
bug.x @ bug.y @ at-xy
dup color.0 = if bl emit then
dup color.1 = if [char] O emit then
\ Full grid output, intended for debugging.
: term.emit-grid ( -- )
width bits by height lines 0 do
I bitmap + c@
8 0 do
dup I rshift 1 and 1 = if [char] O else bl then emit
loop drop
I 1 + width bits mod 0 = if cr then
: transition ( state color -- state )
over over state.0,color.0 if
drop drop color.1 bug.xy@ bitmap.bit! bug.turn-right! bug.crawl! state.0 exit
over over state.0,color.1 if
drop drop color.1 bug.xy@ bitmap.bit! bug.turn-right! bug.crawl! state.1 exit
over over state.1,color.0 if
drop drop color.0 bug.xy@ bitmap.bit! bug.turn-none bug.crawl! state.0 exit
over over state.1,color.1 if
drop drop color.0 bug.xy@ bitmap.bit! bug.turn-none bug.crawl! state.1 exit
( state color ) drop drop
: main
10000 0 do
( state ) bug.xy@ bitmap.bit@
dup term.emit-color
20 ms
( state color ) drop drop
\ term.emit-grid
state.0 color.0 main
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