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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Calculate my working hours from a .hours file. Comparison of Python and Haskell.
-- Read in an hours file and print the total hours.
-- Hours file format:
-- Desc\tDate\tStartTime-EndTime
import System.Environment
import Data.List.Split
-- Return milliseconds
get_milliseconds :: [String] -> Double
get_milliseconds xs = hours + minutes
hours = (read (xs !! 0) :: Double) * 60 * 60 * 1000
minutes = (read (xs !! 1) :: Double) * 60 * 1000
-- Time format: HH:MM (24H)
time_difference :: String -> String -> Double
time_difference start end = (end_milli - start_milli) / 1000.0 / 60.0 / 60.0
start_milli = get_milliseconds (splitOn ":" start)
end_milli = get_milliseconds (splitOn ":" end)
-- Recursively get every line, split it up, and figure out the total
calculate_total :: [String] -> Double
calculate_total [] = 0
calculate_total (x:xs) = (time_difference start end) + (calculate_total xs)
military_time = splitOn " " ((splitOn "\t" x) !! 2)
start = military_time !! 0
end = military_time !! 2
-- Determine if a line is not a comment
not_comment :: String -> Bool
not_comment str
| str !! 0 == '/' && str !! 1 == '/' = False
| otherwise = True
main = do
args <- getArgs
content <- readFile (args !! 0)
let linesOfFiles = lines content
putStrLn $ show (calculate_total (filter not_comment linesOfFiles))
# Read in an hours file and print the total hours.
# Hours file format:
# Desc\tDate\tStartTime-EndTime
import sys
# Time format: HH:MM (24H)
def time_difference(start, end):
end = end.split(":")
start = start.split(":")
end_milli = int(end[0])*60*60*1000
end_milli += int(end[1])*60*1000
start_milli = int(start[0])*60*60*1000
start_milli += int(start[1])*60*1000
diff = end_milli - start_milli
diff = diff / 1000 / 60 / 60
return diff
with open(sys.argv[1]) as fh:
lines = fh.readlines()
total = 0.0
for line in lines:
if(line[0] == '/' and line[1] == '/'):
data = line.split("\t")
time = data[2].split(" ")
diff = time_difference(time[0], time[2]) #time[1] is a hyphen(-)
total += diff
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