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Last active April 11, 2018 10:40
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AwesomeiOS.Weekly [21]

Links of the week

The first featured link is "Expanding Swift's Reach" by Benedikt Terhechte. "My goal for Swift has always been and still is total world domination. It’s a modest goal " - Chris Lattner. Benedikt talks about the current stage of Swift, comparing it with other languages like Go, Kotlin and Rust. He also talks about how Swift can improve to become a better language, open source libraries and more.

The second featured link is "Feature flags in Swift", by John Sundell. A lot of apps nowadays are using feature flags and it's important to know different ways we can implement them. Joe talks about Conditional compilation, Static flags and Runtime flags in a short post.

Wanna see your library here? Send us an email!

Here are the 5 awesome libraries of the week:

1 - Peek

All new design. Inspect your iOS application at runtime.

Quality Index: 70

  • Total Stargazers: 2272
  • README Complexity: 75
  • Number of tests: 0
  • Total Downloads: 10492

KeyPathKit is a library that provides the standard functions to manipulate data along with a call-syntax that relies on typed keypaths to male the call sites as short and clean as possible.

  • Total Stargazers: 42

A tool to convert Xcode .xib to .storyboard files

  • Total Stargazers: 50

4 - Vault

🗄 Vault - Simple and Secure

  • Total Stargazers: 2

Use any custom view as custom callout view of your MKMapView with cool animations. Make any image as your annotation view.

  • Total Stargazers: 33
  • Total Downloads: 106
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