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Last active April 24, 2018 11:35
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AwesomeiOS.Weekly [23]

Links of the week

The first featured link is "Do the right way with Storyboard" by Michael Tran. Storyboards are really present in my iOS Developments and as they grow, they get slower and can start breaking things, especially with @IBDesignables. Michael gives out some rules and tips to make our Storyboards slim and performant.

The second featured link is "Swift, Plist and Two Smoking Scripts", by Artem Novichkov. I'm a freelance iOS developer, which means I'm always making apps for other people, which makes it really hard when there's a "Missing Info.plist key" error and the only way Apple tells us about it is through email, which I'll figure it out after hours of looking into why this build is disappearing because I don't have access to the email. My problems are over thanks to Artem and his neat scripts!

Wanna see your library here? Send us an email!

Here are the 5 awesome libraries of the week:

A small and flexible (well documented) UIButton subclass with animated loading progress, and completion animation.

Quality Index: 80

  • Total Stargazers: 266
  • README Complexity: 97
  • Number of tests: 1
  • Total Downloads: 1193

2 - Stefan

A guy that helps you manage collections and placeholders in easy way.

  • Total Stargazers: 15

A cool and customizable popup style action sheet for iOS 😎

  • Total Stargazers: 19

4 - Tagged

🏷 A library for safer types.

  • Total Stargazers: 190

5 - Flow

Flow is a Swift library for working with asynchronous flows and life cycles

  • Total Stargazers: 95
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