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Last active July 1, 2022 16:06
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How to Automate OAuth2 Token Renewal in Postman
// ###########################################################################
// Define required packages
// ###########################################################################
let moment = require("moment"); // Used to create/format date
// ###########################################################################
// Define variables
// ###########################################################################
let AUTH = pm.environment.get("AUTH"); // Get current JWT token value
let AUTH_CREATED_DATE = pm.environment.get("AUTH_CREATED_DATE"); // Get JWT token creation date
let AUTH_EXPIRES_IN = pm.environment.get("AUTH_EXPIRES_IN"); // Get JWT token expiration time (in seconds)
let AUTH_TYPE = pm.environment.get("AUTH_TYPE"); // Get JWT token type (e.g. Bearer)
let NOW = moment(); // Create a new datetime
let AUTH_EXPIRED_DATE; // Define this variable for the expiration calculation
let AUTH_CLIENT_ID = pm.environment.get("AUTH_CLIENT_ID") // Get JWT token client ID
let AUTH_USERNAME = pm.environment.get("AUTH_USERNAME"); // Get JWT token username
let AUTH_PASSWORD = pm.environment.get("AUTH_PASSWORD"); // Get JWT token password
// ###########################################################################
// Check if there is any environment variable empty or undefined
// ###########################################################################
} else {
AUTH_EXPIRED_DATE = moment(new Date(AUTH_CREATED_DATE)).add(AUTH_EXPIRES_IN, 'seconds');
// ###########################################################################
// Generate Token
// ###########################################################################
if(AUTH_EXPIRED_DATE <= NOW) {"Updating JWT Token... wait!");
method: "POST",
header: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
body: {
mode: "urlencoded",
urlencoded: [
{key: "username", value: `${AUTH_USERNAME}`, disabled: false},
{key: "password", value: `${AUTH_PASSWORD}`, disabled: false},
{key: "grant_type", value: "password", disabled: false},
{key: "client_id", value: `${AUTH_CLIENT_ID}`, disabled: false},
{key: "response_type", value: "token id_token", disabled: false},
{key: "scope", value: `openid ${AUTH_CLIENT_ID} offline_access`, disabled: false},
}, function (error, response) {
if (error !== null) {
} else {
pm.environment.set("AUTH", response.json().access_token);
pm.environment.set("AUTH_TYPE", response.json().token_type);
pm.environment.set("AUTH_CREATED_DATE", response.headers.get("Date"))
pm.environment.set("AUTH_EXPIRES_IN", response.json().expires_in);"The AUTH environment was updated");
pm.test('The AUTH TOKEN was created', function() {
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