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Created June 4, 2024 05:19
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determine number of cyccles for cpu operations
section .data
fmt db "Value: %ld", 0x0a, 0 ; Format string for printf
iterations dq 0x3b9aca00 ; 1000000000
section .bss
number resq 1 ; Reserve 1 quadword (64 bits or 8 bytes) for number used for printf
sum resq 1 ; Reserve 1 quadword (64 bits or 8 bytes) for sum
cyclesa resq 1 ; Reserve 1 quadword (64 bits or 8 bytes) for rdtsc output
cyclesb resq 1 ; Reserve 1 quadword (64 bits or 8 bytes) for rdtsc output
section .text
global main
extern printf
shl rdx, 32
mov rcx,rax
or rcx,rdx
mov [cyclesa], rcx ; Move the value in rax to cpucycles
ret ; Return to the caller (address is already on the stack)
shl rdx, 32
mov rcx,rax
or rcx,rdx
mov [cyclesb], rcx ; Move the value in rax to cpucycles
ret ; Return to the caller (address is already on the stack)
lea rdi, [fmt] ; parameter 1 for printf
mov rsi, [number] ; Load the value at rsp (the reserved stack space) into rsi
xor eax, eax ; Zero out eax to indicate no floating point parameters for printf
call printf
ret ; Return to the caller (address is already on the stack)
push rbp ; pushes rbp immediately below the return address.
mov rbp, rsp ; makes rbp point to that object (stack address)
sub rsp, 8 ; Align the stack to 16 bytes, i.e, you pushed rbp so you get 8 bytes misaligned
call get_cyclesA
mov edx, [iterations] ; set loop variable 1000000000
mov rax, QWORD [sum] ; read memory to rax
add rax,0x1 ; add 1 to rax
mov QWORD [sum],rax ; write rax to memory
sub edx,0x1 ; subtract 1 from loop variable
jne add_loop
call get_cyclesB
mov r9, [cyclesa]
mov [number], r9
call print_number ; print cycles start
mov r8, [cyclesb]
mov [number], r8
call print_number ; print cycles end
mov rax, [cyclesb]
mov rbx, [cyclesa]
sub rax, rbx
mov [number], rax
call print_number ; print difference
mov rax, [cyclesb]
mov rbx, [cyclesa]
sub rax, rbx
mov r12, [iterations]
xor rdx, rdx
div r12 ; rax / r10 rax has answer remainder in rdx
mov [number], rax
call print_number ; print average
add rsp, 8 ; Restore the stack pointer
xor eax, eax ; return 0
pop rbp
cpu_cycles.elf: cpu_cycles.asm
nasm -f elf64 -g -F dwarf $< -o cpu_cycles.o
# ld -o $@ lfm.o
gcc -no-pie -o $@ cpu_cycles.o
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