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Last active May 5, 2024 02:52
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Download channels from Discord and save as a webarchive for offline reading
# Make sure to have a .env with `DISCORD_TOKEN=your_token_here` in the same directory as this script.
# Get your token as per:
dce() { docker run -it --rm --env-file .env --volume "$(pwd)/out":/out tyrrrz/discordchatexporter:latest "$@"; }
ffmpeg() { docker run --rm --volume "$(pwd)/out":/out "$@"; }
bun() { docker run -i --rm --volume "$(pwd)":/home/bun/app oven/bun:latest "$@"; }
jq() { docker run -i --rm --volume "$(pwd)":/docker-files -w /docker-files badouralix/curl-jq jq "$@"; }
# Ensure all files/tools exist
if [ ! -e .env ] || ! command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1 || ! command -v webarchiver >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "You need a .env file with DISCORD_TOKEN in it, and you must have docker + webarchiver installed"
exit 1
# Input for what to download
echo "Getting Discord state"
bun run discord-state.ts > discord-state.json
jq -r '.guilds[] | "\(.id) | \(.name)"' discord-state.json
echo "Which guild id would you like to download from?"; read -r guild_id
jq -r '.guilds[] | select(.id == "'"$guild_id"'") | .channels | sort_by(.position) | .[] | "\(.id) | \(.name)"' discord-state.json
echo "Which channel id?"; read -r channel_id
echo "Getting read states"
last_read_id=$(jq -r '.read_state.[] | select(.id == "'"$channel_id"'") | .last_message_id' discord-state.json)
echo "Last read messageid: $last_read_id"
echo "Download from what timestamp/messageid (0 for beginning)?"; read -r start_id
echo "What name should we assign to the download (no spaces)?"; read -r name
rm -f discord-state.json
# Download
dce export --media --reuse-media --media-dir media --markdown True --format HtmlDark --locale Pacific \
--channel "$channel_id" --after "$start_id" --output "$name.html"
echo "Converting videos to animated gifs" # Needed for webarchive for iOS/iPadOS
videos=$(grep -oE 'src=media/[^"]*.mp4' "out/$name.html")
if [[ -n "$videos" ]]; then
while IFS= read -r match; do
mp4_filename_with_media=$(echo "$match" | cut -d'=' -f2)
if ! ffmpeg -nostdin -hide_banner -loglevel error -y -i "/out/$mp4_filename_with_media" -vf "scale=320:-1,fps=10" "/out/$gif_filename_with_media"; then errors=1; fi
sed -i "" "s|<video.*$match.*</video>|<img class=chatlog__embed-generic-gifv src=\"$gif_filename_with_media\" \/>|g" "out/$name.html"
done <<< "$videos"
# Remove lazy loading and generate webarchive files and remove html files
echo "Fixing image urls and converting to webarchive"
sed -i "" 's/loading="*lazy"*//g' "out/$name.html" # Disable lazyloading so webarchiver downloads everything
sed -i "" -e ':a' -e 's/\(src=[^ >]*\)%/\1@!@25/g; t a' "out/$name.html" # dce has a bug when % is in the url
sed -i "" -e ':a' -e 's/\(src=[^ >]*\)@!@/\1%/g; t a' "out/$name.html" # replace the intermediary @!@ with % to prevent infinite loops
echo "Converting to webarchive"
if ! webarchiver -url "out/$name.html" -output "./out/$name.webarchive"; then errors=1; fi
[ "$errors" -eq 0 ] && rm "out/$name.html" || echo "There were errors, not deleting html file out/$name.html"
echo "Completed"
// Run with `bun run discord-state.ts`
const envFile: string = await Bun.file(".env").text()
const token = process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN
if (!token) {
console.error("No DISCORD_TOKEN env variable found (incl in the .env file)")
const socket = new WebSocket("wss://")
socket.addEventListener("message", event => {
const wsData = JSON.parse(
if (wsData.op === 0 && wsData.t === "READY") {
console.log(JSON.stringify(wsData.d, null, 2))
socket.addEventListener("open", event => {
socket.send(JSON.stringify({ "op": 2, "d": { "token": token, "properties": {}, "presence": {}, "compress": false,
"client_state": { "guild_versions": {} } } }))
socket.addEventListener("error", event => {
console.error("Error transacting with Discord")
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