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Last active June 27, 2024 11:18
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FreePBX Feature code prefix to allow spy/whisper/barge on the specified extension
; FreePBX Feature code prefix to allow spy/whisper/barge on
; the specified extension.
; Latest version:
; Usage:
; Dialplan goes in the file:
; /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf
; Dial local extension with 556 prefix to spy. While spying on
; active channel use the following dtmf input to toggle modes:
; dtmf 4 - spy mode
; 5 - whisper mode
; 6 - barge mode
; License: GNU GPL2
; Version History
; 2018-11-23 First commit by lgaetz
; 2019-03-05 update regex to prevent channels from returning multiple channel matches
; 2019-10-10 added support to loop thru all dialable devices for the extension, now supports Zulu/webrtc clients
; 2020-04-12 COVID-19 edition - supports prompt to request spyee extension
; 2020-07-23 add E option to ChanSpy application and add timeout
; 2021-03-08 add example line to block spying access to certain extensions
exten => 556,1,Noop(Entering user defined context from-internal-custom in extensions_custom.conf)
exten => 556,n,Read(spyee,please-enter-the&extension&number&followed_pound)
exten => 556,n,GoTo(targeted-chanspy,${spyee},1)
exten => _556.,1,Noop(Entering user defined context from-internal-custom in extensions_custom.conf)
exten => _556.,n,GoTo(targeted-chanspy,${EXTEN:3},1) ;strip off prefix
exten => _.,1,Noop(Entering user defined context targeted-chanspy in extensions_custom.conf)
; exten => _.,n,ExecIF($["${EXTEN}"="100"]?Hangup) ; if you want to block spying access to certain extensions you can do that with this line, one per ext
exten => _.,n,Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=3600) ; prevent hung channel by setting 1 hour timeout recommended if using infinite loop
exten => _.,n,Answer
exten => _.,n(once-upon-a-time),Wait(1)
exten => _.,n,set(spy_target=) ; initialize target var
; get list of dialable devices for extension
exten => _.,n,Set(DEVS=${DB(AMPUSER/${EXTEN}/device)}) ; & delimited list of devices
exten => _.,n,Set(DEVS=${STRREPLACE(DEVS,&,\,)}) ; comma delimited list of devices
; step thru each device and look for an active channel
exten => _.,n,While($["${SET(DEV=${POP(DEVS)})}" != ""])
exten => _.,n,noop(dev: ${DEV})
; using a regex of SIP/${EXTEN}- will match both SIP and PJSIP channels, and the trailing - character should
; help to ensure there is only a single match. If multiple channels are returned the chanspy application will fail
exten => _.,n,set(spy_target=${CHANNELS(SIP/${DEV}-)})
exten => _.,n,ExecIf($["${spy_target}"!=""]?ExitWhile) ; if an active channel is found exit the loop
exten => _.,n,EndWhile()
exten => _.,n,ExecIF($["${spy_target}"!=""]?ChanSpy(${spy_target},dnqE)) ; q option suppresses channel announce on barge
exten => _.,n,Hangup() ;comment this line with a semicolon to do infinite loop
exten => _.,n,GoTo(once-upon-a-time)
exten => _.,n,Hangup()
exten => h,1,Hangup()
exten => s,1,Hangup()
exten => T,1,Hangup() ; timeout destination
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clletizia commented Nov 29, 2023 via email

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