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Created March 20, 2012 01:53
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Common lisp recursion vs. Ruby
;;; The idea here is to be able to determine velocity and distance
;;; attained as a function of time.
;; some physical constants/definitions.
(defconstant +g+ 9.81)
(defconstant +C+ 2.998e8)
;; Helper to determine if we've hit C (we'll use 99.9% as the cutoff)
(defun velocity-cap (velocity accel)
(if (<= (+ velocity accel) (* +C+ 0.999))
(+ velocity accel)
;; How fast are we travelling if we accelerate at 1g for n seconds.
(defun current-velocity (velocity time)
(if (= time 0)
(current-velocity (velocity-cap velocity +g+) (- time 1))))
;; Same, but for distance from earth after time seconds
(defun current-displacement (velocity time distance)
(if (= time 0)
(current-displacement (velocity-cap velocity +g+) (- time 1) (+ distance (+ velocity +g+)))))
G = 9.81
C = 2.998e8
def velocity_cap (velocity,accel)
if (velocity + accel) <= (C * 0.999) then
return velocity + accel
return C
def current_velocity (velocity,time)
while (time > 0) do
velocity = velocity_cap(velocity, G)
time -= 1
return velocity
def current_displacement (velocity, time, distance)
while time > 0 do
distance += velocity
velocity = velocity_cap(velocity, G)
time -= 1
return distance
many_days = 25000 * 24 * 60 * 60
puts "Starting run"
puts Time::now
start_time = Time::now
puts "Velocity attained after #{many_days} seconds (" + many_days./(24)./(60)./(60).to_s + " days)"
puts current_velocity(0,many_days).round.to_s + " Meters per second"
end_time = Time::now - start_time
puts "Velocity computed in #{end_time} seconds"
puts "Distance travelled"
start_time = Time::now
puts current_displacement(0, many_days, 0).round./(1000).to_s + " Kilometers"
end_time = Time::now - start_time
puts "Distance computed in #{end_time} seconds"
puts "End of run"
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