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Created November 30, 2012 03:02
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FAT12 stage 1 boot loader
; incboot.s
; Incrementally build a boot block for x86
; I'm going to keep adding bits to this one step at a time from
; boot-and hang to hopefully loading a kernel
; Here we go.
; We're implementing a FAT12 file system for the boot disk. This file system is well
; documented so it shouldn't be a hard ask for a first-timer like me.
; There is a certain order required for the metadata appearing at the top of the
; boot block below the jump to start, we'll introduce each as we go.
[BITS 16]
[ORG 0] ; Tells the assembler to consider this as the base address
jmp short start ; jump over the data space to the actual code. executing data is generally a bad idea...
; If this is to be a valid fat12 fs, the jump -MUST- be a short. effectively, this means
; the code entry point needs to be the first routine listed.
nop ; padding :) (hmmm...ignore what i said above and just remove this...)
; BIOS parameter block follows. This has all the bits and pieces describing
; the file system that the boot block supposes resides on the boot media
OEMid db "MSWIN4.1" ; OEM id. 8 bytes in size, basically a version string
BytesPerSector dw 512 ; bytes making up each sector, 2 bytes
SecsPerCluster db 1 ; sectors per cluster, 1 byte
ReserveCount dw 1 ; reserved sectors before first FAT, 2 bytes
FATcount db 2 ; number of FATs appearing on media
DirEntries dw 224 ; directory entries max (root dir), 2 bytes
TotalSectors dw 2880 ; Total sectors in file system (1.44MB Floppy)
MediaDescriptor db 0xF0 ; Media descriptor, 1 byte. F0 for 1.44M
SectorsPerFAT dw 9 ; Sectors per FAT, 2 bytes
SectorsPerTrack dw 18 ; Sectors per track, 2 bytes.
HeadCount dw 2 ; Number of drive heads (On a double sided diskette, there are 2 :))
HiddenSectors dd 0 ; Hidden sectors before FAT. should be zero on an unpartitioned media
; In larger file systems, there would be a double word field here defining the
; total number of sectors. since we don't need this, we'll just pad it out
; so that we can write an Extended BPB below
dd 0
DriveNumber db 0 ; Physical drive number, 0 is removable. 80h for hdd
DirtyBit db 1 ; WinNT uses this field to check if the fs is clean
extBootSig db 0x29 ; This lets us know the EBPB exists
VolumeID dd 77 ; Serial number for the volume
VolumeLabel db "durOS ",0 ; Volume label. pad out to 11 bytes with spaces
FSType db "FAT12 " ; File system type, pad with blanks to 8 bytes
; ********************** END BIOS PARAMETER BLOCK *************************
; We first need to update the segment registers
mov ax, 0x7c0 ; the boot code is loaded to 7C00
mov ds, ax
mov ax, 0x7c0 ; We're going to load data into conventional memory above the boot block.
mov es, ax
; Now, we need a stack. We'll put this at the top of the conventional memory space.
mov ax, 0x7000
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0xFFFF
; Set up arguments to int 13h
mov cx, WORD [SectorsPerFAT] ; sectors to load from disk
mov ax, WORD [ReserveCount] ; sector offset from sector 0
mov bx, 0x200 ; We don't want to overwrite the boot block
; after the reserved sectors (in our case, the boot sector)
mov WORD [FAT0addr], bx ; Save the address offset so we can use it later.
call read_sectors ; Make it so number 1.
mov si, op_fat
call print_str
; For now, we'll just load FAT0 to save code space in the boot block
; Now we'll load the root directory
; calculate the root directory size, store to cx
mov ax, 0x20 ; size of each root dir entry is 32 bytes
mul WORD [DirEntries] ; DirEntries * 32 / BytesPerSector = RootSize
div WORD [BytesPerSector] ; ax now has root dir size in bytes.
xchg ax, cx
; Now, calculate the root directory location on disk, and store to ax
mov al, BYTE [FATcount]
mul WORD [SectorsPerFAT]
; We'll compute the RAM location to store the root dir to here before we add the sector reserve
mov bx, ax ; bx now has the number of sectors taken by the FATs
mul WORD [BytesPerSector] ; FATCount * SectorsPerFAT * BytesPerSector + ReserveCount = offset
add ax, 0x200 ; offset the boot code
; ax now has the offset to apply to RAM
xchg bx, ax ; swap the two over and continue
add ax, WORD [ReserveCount] ; skip this many sectors
mov WORD [rootaddr], bx ; save to ram for later on
; root directory will be loaded at 07c0:2600 (A200 physical)
call read_sectors
mov si, op_root
call print_str
; OK, that should do it for the disk reading for now. we have copies of FAT0 and FAT1 in RAM
; Now, we want to find the kernel image so we can continue execution. We'll load this above the root directory
; The root directory occupies 14 sectors from 7E0:2400 -> 7E0:3E00, so this is where we'll load the image.
; We are guaranteed 465kb to be free here, this should be ample space to load our second stage image.
mov si, op_k
call print_str
call load_kernel
cmp dx, 1
jz .opfail
jmp 7c0h:4200h
mov si, op_fail
call print_str
call reboot
;---------------------------------- DATA AREA -------------------------------------
op_fat db " FAT",13,10,0
op_root db " Root",13,10,0
op_fail db "Err",13,10,0
op_k db " OK. Booting Kernel",13,10,0
op_progress db ".",0
kernel db "KERNEL",0
FAT0addr resb 2
rootaddr resb 2
sectorAbs resb 1
headAbs resb 1
trackAbs resb 1
;--------------------------------- SUBROUTINES ------------------------------------
; print_str - outputs a string to the terminal. expects the starting address in si
or al, al
jz .done
mov ah, 0xE
mov bx, 7
int 10h
jmp print_str
; reboot - wait for keypress and then reboot the machine
call get_key
db 0xEA ; Machine code for jmp instruction
dw 0x0000 ; Offset
dw 0xFFFF ; segment
; get_key - wait for a keypress and return
mov ah, 0
int 16h
; read_sectors - load sectors off the floppy disk into ram at ES:BX
; Assumes that:
; - cx contains the number of sectors to read off the disk. These will be read one at a time
; - ax contains the LBA sector offset. This will be converted to a CHS value before the read
mov di, 5 ; Retry on err
; First things first, save the values in the register while we work out the CHS value
push ax
push bx
push cx
call lbachs ; return values will be saved below.
mov ah, 2 ; function parameter for int 13h
mov al, 0x01; read 1 sector
mov ch, BYTE [trackAbs] ; Cylinder address
mov cl, BYTE [sectorAbs]; Sector address
mov dh, BYTE [headAbs] ; Head address
mov dl, 0 ; Drive number
int 13h ; Make it so, Number 1
jnc .readsuccess
; Read failed. decrement retry count, reset and go again, or fail
xor ax, ax
int 13h ; reset drive
dec di
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jnz .sectorloop
mov si, op_fail
call print_str
call reboot
mov si, op_progress
call print_str
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
add bx, WORD [BytesPerSector] ; increment the buffer so we don't overwrite the last sector
inc ax ; Increment LBA sector offset
loop .main ; decrement cx and start again.
ret ; all sectors read
; lbachs - convert LBA address to CHS address
; assumes ax is an LBA sector address
; returns:
; sectorAbs = (sector % SectorsPerTrack) + 1
; headAbs = sector / SectorsPerTrack % HeadCount
; trackAbs = sector / (SectorsPerTrack * HeadCount)
push bx
push ax ; save a copy of ax for later
xor dx, dx
; do sectors first
div WORD [SectorsPerTrack] ; dx now contains the remainder
inc dl ; add 1
mov BYTE [sectorAbs], dl ; Save the result
xor dx, dx
; now Heads
; ax should have the quotient of sector / SPT from the previous op
div WORD [HeadCount] ; remainder in dl again
mov BYTE [headAbs], dl
; Finally, do cylinders
mov ax, WORD [HeadCount]
mul WORD [SectorsPerTrack]
xor dx, dx
xchg bx, ax
pop ax
div bx ; ax now contains the cylinder address
mov BYTE [trackAbs], al
xor dx, dx
pop bx
; load_kernel - load the kernel image into RAM
; assumes address is loaded to es:bx, kernel image name is assumed to be "kernel"
xor cx, cx
mov bx, [rootaddr]
; Now, we go through one at a time, and find the root dir entry that we want
; first, we'll check for an empty entry, then a null
mov al, [bx]
cmp al, 0xE5
je .nomatch
cmp al, 0x0
je .error
mov si, kernel
mov di, bx
mov cx, 6
rep cmpsb
jne .nomatch
.match: ; we have a winner.
call fetch_kernel
add bx, 32
jmp .next
mov dx, 1
; fetch_kernel - fetches kernel sectors off disk
; assumes es:bx points to a valid root directory entry for the kernel file
mov ax, WORD [bx + 26] ; This is the first cluster address.
mov bx, 0x4200 ; load our memory offset,
push ax ; ax has the first cluster address, but we need to do stuff to it atm
xor cx, cx ; zero out cx so we don't get issues here
add ax, 31 ; Physical sector number = FAT entry + ReserveCount + (FATcount * SectorsPerFAT) - 2
; We subtract 2 because the first 2 sectors of the data area are reserved.
mov cl, BYTE [SecsPerCluster] ; number of clusters to get from disk
call read_sectors ; grab the cluster from disk
pop ax
push bx ; save the offset address as we need to load stuff from FAT
; now, we need to examine the FAT and determine the next sector to load. we repeat this until all sectors are loaded into RAM
; first, we need to know which side of the byte to load the additional 4 bits from
; If the cluster address (n) is even:
; low 4 bits from bits from 1+(3*n)/2
; high 8 bits from (3*n)/2
; if the cluster address is odd:
; high 4 bits from (3*n)/2
; low 4 bits from 1+(3*n)/2
; ax has cluster address
mov cx, ax
mov dx, ax
shr dx, 1 ; divide by 2
add cx, dx ; 1.5 bytes
mov bx, [FAT0addr]
add bx, cx ; calculate the offset in the FAT
mov dx, WORD [bx] ; grab 16 bits from FAT
test ax, 1 ; check if ax is odd or even
jnz .odd
and dx, 0xFFF ; use the low 12 bits
jmp .check
shr dx, 0x4 ; use high 12 bits
.check: ; at this point, ax contains the cluster address of the next block
mov ax, dx ; mov the address into ax
; first we examine it for state info.
cmp ax, 0xFF7
jz .error
cmp ax, 0xFF8
jge .done ; all clusters loaded.
; If we have anything other than these two values, we can assume that the next cluster belongs to kernel
; NOTE: there are other status codes that we are not checking that will result in error, but i want to conserve space here
pop bx
jmp .fetch
pop bx
mov dx, 1
pop bx
times 510-($-$$) db 0
db 0x55
db 0xAA
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