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Created April 25, 2017 14:02
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// XXX need a strategy for passing the binding of $ into this
// function, from the compiled selector
// maybe just { array_index}
// XXX atomicity: if one modification fails, do we roll back the whole
// change?
// options:
// - isInsert is set when _modify is being called to compute the document to
// insert as part of an upsert operation. We use this primarily to figure
// out when to set the fields in $setOnInsert, if present.
var _ = require("underscore");
isOperatorObject = function(valueSelector, inconsistentOK) {
if (!isPlainObject(valueSelector)) return false;
var theseAreOperators = undefined;
_.each(valueSelector, function(value, selKey) {
var thisIsOperator = selKey.substr(0, 1) === "$";
if (theseAreOperators === undefined) {
theseAreOperators = thisIsOperator;
} else if (theseAreOperators !== thisIsOperator) {
if (!inconsistentOK) throw new Error("Inconsistent operator: " + JSON.stringify(valueSelector));
theseAreOperators = false;
return !!theseAreOperators;
var BASE_64_CHARS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
var BASE_64_VALS = {};
for (var i = 0; i < BASE_64_CHARS.length; i++) {
BASE_64_VALS[BASE_64_CHARS.charAt(i)] = i;
Base64 = {};
Base64.encode = function(array) {
if (typeof array === "string") {
var str = array;
array = Base64.newBinary(str.length);
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var ch = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (ch > 255) {
throw new Error("Not ascii. Base64.encode can only take ascii strings.");
array[i] = ch;
var answer = [];
var a = null;
var b = null;
var c = null;
var d = null;
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
switch (i % 3) {
case 0:
a = array[i] >> 2 & 63;
b = (array[i] & 3) << 4;
case 1:
b = b | array[i] >> 4 & 15;
c = (array[i] & 15) << 2;
case 2:
c = c | array[i] >> 6 & 3;
d = array[i] & 63;
a = null;
b = null;
c = null;
d = null;
if (a != null) {
if (c == null) answer.push("="); else answer.push(getChar(c));
if (d == null) answer.push("=");
return answer.join("");
var getChar = function(val) {
return BASE_64_CHARS.charAt(val);
var getVal = function(ch) {
if (ch === "=") {
return -1;
return BASE_64_VALS[ch];
// XXX This is a weird place for this to live, but it's used both by
// this package and 'ejson', and we can't put it in 'ejson' without
// introducing a circular dependency. It should probably be in its own
// package or as a helper in a package that both 'base64' and 'ejson'
// use.
Base64.newBinary = function(len) {
if (typeof Uint8Array === "undefined" || typeof ArrayBuffer === "undefined") {
var ret = [];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ret.$Uint8ArrayPolyfill = true;
return ret;
return new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(len));
Base64.decode = function(str) {
var len = Math.floor(str.length * 3 / 4);
if (str.charAt(str.length - 1) == "=") {
if (str.charAt(str.length - 2) == "=") len--;
var arr = Base64.newBinary(len);
var one = null;
var two = null;
var three = null;
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var c = str.charAt(i);
var v = getVal(c);
switch (i % 4) {
case 0:
if (v < 0) throw new Error("invalid base64 string");
one = v << 2;
case 1:
if (v < 0) throw new Error("invalid base64 string");
one = one | v >> 4;
arr[j++] = one;
two = (v & 15) << 4;
case 2:
if (v >= 0) {
two = two | v >> 2;
arr[j++] = two;
three = (v & 3) << 6;
case 3:
if (v >= 0) {
arr[j++] = three | v;
return arr;
EJSON = {};
EJSONTest = {};
// Custom type interface definition
* @class CustomType
* @instanceName customType
* @memberOf EJSON
* @summary The interface that a class must satisfy to be able to become an
* EJSON custom type via EJSON.addType.
* @function typeName
* @memberOf EJSON.CustomType
* @summary Return the tag used to identify this type. This must match the tag used to register this type with [`EJSON.addType`](#ejson_add_type).
* @locus Anywhere
* @instance
* @function toJSONValue
* @memberOf EJSON.CustomType
* @summary Serialize this instance into a JSON-compatible value.
* @locus Anywhere
* @instance
* @function clone
* @memberOf EJSON.CustomType
* @summary Return a value `r` such that `this.equals(r)` is true, and modifications to `r` do not affect `this` and vice versa.
* @locus Anywhere
* @instance
* @function equals
* @memberOf EJSON.CustomType
* @summary Return `true` if `other` has a value equal to `this`; `false` otherwise.
* @locus Anywhere
* @param {Object} other Another object to compare this to.
* @instance
var customTypes = {};
// Add a custom type, using a method of your choice to get to and
// from a basic JSON-able representation. The factory argument
// is a function of JSON-able --> your object
// The type you add must have:
// - A toJSONValue() method, so that Meteor can serialize it
// - a typeName() method, to show how to look it up in our type table.
// It is okay if these methods are monkey-patched on.
// EJSON.clone will use toJSONValue and the given factory to produce
// a clone, but you may specify a method clone() that will be
// used instead.
// Similarly, EJSON.equals will use toJSONValue to make comparisons,
// but you may provide a method equals() instead.
* @summary Add a custom datatype to EJSON.
* @locus Anywhere
* @param {String} name A tag for your custom type; must be unique among custom data types defined in your project, and must match the result of your type's `typeName` method.
* @param {Function} factory A function that deserializes a JSON-compatible value into an instance of your type. This should match the serialization performed by your type's `toJSONValue` method.
EJSON.addType = function(name, factory) {
if (_.has(customTypes, name)) throw new Error("Type " + name + " already present");
customTypes[name] = factory;
var isInfOrNan = function(obj) {
return _.isNaN(obj) || obj === Infinity || obj === -Infinity;
var builtinConverters = [ {
// Date
matchJSONValue: function(obj) {
return _.has(obj, "$date") && _.size(obj) === 1;
matchObject: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Date;
toJSONValue: function(obj) {
return {
$date: obj.getTime()
fromJSONValue: function(obj) {
return new Date(obj.$date);
}, {
// NaN, Inf, -Inf. (These are the only objects with typeof !== 'object'
// which we match.)
matchJSONValue: function(obj) {
return _.has(obj, "$InfNaN") && _.size(obj) === 1;
matchObject: isInfOrNan,
toJSONValue: function(obj) {
var sign;
if (_.isNaN(obj)) sign = 0; else if (obj === Infinity) sign = 1; else sign = -1;
return {
$InfNaN: sign
fromJSONValue: function(obj) {
return obj.$InfNaN / 0;
}, {
// Binary
matchJSONValue: function(obj) {
return _.has(obj, "$binary") && _.size(obj) === 1;
matchObject: function(obj) {
return typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" && obj instanceof Uint8Array || obj && _.has(obj, "$Uint8ArrayPolyfill");
toJSONValue: function(obj) {
return {
$binary: Base64.encode(obj)
fromJSONValue: function(obj) {
return Base64.decode(obj.$binary);
}, {
// Escaping one level
matchJSONValue: function(obj) {
return _.has(obj, "$escape") && _.size(obj) === 1;
matchObject: function(obj) {
if (_.isEmpty(obj) || _.size(obj) > 2) {
return false;
return _.any(builtinConverters, function(converter) {
return converter.matchJSONValue(obj);
toJSONValue: function(obj) {
var newObj = {};
_.each(obj, function(value, key) {
newObj[key] = EJSON.toJSONValue(value);
return {
$escape: newObj
fromJSONValue: function(obj) {
var newObj = {};
_.each(obj.$escape, function(value, key) {
newObj[key] = EJSON.fromJSONValue(value);
return newObj;
}, {
// Custom
matchJSONValue: function(obj) {
return _.has(obj, "$type") && _.has(obj, "$value") && _.size(obj) === 2;
matchObject: function(obj) {
return EJSON._isCustomType(obj);
toJSONValue: function(obj) {
var jsonValue = Meteor._noYieldsAllowed(function() {
return obj.toJSONValue();
return {
$type: obj.typeName(),
$value: jsonValue
fromJSONValue: function(obj) {
var typeName = obj.$type;
if (!_.has(customTypes, typeName)) throw new Error("Custom EJSON type " + typeName + " is not defined");
var converter = customTypes[typeName];
return Meteor._noYieldsAllowed(function() {
return converter(obj.$value);
} ];
EJSON._isCustomType = function(obj) {
return obj && typeof obj.toJSONValue === "function" && typeof obj.typeName === "function" && _.has(customTypes, obj.typeName());
// for both arrays and objects, in-place modification.
var adjustTypesToJSONValue = EJSON._adjustTypesToJSONValue = function(obj) {
// Is it an atom that we need to adjust?
if (obj === null) return null;
var maybeChanged = toJSONValueHelper(obj);
if (maybeChanged !== undefined) return maybeChanged;
// Other atoms are unchanged.
if (typeof obj !== "object") return obj;
// Iterate over array or object structure.
_.each(obj, function(value, key) {
if (typeof value !== "object" && value !== undefined && !isInfOrNan(value)) return;
// continue
var changed = toJSONValueHelper(value);
if (changed) {
obj[key] = changed;
// if we get here, value is an object but not adjustable
// at this level. recurse.
return obj;
// Either return the JSON-compatible version of the argument, or undefined (if
// the item isn't itself replaceable, but maybe some fields in it are)
var toJSONValueHelper = function(item) {
for (var i = 0; i < builtinConverters.length; i++) {
var converter = builtinConverters[i];
if (converter.matchObject(item)) {
return converter.toJSONValue(item);
return undefined;
* @summary Serialize an EJSON-compatible value into its plain JSON representation.
* @locus Anywhere
* @param {EJSON} val A value to serialize to plain JSON.
EJSON.toJSONValue = function(item) {
var changed = toJSONValueHelper(item);
if (changed !== undefined) return changed;
if (typeof item === "object") {
item = EJSON.clone(item);
return item;
// for both arrays and objects. Tries its best to just
// use the object you hand it, but may return something
// different if the object you hand it itself needs changing.
var adjustTypesFromJSONValue = EJSON._adjustTypesFromJSONValue = function(obj) {
if (obj === null) return null;
var maybeChanged = fromJSONValueHelper(obj);
if (maybeChanged !== obj) return maybeChanged;
// Other atoms are unchanged.
if (typeof obj !== "object") return obj;
_.each(obj, function(value, key) {
if (typeof value === "object") {
var changed = fromJSONValueHelper(value);
if (value !== changed) {
obj[key] = changed;
// if we get here, value is an object but not adjustable
// at this level. recurse.
return obj;
// Either return the argument changed to have the non-json
// rep of itself (the Object version) or the argument itself.
// DOES NOT RECURSE. For actually getting the fully-changed value, use
// EJSON.fromJSONValue
var fromJSONValueHelper = function(value) {
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
if (_.size(value) <= 2 && _.all(value, function(v, k) {
return typeof k === "string" && k.substr(0, 1) === "$";
})) {
for (var i = 0; i < builtinConverters.length; i++) {
var converter = builtinConverters[i];
if (converter.matchJSONValue(value)) {
return converter.fromJSONValue(value);
return value;
* @summary Deserialize an EJSON value from its plain JSON representation.
* @locus Anywhere
* @param {JSONCompatible} val A value to deserialize into EJSON.
EJSON.fromJSONValue = function(item) {
var changed = fromJSONValueHelper(item);
if (changed === item && typeof item === "object") {
item = EJSON.clone(item);
return item;
} else {
return changed;
* @summary Serialize a value to a string.
For EJSON values, the serialization fully represents the value. For non-EJSON values, serializes the same way as `JSON.stringify`.
* @locus Anywhere
* @param {EJSON} val A value to stringify.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean | Integer | String} options.indent Indents objects and arrays for easy readability. When `true`, indents by 2 spaces; when an integer, indents by that number of spaces; and when a string, uses the string as the indentation pattern.
* @param {Boolean} options.canonical When `true`, stringifies keys in an object in sorted order.
EJSON.stringify = function(item, options) {
var json = EJSON.toJSONValue(item);
if (options && (options.canonical || options.indent)) {
return EJSON._canonicalStringify(json, options);
} else {
return JSON.stringify(json);
* @summary Parse a string into an EJSON value. Throws an error if the string is not valid EJSON.
* @locus Anywhere
* @param {String} str A string to parse into an EJSON value.
EJSON.parse = function(item) {
if (typeof item !== "string") throw new Error("EJSON.parse argument should be a string");
return EJSON.fromJSONValue(JSON.parse(item));
* @summary Returns true if `x` is a buffer of binary data, as returned from [`EJSON.newBinary`](#ejson_new_binary).
* @param {Object} x The variable to check.
* @locus Anywhere
EJSON.isBinary = function(obj) {
return !!(typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" && obj instanceof Uint8Array || obj && obj.$Uint8ArrayPolyfill);
* @summary Return true if `a` and `b` are equal to each other. Return false otherwise. Uses the `equals` method on `a` if present, otherwise performs a deep comparison.
* @locus Anywhere
* @param {EJSON} a
* @param {EJSON} b
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean} options.keyOrderSensitive Compare in key sensitive order, if supported by the JavaScript implementation. For example, `{a: 1, b: 2}` is equal to `{b: 2, a: 1}` only when `keyOrderSensitive` is `false`. The default is `false`.
EJSON.equals = function(a, b, options) {
var i;
var keyOrderSensitive = !!(options && options.keyOrderSensitive);
if (a === b) return true;
if (_.isNaN(a) && _.isNaN(b)) return true;
// This differs from the IEEE spec for NaN equality, b/c we don't want
// anything ever with a NaN to be poisoned from becoming equal to anything.
if (!a || !b) // if either one is falsy, they'd have to be === to be equal
return false;
if (!(typeof a === "object" && typeof b === "object")) return false;
if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf();
if (EJSON.isBinary(a) && EJSON.isBinary(b)) {
if (a.length !== b.length) return false;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
return true;
if (typeof a.equals === "function") return a.equals(b, options);
if (typeof b.equals === "function") return b.equals(a, options);
if (a instanceof Array) {
if (!(b instanceof Array)) return false;
if (a.length !== b.length) return false;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (!EJSON.equals(a[i], b[i], options)) return false;
return true;
// fallback for custom types that don't implement their own equals
switch (EJSON._isCustomType(a) + EJSON._isCustomType(b)) {
case 1:
return false;
case 2:
return EJSON.equals(EJSON.toJSONValue(a), EJSON.toJSONValue(b));
// fall back to structural equality of objects
var ret;
if (keyOrderSensitive) {
var bKeys = [];
_.each(b, function(val, x) {
i = 0;
ret = _.all(a, function(val, x) {
if (i >= bKeys.length) {
return false;
if (x !== bKeys[i]) {
return false;
if (!EJSON.equals(val, b[bKeys[i]], options)) {
return false;
return true;
return ret && i === bKeys.length;
} else {
i = 0;
ret = _.all(a, function(val, key) {
if (!_.has(b, key)) {
return false;
if (!EJSON.equals(val, b[key], options)) {
return false;
return true;
return ret && _.size(b) === i;
* @summary Return a deep copy of `val`.
* @locus Anywhere
* @param {EJSON} val A value to copy.
EJSON.clone = function(v) {
var ret;
if (typeof v !== "object") return v;
if (v === null) return null;
// null has typeof "object"
if (v instanceof Date) return new Date(v.getTime());
// RegExps are not really EJSON elements (eg we don't define a serialization
// for them), but they're immutable anyway, so we can support them in clone.
if (v instanceof RegExp) return v;
if (EJSON.isBinary(v)) {
ret = EJSON.newBinary(v.length);
for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
ret[i] = v[i];
return ret;
// XXX: Use something better than underscore's isArray
if (_.isArray(v) || _.isArguments(v)) {
// For some reason, doesn't work in this context on Opera (weird test
// failures).
ret = [];
for (i = 0; i < v.length; i++) ret[i] = EJSON.clone(v[i]);
return ret;
// handle general user-defined typed Objects if they have a clone method
if (typeof v.clone === "function") {
return v.clone();
// handle other custom types
if (EJSON._isCustomType(v)) {
return EJSON.fromJSONValue(EJSON.clone(EJSON.toJSONValue(v)), true);
// handle other objects
ret = {};
_.each(v, function(value, key) {
ret[key] = EJSON.clone(value);
return ret;
* @summary Allocate a new buffer of binary data that EJSON can serialize.
* @locus Anywhere
* @param {Number} size The number of bytes of binary data to allocate.
// EJSON.newBinary is the public documented API for this functionality,
// but the implementation is in the 'base64' package to avoid
// introducing a circular dependency. (If the implementation were here,
// then 'base64' would have to use EJSON.newBinary, and 'ejson' would
// also have to use 'base64'.)
EJSON.newBinary = Base64.newBinary;
IdMap = function(idStringify, idParse) {
var self = this;
self._map = {};
self._idStringify = idStringify || JSON.stringify;
self._idParse = idParse || JSON.parse;
// Some of these methods are designed to match methods on OrderedDict, since
// (eg) ObserveMultiplex and _CachingChangeObserver use them interchangeably.
// (Conceivably, this should be replaced with "UnorderedDict" with a specific
// set of methods that overlap between the two.)
_.extend(IdMap.prototype, {
get: function(id) {
var self = this;
var key = self._idStringify(id);
return self._map[key];
set: function(id, value) {
var self = this;
var key = self._idStringify(id);
self._map[key] = value;
remove: function(id) {
var self = this;
var key = self._idStringify(id);
delete self._map[key];
has: function(id) {
var self = this;
var key = self._idStringify(id);
return _.has(self._map, key);
empty: function() {
var self = this;
return _.isEmpty(self._map);
clear: function() {
var self = this;
self._map = {};
// Iterates over the items in the map. Return `false` to break the loop.
forEach: function(iterator) {
var self = this;
// don't use _.each, because we can't break out of it.
var keys = _.keys(self._map);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var breakIfFalse =, self._map[keys[i]], self._idParse(keys[i]));
if (breakIfFalse === false) return;
size: function() {
var self = this;
return _.size(self._map);
setDefault: function(id, def) {
var self = this;
var key = self._idStringify(id);
if (_.has(self._map, key)) return self._map[key];
self._map[key] = def;
return def;
// Assumes that values are EJSON-cloneable, and that we don't need to clone
// IDs (ie, that nobody is going to mutate an ObjectId).
clone: function() {
var self = this;
var clone = new IdMap(self._idStringify, self._idParse);
self.forEach(function(value, id) {
clone.set(id, EJSON.clone(value));
return clone;
// This file defines an ordered dictionary abstraction that is useful for
// maintaining a dataset backed by observeChanges. It supports ordering items
// by specifying the item they now come before.
// The implementation is a dictionary that contains nodes of a doubly-linked
// list as its values.
// constructs a new element struct
// next and prev are whole elements, not keys.
var element = function(key, value, next, prev) {
return {
key: key,
value: value,
next: next,
prev: prev
OrderedDict = function() {
var self = this;
self._dict = {};
self._first = null;
self._last = null;
self._size = 0;
var args = _.toArray(arguments);
self._stringify = function(x) {
return x;
if (typeof args[0] === "function") self._stringify = args.shift();
_.each(args, function(kv) {
self.putBefore(kv[0], kv[1], null);
_.extend(OrderedDict.prototype, {
// the "prefix keys with a space" thing comes from here
_k: function(key) {
return " " + this._stringify(key);
empty: function() {
var self = this;
return !self._first;
size: function() {
var self = this;
return self._size;
_linkEltIn: function(elt) {
var self = this;
if (! {
elt.prev = self._last;
if (self._last) = elt;
self._last = elt;
} else {
elt.prev =; = elt;
if (elt.prev) = elt;
if (self._first === null || self._first === self._first = elt;
_linkEltOut: function(elt) {
var self = this;
if ( = elt.prev;
if (elt.prev) =;
if (elt === self._last) self._last = elt.prev;
if (elt === self._first) self._first =;
putBefore: function(key, item, before) {
var self = this;
if (self._dict[self._k(key)]) throw new Error("Item " + key + " already present in OrderedDict");
var elt = before ? element(key, item, self._dict[self._k(before)]) : element(key, item, null);
if ( === undefined) throw new Error("could not find item to put this one before");
self._dict[self._k(key)] = elt;
append: function(key, item) {
var self = this;
self.putBefore(key, item, null);
remove: function(key) {
var self = this;
var elt = self._dict[self._k(key)];
if (elt === undefined) throw new Error("Item " + key + " not present in OrderedDict");
delete self._dict[self._k(key)];
return elt.value;
get: function(key) {
var self = this;
if (self.has(key)) return self._dict[self._k(key)].value;
return undefined;
has: function(key) {
var self = this;
return _.has(self._dict, self._k(key));
// Iterate through the items in this dictionary in order, calling
// iter(value, key, index) on each one.
// Stops whenever iter returns OrderedDict.BREAK, or after the last element.
forEach: function(iter) {
var self = this;
var i = 0;
var elt = self._first;
while (elt !== null) {
var b = iter(elt.value, elt.key, i);
if (b === OrderedDict.BREAK) return;
elt =;
first: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.empty()) return undefined;
return self._first.key;
firstValue: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.empty()) return undefined;
return self._first.value;
last: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.empty()) return undefined;
return self._last.key;
lastValue: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.empty()) return undefined;
return self._last.value;
prev: function(key) {
var self = this;
if (self.has(key)) {
var elt = self._dict[self._k(key)];
if (elt.prev) return elt.prev.key;
return null;
next: function(key) {
var self = this;
if (self.has(key)) {
var elt = self._dict[self._k(key)];
if ( return;
return null;
moveBefore: function(key, before) {
var self = this;
var elt = self._dict[self._k(key)];
var eltBefore = before ? self._dict[self._k(before)] : null;
if (elt === undefined) throw new Error("Item to move is not present");
if (eltBefore === undefined) {
throw new Error("Could not find element to move this one before");
if (eltBefore === // no moving necessary
// remove from its old place
// patch into its new place = eltBefore;
// Linear, sadly.
indexOf: function(key) {
var self = this;
var ret = null;
self.forEach(function(v, k, i) {
if (self._k(k) === self._k(key)) {
ret = i;
return OrderedDict.BREAK;
return undefined;
return ret;
_checkRep: function() {
var self = this;
_.each(self._dict, function(k, v) {
if ( === v) throw new Error("Next is a loop");
if (v.prev === v) throw new Error("Prev is a loop");
OrderedDict.BREAK = {
"break": true
MinimongoError = function(message) {
var e = new Error(message); = "MinimongoError";
return e;
LocalCollection = function(name) {
var self = this; = name;
// _id -> document (also containing id)
self.next_qid = 1;
// live query id generator
// qid -> live query object. keys:
// ordered: bool. ordered queries have addedBefore/movedBefore callbacks.
// results: array (ordered) or object (unordered) of current results
// (aliased with self._docs!)
// resultsSnapshot: snapshot of results. null if not paused.
// cursor: Cursor object for the query.
// selector, sorter, (callbacks): functions
self.queries = {};
// null if not saving originals; an IdMap from id to original document value if
// saving originals. See comments before saveOriginals().
self._savedOriginals = null;
// True when observers are paused and we should not send callbacks.
self.paused = false;
LocalCollection._f = {
// XXX for _all and _in, consider building 'inquery' at compile time..
_type: function(v) {
if (typeof v === "number") return 1;
if (typeof v === "string") return 2;
if (typeof v === "boolean") return 8;
if (isArray(v)) return 4;
if (v === null) return 10;
if (v instanceof RegExp) // note that typeof(/x/) === "object"
return 11;
if (typeof v === "function") return 13;
if (v instanceof Date) return 9;
if (EJSON.isBinary(v)) return 5;
// if (v instanceof LocalCollection._ObjectID) return 7;
return 3;
// deep equality test: use for literal document and array matches
_equal: function(a, b) {
return EJSON.equals(a, b, {
keyOrderSensitive: true
// maps a type code to a value that can be used to sort values of
// different types
_typeorder: function(t) {
// XXX what is the correct sort position for Javascript code?
// ('100' in the matrix below)
// XXX minkey/maxkey
return [ -1, // (not a type)
1, // number
2, // string
3, // object
4, // array
5, // binary
-1, // deprecated
6, // ObjectID
7, // bool
8, // Date
0, // null
9, // RegExp
-1, // deprecated
100, // JS code
2, // deprecated (symbol)
100, // JS code
1, // 32-bit int
8, // Mongo timestamp
1 ][t];
// compare two values of unknown type according to BSON ordering
// semantics. (as an extension, consider 'undefined' to be less than
// any other value.) return negative if a is less, positive if b is
// less, or 0 if equal
_cmp: function(a, b) {
if (a === undefined) return b === undefined ? 0 : -1;
if (b === undefined) return 1;
var ta = LocalCollection._f._type(a);
var tb = LocalCollection._f._type(b);
var oa = LocalCollection._f._typeorder(ta);
var ob = LocalCollection._f._typeorder(tb);
if (oa !== ob) return oa < ob ? -1 : 1;
if (ta !== tb) // XXX need to implement this if we implement Symbol or integers, or
// Timestamp
throw Error("Missing type coercion logic in _cmp");
if (ta === 7) {
// ObjectID
// Convert to string.
ta = tb = 2;
a = a.toHexString();
b = b.toHexString();
if (ta === 9) {
// Date
// Convert to millis.
ta = tb = 1;
a = a.getTime();
b = b.getTime();
if (ta === 1) // double
return a - b;
if (tb === 2) // string
return a < b ? -1 : a === b ? 0 : 1;
if (ta === 3) {
// Object
// this could be much more efficient in the expected case ...
var to_array = function(obj) {
var ret = [];
for (var key in obj) {
return ret;
return LocalCollection._f._cmp(to_array(a), to_array(b));
if (ta === 4) {
// Array
for (var i = 0; ;i++) {
if (i === a.length) return i === b.length ? 0 : -1;
if (i === b.length) return 1;
var s = LocalCollection._f._cmp(a[i], b[i]);
if (s !== 0) return s;
if (ta === 5) {
// binary
// Surprisingly, a small binary blob is always less than a large one in
// Mongo.
if (a.length !== b.length) return a.length - b.length;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] < b[i]) return -1;
if (a[i] > b[i]) return 1;
return 0;
if (ta === 8) {
// boolean
if (a) return b ? 0 : 1;
return b ? -1 : 0;
if (ta === 10) // null
return 0;
if (ta === 11) // regexp
throw Error("Sorting not supported on regular expression");
// XXX
// 13: javascript code
// 14: symbol
// 15: javascript code with scope
// 16: 32-bit integer
// 17: timestamp
// 18: 64-bit integer
// 255: minkey
// 127: maxkey
if (ta === 13) // javascript code
throw Error("Sorting not supported on Javascript code");
// XXX
throw Error("Unknown type to sort");
isArray = function(x) {
return _.isArray(x) && !EJSON.isBinary(x);
isPlainObject = LocalCollection._isPlainObject = function(x) {
return x && LocalCollection._f._type(x) === 3;
isIndexable = function(x) {
return isArray(x) || isPlainObject(x);
LocalCollection._modify = function(doc, mod, options) {
options = options || {};
if (!isPlainObject(mod)) throw MinimongoError("Modifier must be an object");
var isModifier = isOperatorObject(mod);
var newDoc;
if (!isModifier) {
if (mod._id && !EJSON.equals(doc._id, mod._id)) throw MinimongoError("Cannot change the _id of a document");
// replace the whole document
for (var k in mod) {
if (/\./.test(k)) throw MinimongoError("When replacing document, field name may not contain '.'");
newDoc = mod;
} else {
// apply modifiers to the doc.
newDoc = EJSON.clone(doc);
_.each(mod, function(operand, op) {
var modFunc = MODIFIERS[op];
// Treat $setOnInsert as $set if this is an insert.
if (options.isInsert && op === "$setOnInsert") modFunc = MODIFIERS["$set"];
if (!modFunc) throw MinimongoError("Invalid modifier specified " + op);
_.each(operand, function(arg, keypath) {
if (keypath === "") {
throw MinimongoError("An empty update path is not valid.");
if (keypath === "_id") {
throw MinimongoError("Mod on _id not allowed");
var keyparts = keypath.split(".");
if (!_.all(keyparts, _.identity)) {
throw MinimongoError("The update path '" + keypath + "' contains an empty field name, which is not allowed.");
var noCreate = _.has(NO_CREATE_MODIFIERS, op);
var forbidArray = op === "$rename";
var target = findModTarget(newDoc, keyparts, {
forbidArray: op === "$rename",
arrayIndices: options.arrayIndices
var field = keyparts.pop();
modFunc(target, field, arg, keypath, newDoc);
// move new document into place.
_.each(_.keys(doc), function(k) {
// Note: this used to be for (var k in doc) however, this does not
// work right in Opera. Deleting from a doc while iterating over it
// would sometimes cause opera to skip some keys.
if (k !== "_id") delete doc[k];
_.each(newDoc, function(v, k) {
doc[k] = v;
// for a.b.c.2.d.e, keyparts should be ['a', 'b', 'c', '2', 'd', 'e'],
// and then you would operate on the 'e' property of the returned
// object.
// if options.noCreate is falsey, creates intermediate levels of
// structure as necessary, like mkdir -p (and raises an exception if
// that would mean giving a non-numeric property to an array.) if
// options.noCreate is true, return undefined instead.
// may modify the last element of keyparts to signal to the caller that it needs
// to use a different value to index into the returned object (for example,
// ['a', '01'] -> ['a', 1]).
// if forbidArray is true, return null if the keypath goes through an array.
// if options.arrayIndices is set, use its first element for the (first) '$' in
// the path.
var findModTarget = function(doc, keyparts, options) {
options = options || {};
var usedArrayIndex = false;
for (var i = 0; i < keyparts.length; i++) {
var last = i === keyparts.length - 1;
var keypart = keyparts[i];
var indexable = isIndexable(doc);
if (!indexable) {
if (options.noCreate) return undefined;
var e = MinimongoError("cannot use the part '" + keypart + "' to traverse " + doc);
e.setPropertyError = true;
throw e;
if (doc instanceof Array) {
if (options.forbidArray) return null;
if (keypart === "$") {
if (usedArrayIndex) throw MinimongoError("Too many positional (i.e. '$') elements");
if (!options.arrayIndices || !options.arrayIndices.length) {
throw MinimongoError("The positional operator did not find the " + "match needed from the query");
keypart = options.arrayIndices[0];
usedArrayIndex = true;
} else if (isNumericKey(keypart)) {
keypart = parseInt(keypart);
} else {
if (options.noCreate) return undefined;
throw MinimongoError("can't append to array using string field name [" + keypart + "]");
if (last) // handle 'a.01'
keyparts[i] = keypart;
if (options.noCreate && keypart >= doc.length) return undefined;
while (doc.length < keypart) doc.push(null);
if (!last) {
if (doc.length === keypart) doc.push({}); else if (typeof doc[keypart] !== "object") throw MinimongoError("can't modify field '" + keyparts[i + 1] + "' of list value " + JSON.stringify(doc[keypart]));
} else {
if (keypart.length && keypart.substr(0, 1) === "$") throw MinimongoError("can't set field named " + keypart);
if (!(keypart in doc)) {
if (options.noCreate) return undefined;
if (!last) doc[keypart] = {};
if (last) return doc;
doc = doc[keypart];
$unset: true,
$pop: true,
$rename: true,
$pull: true,
$pullAll: true
$inc: function(target, field, arg) {
if (typeof arg !== "number") throw MinimongoError("Modifier $inc allowed for numbers only");
if (field in target) {
if (typeof target[field] !== "number") throw MinimongoError("Cannot apply $inc modifier to non-number");
target[field] += arg;
} else {
target[field] = arg;
$set: function(target, field, arg) {
if (!_.isObject(target)) {
// not an array or an object
var e = MinimongoError("Cannot set property on non-object field");
e.setPropertyError = true;
throw e;
if (target === null) {
var e = MinimongoError("Cannot set property on null");
e.setPropertyError = true;
throw e;
target[field] = EJSON.clone(arg);
$setOnInsert: function(target, field, arg) {},
$unset: function(target, field, arg) {
if (target !== undefined) {
if (target instanceof Array) {
if (field in target) target[field] = null;
} else delete target[field];
$push: function(target, field, arg) {
if (target[field] === undefined) target[field] = [];
if (!(target[field] instanceof Array)) throw MinimongoError("Cannot apply $push modifier to non-array");
if (!(arg && arg.$each)) {
// Simple mode: not $each
// Fancy mode: $each (and maybe $slice and $sort)
var toPush = arg.$each;
if (!(toPush instanceof Array)) throw MinimongoError("$each must be an array");
// Parse $slice.
var slice = undefined;
if ("$slice" in arg) {
if (typeof arg.$slice !== "number") throw MinimongoError("$slice must be a numeric value");
// XXX should check to make sure integer
if (arg.$slice > 0) throw MinimongoError("$slice in $push must be zero or negative");
slice = arg.$slice;
// Parse $sort.
var sortFunction = undefined;
if (arg.$sort) {
if (slice === undefined) throw MinimongoError("$sort requires $slice to be present");
// XXX this allows us to use a $sort whose value is an array, but that's
// actually an extension of the Node driver, so it won't work
// server-side. Could be confusing!
// XXX is it correct that we don't do geo-stuff here?
sortFunction = new Minimongo.Sorter(arg.$sort).getComparator();
for (var i = 0; i < toPush.length; i++) {
if (LocalCollection._f._type(toPush[i]) !== 3) {
throw MinimongoError("$push like modifiers using $sort " + "require all elements to be objects");
// Actually push.
for (var j = 0; j < toPush.length; j++) target[field].push(EJSON.clone(toPush[j]));
// Actually sort.
if (sortFunction) target[field].sort(sortFunction);
// Actually slice.
if (slice !== undefined) {
if (slice === 0) target[field] = []; else target[field] = target[field].slice(slice);
$pushAll: function(target, field, arg) {
if (!(typeof arg === "object" && arg instanceof Array)) throw MinimongoError("Modifier $pushAll/pullAll allowed for arrays only");
var x = target[field];
if (x === undefined) target[field] = arg; else if (!(x instanceof Array)) throw MinimongoError("Cannot apply $pushAll modifier to non-array"); else {
for (var i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) x.push(arg[i]);
$addToSet: function(target, field, arg) {
var isEach = false;
if (typeof arg === "object") {
//check if first key is '$each'
for (var k in arg) {
if (k === "$each") isEach = true;
var values = isEach ? arg["$each"] : [ arg ];
var x = target[field];
if (x === undefined) target[field] = values; else if (!(x instanceof Array)) throw MinimongoError("Cannot apply $addToSet modifier to non-array"); else {
_.each(values, function(value) {
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) if (LocalCollection._f._equal(value, x[i])) return;
$pop: function(target, field, arg) {
if (target === undefined) return;
var x = target[field];
if (x === undefined) return; else if (!(x instanceof Array)) throw MinimongoError("Cannot apply $pop modifier to non-array"); else {
if (typeof arg === "number" && arg < 0) x.splice(0, 1); else x.pop();
$pull: function(target, field, arg) {
if (target === undefined) return;
var x = target[field];
if (x === undefined) return; else if (!(x instanceof Array)) throw MinimongoError("Cannot apply $pull/pullAll modifier to non-array"); else {
var out = [];
if (typeof arg === "object" && !(arg instanceof Array)) {
// XXX would be much nicer to compile this once, rather than
// for each document we modify.. but usually we're not
// modifying that many documents, so we'll let it slide for
// now
// XXX Minimongo.Matcher isn't up for the job, because we need
// to permit stuff like {$pull: {a: {$gt: 4}}}.. something
// like {$gt: 4} is not normally a complete selector.
// same issue as $elemMatch possibly?
var matcher = new Minimongo.Matcher(arg);
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) if (!matcher.documentMatches(x[i]).result) out.push(x[i]);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) if (!LocalCollection._f._equal(x[i], arg)) out.push(x[i]);
target[field] = out;
$pullAll: function(target, field, arg) {
if (!(typeof arg === "object" && arg instanceof Array)) throw MinimongoError("Modifier $pushAll/pullAll allowed for arrays only");
if (target === undefined) return;
var x = target[field];
if (x === undefined) return; else if (!(x instanceof Array)) throw MinimongoError("Cannot apply $pull/pullAll modifier to non-array"); else {
var out = [];
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
var exclude = false;
for (var j = 0; j < arg.length; j++) {
if (LocalCollection._f._equal(x[i], arg[j])) {
exclude = true;
if (!exclude) out.push(x[i]);
target[field] = out;
$rename: function(target, field, arg, keypath, doc) {
if (keypath === arg) // no idea why mongo has this restriction..
throw MinimongoError("$rename source must differ from target");
if (target === null) throw MinimongoError("$rename source field invalid");
if (typeof arg !== "string") throw MinimongoError("$rename target must be a string");
if (target === undefined) return;
var v = target[field];
delete target[field];
var keyparts = arg.split(".");
var target2 = findModTarget(doc, keyparts, {
forbidArray: true
if (target2 === null) throw MinimongoError("$rename target field invalid");
var field2 = keyparts.pop();
target2[field2] = v;
$bit: function(target, field, arg) {
// XXX mongo only supports $bit on integers, and we only support
// native javascript numbers (doubles) so far, so we can't support $bit
throw MinimongoError("$bit is not supported");
export default LocalCollection._modify;
// var newObject = {_id: "test", abc: "def"}
// var newTest = LocalCollection._modify(newObject, {$set: {abc: "werwe"}})
// console.log("newTest", newObject);
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