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Last active March 29, 2021 17:44
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Fast N-dimensional empirical CDF
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
def nb_ecdf(X,Rmax,ngrid=64,nthreads=1):
'''Compute the empirical CDF of points X (shape (N,D))
in domain [0,Rmax) using a histogram with `ngrid` cells
per dimension.
Rmax and ngrid can also be length D arrays.
# Do some Pythonic things before dropping into Numba
ngrid = tuple(np.broadcast_to(ngrid, X.shape[-1]))
Rmax = np.broadcast_to(Rmax, X.shape[-1])
return _nb_ecdf(X, Rmax, ngrid=ngrid, nthreads=nthreads)
def _nb_ecdf(X,Rmax,ngrid,nthreads):
N, D = X.shape
dtype = X.dtype
Rmax = Rmax.astype(dtype)
# Divide the particle work over threads
Nstart = np.linspace(0, N, nthreads+1).astype(np.int64)
ngridflat =
# one hist per thread
# TODO: could instead spatially sort particles
hist = np.zeros((nthreads,ngridflat),dtype=np.uint32)
invRmax = (1./Rmax).astype(dtype)
for t in nb.prange(nthreads):
for i in range(Nstart[t],Nstart[t+1]):
ii = 0
# Compute the D-dimensional hist index
for d in range(D):
ii = ii*ngrid[d] + np.int64(X[i,d]*invRmax[d]*ngrid[d])
hist[t,ii] += 1
# Thread reduction
hist = hist.sum(axis=0).reshape(ngrid)
cumsum_nd(hist, inplace=True)
return hist
@nb.njit(parallel=True, fastmath=True)
def cumsum_nd(hist, inplace=True):
'''An N-dimensional cumulative sum'''
if not inplace:
hist = hist.copy()
ngrid = np.array(hist.shape)
D = len(ngrid)
ngridflat =
strides = np.array(hist.strides)//hist.itemsize
hist = hist.reshape(-1)
for d in range(D):
# We have `nsums` 1D sums to do
nsums = ngridflat//ngrid[d]
ninner = strides[d] # inner dims are dimensions after the sum dim, stride always 1
nouter = nsums//ninner # outer dims are before the sum dim, use the stride 1 above the sum dim
outerstride = strides[d-1]
stride = strides[d]
for i in nb.prange(nouter):
for ii in range(ninner):
for j in range(1,ngrid[d]):
hist[i*outerstride + ii + j*stride] += hist[i*outerstride + ii + (j-1)*stride]
return hist
def py_ecdf(X,Rmax,ngrid=64):
'''A straw-man Python/Numpy ECDF'''
hist, edges = np.histogramdd(X, bins=ngrid, range=[(0,Rmax) for d in range(X.shape[-1])])
res = np.cumsum(hist, axis=0)
for ax in range(1,hist.ndim):
res = np.cumsum(res, axis=ax)
return res
# test driver
rng = np.random.default_rng()
X = rng.random((10**8,4), dtype=np.float32)
# these are ipython %timeit "magic" statements (can be used in jupyter)
%timeit nb_ecdf(X, Rmax=1, ngrid=32, nthreads=8) # 200 ms
%timeit -n1 -r1 py_ecdf(X, Rmax=1, ngrid=32) # 15 s
print(np.all(nb_ecdf(X, 1, 32) == py_ecdf(X, 1, 32))) # check correctness
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