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Last active February 1, 2017 20:16
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swot vs corrfunc: timing & accuracy
To test the speed and agreement of swot vs corrfuc, we generated random
datasets of increasing size and measured the w(theta) autocorrelation function.
Swot has an approximation parameter 'OA' (opening angle) that critically impacts its runtime.
We tried OA=0.03 and OA='no'. However, even the conservative value of OA=0.03
caused >10% errors in wtheta for this randomized configuration. Thus, it should
be used with caution.
Corrfunc makes no approximations, and is thus equivalent to OA='no'.
Corrfunc is at least two orders of magnitude faster than swot(OA='no').
500k points takes 2 hours on swot and 10 seconds on corrfunc.
Corrfunc is a factor of a few faster than swot(OA=0.03) for problems
smaller than 5M points, at which point swot becomes faster. By 8M points,
swot is twice as fast. This is probably because Corrfunc has to do O(N^2)
comparisons, while swot can bypass this with the OA approximation.
This is especially true for the largest bin, which contains the most points,
and is also the most likely to benefit from the OA speedup
(since the opening angle of a distant leaf will be small).
It would be interesting to see if this is the correct explanation and
if it holds for 3D and/or periodic xi(r).
The results presented in this note are for a 20 core machine, using 20 threads.
The single threaded version shows similar advantages for Corrfunc in the small
problem sizes that were accessible.
The binning was not varied, with the bins spanning ~1e-3 and ~1e-1 times the
domain size.
The only modification to swot was to add '-O3' to the Makefile.
# Configuration file for swot
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# Input catalogues #
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
data1 swot_test_data.txt # input data catalogue #1
cols1 1,2 # Column ids for data1
#data2 swot_test_data.txt # input data catalogue #2
#cols2 1,2 # Column ids for data2
ran1 swot_test_random.txt # input random catalogue #1
rancols1 1,2 # Column ids for ran1
#ran2 swot_test_ran2.txt # input random catalogue #2
#rancols2 1,2 # Column ids for ran2
fits no # input files in fits format? [auto,yes,no(ascii)].
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# Correlation options #
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
corr auto # Type of correlation:
# [auto,cross,gglens,auto_wp,cross_wp,auto_3D,cross_3D,number]
est ls # Estimator [ls,nat,ham,peebles]
range {BMIN},{BMAX} # Correlation range. Dimension same as "proj":
nbins {NBINS} # Number of bins
nbins_pi 100 # Number of bins for pi (for wp)
log no # Logarithmic bins [yes,no]
err jackknife # Resampling method [bootstrap,jackknife,subsample]
# or [bootstrap2D,jackknife2D]
nsub 0 # Number of subvolumes for resampling (power of 2)
nsamples 0 # Number of samples for resampling (= nsub for jackknife)
seed time # random seed for bootstrap
OA {OA} # Open angle for approximation (value or "no")
calib no # Calibration factor [yes,no] (for lensing). Replace e1 by 1+m or c.
RR_in no # file for pre-computed RR pairs (only for clustering)
RR_out no # file for saving RR pairs (only for clustering)
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# Cosmology (for gal-gal correlations, w(R) and xi(rp,PI)) #
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
H0 72 # Hubble parameter
Omega_M 0.258 # Relative matter density
Omega_L 0.742 # Relative energy density (Lambda)
deltaz 0.03 # For gg lensing: Zsource > Zlens + deltaz
pi_max 40 # For wp: limit for pi integration
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# Output options #
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
proj theta # Axis projection [theta, como, phys]
# for auto, cross: default: theta (deg)
# for auto_[3d,wp], cross_[3d,wp], gglens: default: como (Mpc)
out corr.out # Output file in ascii format
cov no # Covariance matrix of errors [yes,no] (in "out".cov)
xi no # xi(rp, pi) for auto_wp [yes,no] (in "out".xi)
printTree no # Output tree in "out".data[1,2]_tree.[ascii,fits]
printTreeAndExit no # Same as above but exits after
printSamples no # Ouput samples in "out".samples
lgarrison@alan:~/swot$ ./
*** wtheta autocorrelation test ***
nthreads: 20
## Npts swot(OA=no) swot(OA=0.03) Corrfunc(AVX) Corrfunc(SSE42) Corrfunc(fallback)
10000 4.098 1.069 0.067 0.029 0.028
20000 13.945 2.205 0.063 0.071 0.081
50000 82.725 5.969 0.250 0.355 0.305
100000 320.544 12.493 0.673 0.885 0.872
200000 1271.339 25.263 2.077 2.638 2.663
500000 7911.312 66.514 10.552 14.514 14.511
Now, the same test repeated for larger Npts without the very slow OA=no:
lgarrison@alan:~/swot$ ./
*** wtheta autocorrelation test ***
nthreads: 20
## Npts swot(OA=0.03) Corrfunc(AVX) Corrfunc(SSE42) Corrfunc(fallback)
10000 1.250 0.058 0.030 0.030
20000 2.342 0.058 0.061 0.060
50000 5.948 0.210 0.257 0.257
100000 12.556 0.646 0.884 0.844
200000 26.248 2.012 2.703 2.540
500000 67.472 11.142 14.567 14.439
1000000 139.649 40.367 56.611 55.431
2000000 285.077 156.884 222.501 218.995
5000000 779.451 962.195 1367.952 1344.129
Even larger problems:
lgarrison@alan:~/swot$ ./
*** wtheta autocorrelation test ***
nthreads: 20
## Npts swot(OA=0.03) Corrfunc(AVX)
2000000 292.563 157.972
5000000 778.405 966.364
8000000 1262.958 2465.033
10000000 1595.865 3857.273
#!/usr/bin/env python
Code to test the timing and accuracy of Corrfunc vs swot.
Based on @manodeep's Corrfunc timing code.
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import subprocess, os
#from Corrfunc.mocks import DD
from os.path import dirname, abspath, join as pjoin
import Corrfunc
from Corrfunc.mocks.DDtheta_mocks import DDtheta_mocks
from import read_catalog
from Corrfunc.utils import convert_3d_counts_to_cf
import time
def swot_timing(data, random, theta_bins, nthreads=1, OA=0.01, **kwargs):
# swot only supports evenly spaced bins
assert (theta_bins == np.linspace(theta_bins.min(), theta_bins.max(), len(theta_bins))).all()
# Generate the config file from the template
with open('config.template', 'rb') as template_fp:
template =
template = template.format(NBINS=len(theta_bins)-1,
with open('config.autogen', 'wb') as autogen_fp:
mpi = ['mpirun', '-np', str(nthreads)]
exec_path = os.getenv('HOME') + '/swot/bin/swot'
options = ['-c', 'config.autogen']
output = subprocess.check_output(mpi + [exec_path] + options, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
wtheta = np.loadtxt('corr.out')
return wtheta[:,1], wtheta[:,5]
def corrfunc_timing(data, random, theta_bins, isa='avx', nthreads=1):
RA = data[:, 0]
DEC = data[:, 1]
rand_RA = random[:, 0]
rand_DEC = random[:, 1]
# The following taken from
# Auto pair counts in DD
DD_counts = DDtheta_mocks(autocorr, nthreads, theta_bins, RA, DEC, isa=isa, output_thetaavg=True)
# Cross pair counts in DR
DR_counts = DDtheta_mocks(autocorr, nthreads, theta_bins, RA, DEC, RA2=rand_RA, DEC2=rand_DEC, isa=isa)
# Auto pairs counts in RR
RR_counts = DDtheta_mocks(autocorr, nthreads, theta_bins, rand_RA, rand_DEC, isa=isa)
# All the pair counts are done, get the angular correlation function
wtheta = convert_3d_counts_to_cf(len(data), len(data), len(random), len(random), DD_counts, DR_counts, DR_counts, RR_counts)
np.savetxt('corrfunc_wtheta.out', np.array([wtheta, DD_counts['npairs'], DR_counts['npairs'], RR_counts['npairs']]).T)
return wtheta, DD_counts['thetaavg']
corrfunc_timing_sse = lambda *args, **kwargs: corrfunc_timing(*args, isa='sse42', **kwargs)
corrfunc_timing_fallback = lambda *args, **kwargs: corrfunc_timing(*args, isa='fallback', **kwargs)
def main():
functions_to_test = []
function_names = []
swot_OAno = lambda *args, **kwargs: swot_timing(*args, OA='no', **kwargs)
OA = 0.03
swot_OA = lambda *args, **kwargs: swot_timing(*args, OA=OA, **kwargs)
# Read the supplied galaxies on a periodic box
#galaxy_catalog=pjoin(dirname(abspath(Corrfunc.__file__)), "../mocks/tests/data", "Mr19_mock_northonly.rdcz.ff")
#RA, DEC, _ = read_catalog(galaxy_catalog)
RADEC_min = np.array([[100., -45.]])
RADEC_max = np.array([[300., 45.]])
nthreads = 20
check_accuracy = False
rtol = 1e-4 # relative tolerance, if checking accuracy
npts = [1e4, 2e4, 5e4, 1e5, 2e5, 5e5, 1e6, 2e6, 5e6, 1e7, 2e7, 4e7]
npts = [int(i) for i in npts]
print('*** wtheta autocorrelation test ***')
print('nthreads: {}'.format(nthreads))
print('check_accuracy: {}'.format(check_accuracy))
print("## Npts ", end="")
for ifunc in function_names:
print(" {0:10s}".format(ifunc), end="")
for n in npts:
numd = n
numr = n
data = np.random.rand(numd,2)*(RADEC_max - RADEC_min) + RADEC_min
random = np.random.rand(numr,2)*(RADEC_max - RADEC_min) + RADEC_min
nbins = 16
theta_bins = np.linspace(0.1, 10, nbins+1)
with open('binfile', 'w') as f:
for i in xrange(nbins):
f.write("{0} {1}\n".format(theta_bins[i], theta_bins[i+1]))
np.savetxt('swot_test_data.txt', data)
np.savetxt('swot_test_random.txt', random)
print("{0:8d}".format(n), end="")
for ii, func_name in enumerate(function_names):
t0 = time.time()
wtheta, thetaavg = functions_to_test[ii](data, random, theta_bins, nthreads=nthreads)
t1 = time.time()
print(" {0:7.3f} ".format(t1-t0), end="")
if not check_accuracy:
# For random catalogs, OA > 0 is very inaccurate and will always fail these tests
assert np.allclose(wtheta, ref_wtheta, rtol=rtol)
assert np.allclose(thetaavg, ref_thetaavg, rtol=rtol)
except NameError: # set the reference values
ref_wtheta = wtheta
ref_thetaavg = thetaavg
except AssertionError:
if check_accuracy:
del ref_wtheta, ref_thetaavg
if __name__ == '__main__':
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