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Created May 15, 2022 17:34
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// some credit for the base structure goes to Jacob Ebey who implemented a similar cache using redis (see:
interface RequestResponseCache {
(request: Request, maxAgeSeconds: number): Promise<Response>;
const YEAR_AGE = 31556926
// a small hash function to hash a string using the worker compatible crypto engine
async function sha256(message: string) {
// encode as UTF-8
const msgBuffer = new TextEncoder().encode(message);
// hash the message
const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', msgBuffer);
// convert ArrayBuffer to Array
const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));
// convert bytes to hex string
const hashHex = => ('00' + b.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join('');
return hashHex;
export const createSwrCfCache = (event: FetchEvent): RequestResponseCache => {
return async (request, maxAgeSeconds) => {
// we get the default cache from the worker you could also grab a dedicated cache here
const cache: Cache = caches.default
// next various parameters from the request are used to create a unique hash for the request
const method = request.method.toLowerCase()
let hashText = ""
hashText += method
hashText += request.url
for (const header of request.headers) {
hashText += header[0]
hashText += header[1]
let body: string | null = null
if (method !== "get" && method !== "head" && request.body) {
body = await request.clone().text()
if (typeof body === "string") {
hashText += body
const key = await sha256(hashText) // here we actually generate a hash out of our string
// next we create two new requests which we will then later cache with the workers Cache API //TODO link
// the first Request we will cache contains the actual response and data that will be cached
// this is created as a GET Request because the Cache API only supports GET requests
const responseKeyUrl = new URL(request.url)
responseKeyUrl.pathname = `/posts/swr:request:${key}`
const responseKey = new Request(responseKeyUrl.toString(), {
method: "GET",
// the second Request is for the SWR duration value, this ensures and let's us check weather the cache should be revalidated
const stillGoodKeyUrl = new URL(request.url)
stillGoodKeyUrl.pathname = `/posts/swr:stillgood:${key}`
const stillGoodKey = new Request(stillGoodKeyUrl.toString(), {
method: "GET",
// this promise let's us check weather the cache should be revalidated using the stillGoodKey which is set via the Cache API
const cachedStillGoodPromise = cache.match(stillGoodKey)
.then((cachedStillGood) => {
if (!cachedStillGood) {
return false
return true
.catch(() => false)
// here we will try to get the actual data from the Cache API
// if there is no cached value the response will not be set and then actually fetched and stored later
let response = await cache.match(responseKey).then(async (cachedResponse) => {
if (!cachedResponse) {
return null
cachedResponse = new Response(cachedResponse?.body, cachedResponse)
if (await cachedStillGoodPromise) {
// the cached value is still up to data and not stale so there is no need to refetch the data
cachedResponse.headers.set("X-SWR-Cache", "hit")
} else {
// here the cached value is stale, it still be delivered stale but revalidated in the background
cachedResponse.headers.set("X-SWR-Cache", "stale")
// this function will refetch the data and update both the result cache entry as well as the stillGood entry
async function saveCache() {
let responseToCache = await fetch(request.clone());
responseToCache = new Response(responseToCache.body, {
headers: {
"Cache-Control": `max-age=${YEAR_AGE}`
if (responseToCache.status === 200) {
await cache.put(responseKey, responseToCache.clone());
await cache.put(stillGoodKey, new Response(null, {
headers: {
"cache-control": `max-age=${maxAgeSeconds}`
return null
// we call the saveCache function with `event.waitUntil` to make sure the worker runs until it is funished
// but also respond to our request as fast as possible
return cachedResponse
}).catch((e) => {
if (!response) {
// if we are here no cached response could be found so we need to initially fetch and store the data
response = await fetch(request.clone())
response = new Response(response.body, {
headers: {
"X-SWR-Cache": "miss",
"Cache-Control": `max-age=${YEAR_AGE}`
if (response !== null && response.status === 200) {
// this function will fetch the data and set both the result cache entry as well as the stillGood entry
async function saveCache(response: Response) {
await cache.put(responseKey, response.clone());
await cache.put(stillGoodKey, new Response(null, {
headers: {
"cache-control": `max-age=${maxAgeSeconds}`
return null
// we call the saveCache function with `event.waitUntil` to make sure the worker runs until it is funished
// but also respond to our request as fast as possible
return response
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