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Last active December 16, 2015 09:38
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Save lgedeon/5414093 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generic field sanitization class for WP core.
* Provide functionality to register new Archive Elements
* Proposed generic field class to be used by the Settings API, Widgets,
* Meta boxes, and any other fields.
* May eventually include: js data validation and possiblly a field renderer.
* The render logic should be seperate from the basic classes, though.
* Related tickets:
* The idea here is not to render the field but to provide common elements that can make the rendering cleaner
* and more consistent. Only does sanitization/validation. No saving. No rendering. KISS and prosper!
* All public variables and return values provided by this class should be sanitized/escaped and ready for use.
if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Field' ) ) {
abstract class WP_Field {
// Sanitized name of field as passed to constructor. Expected to be title case with spaces.
protected $field_name;
// Label for field based on $field_name passed into construct unless specified in $args
protected $label;
// Groups are potentially nested and repeatable sections of the form.
protected $groups;
// A string containing class="fieldtype-foo and other classes"
protected $css_classes;
/* An array of key value pairs for use in a select list or just valid values for other types
* When outputting <option value="foo">Bar</option>, foo is the key and Bar value
protected $whitelist;
* Set values for public variables. Concrete class should call this function or provide same functionality.
* @param string $field_name used to build id and name in form field and as a default label.
* @param array $args additional info specific to field type
* $args can include:
* string label - if different than $field_name
* array groups - used for organization in larger forms and for repeatables. Array elements reflect nested grouping.
* array css_classes - any classes that should be added to the defaults
* array whitelist - key value pairs for use in a select list or just valid values for other types
* string whitelist_taxonomy - a shortcut that allows you to provide the name of a taxonomy and let the class build a whitelist from its terms.
public function __construct( $field_name, $args = array() ) {
// Store $field_name for use in html_attributes.
$this->field_name = sanitize_text_field( $field_name );
// if a label is passed in $args use that, else use $field_name.
$this->label = sanitize_text_field( ( isset( $args['label'] ) ) ? $args['label'] : $field_name );
// store groups that the field may be nested in.
$this->groups = ( isset( $args['group'] ) ) ? (array) $arg['group'] : array();
array_walk( $this->groups, 'sanitize_key' );
// calculate css class based on php class and any others passed in.
$classes = ( isset( $args['css_classes'] ) && is_array( $args['css_classes'] ) ) ? $args['css_classes'] : array();
array_unshift( $classes, 'field-type-' . get_class() );
array_walk( $classes, 'sanitize_html_class' );
$this->css_classes = implode( ' ', $classes );
// sanitize and store white_list
$this->whitelist = ( isset( $args['whitelist'] ) ) ? (array) $args['whitelist'] : array();
array_walk( $this->whitelist, 'sanitize_text_field' );
public function label () {
return $this->label;
public function css_classes () {
return $this->css_classes;
public function whitelist () {
return $this->whitelist;
* Return $field_name formated for use in name="foo"
public function name() {
// Replace spaces with underscore and removes any invalid characters.
$name = sanitize_key( preg_replace('/\s+/', '_', $this->field_name ) );
$groups = ( empty( $groups ) ) ? "" : "[" . implode( "][", $groups ) . "]";
return $name . $group;
* Return $field_name formated for use in id="foo"
public function id() {
// Replace spaces with hypen and removes any invalid characters.
$id = sanitize_key( preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $this->field_name ) );
$groups = ( empty( $groups ) ) ? "" : "-" . implode( "-", $groups );
return $id . $group;
* Sanitize value before storage in database.
abstract protected function sanitize( $value );
* Prepare value for output into form.
abstract protected function esc_value( $value );
* Meta field class for the WordPress WYSIWYG Editor and other field types that allows html
if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Field_HTML' ) ) {
class WP_Field_HTML extends WP_Field {
* Sanitization callback for html content.
public function sanitize( $value ) {
$value = wp_kses( $value, wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' ) );
return $value;
public function esc_value( $value ) {
esc_textarea( $value );
if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Field_Text' ) ) {
* Field class for a basic textbox
* Usage: (to render a text field)
* $my_field = new WP_Field_Text( 'My Field' )
* $my_value = get_meta_option_data_from_somewhere();
* <h4><?php echo $my_field->label(); ?></h4>
* <input type="text" <?php echo $my_field->html_attributes() ?> value="<?php echo $my_field->esc_value( $my value ) ?>">
class WP_Field_Text extends WP_Field {
* Sanitization callback for text field.
public function sanitize( $value ) {
$value = sanitize_text_field( $value );
return $value;
public function esc_value( $value ) {
return esc_textarea( $value );
if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Field_Integer' ) ) {
* Field class for a basic integer
class WP_Field_Integer extends WP_Field {
* Cast to integer in both directions.
public function sanitize( $value ) {
return (int) $value;
public function esc_value( $value ) {
return (int) $value;
if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Field_URL' ) ) {
* Field class for a basic URL. Can also be used in conjuction with an upload field.
class WP_Field_URL extends WP_Field {
* Sanitization url for use in db.
public function sanitize( $value ) {
return esc_url_raw( $value );
public function esc_value( $value ) {
return esc_url( $value );
if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Field_Check_Box' ) ) {
* Field class for a basic check-box.
class WP_Field_Check_Box extends WP_Field {
* Sanitization url for use in db.
public function sanitize( $value ) {
return (bool) $value;
public function esc_value( $value ) {
return (bool) $value;
if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Field_List' ) ) {
* Field class for a list of one or more values to compare against a whitelist.
* This works well for select lists, drop downs, and radio options. Note that sanitization
* and escaping are the same for these types. Only redering is different.
class WP_Field_List extends WP_Field {
* Sanitization of values against a whitelist.
public function sanitize( $values ) {
$values = (array) $values;
foreach ( $values as $key => $value ) {
if ( in_array( $value, $this->whitelist ) ) {
$values[$key] = sanitize_key( $value );
} else {
unset( $values[$key] );
return $values;
public function esc_value( $values ) {
$values = (array) $values;
array_walk( $values, 'esc_textarea');
return $values;
if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Field_Taxonomy_List' ) ) {
* Field class for a list of one or more values to compare against the terms of a taxonomy.
* Works well for taxonomy drop-downs and select lists, and for tag lists.
class WP_Field_Taxonomy_List extends WP_Field {
* Store the taxonomy that we test against.
protected $whitelist_taxonomy;
* Override to store an additional value but call parent to store all other values.
public function __construct( $field_name, $args = array() ) {
parent::__construct( $field_name, $args );
// Store the taxonomy that we test against.
$this->whitelist_taxonomy = ( isset( $args['whitelist_taxonomy'] ) && taxonomy_exists( $args['whitelist_taxonomy'] ) ) ? $args['whitelist_taxonomy'] : '';
* Sanitize values against a whitelist of the terms in this taxonomy.
* Can handle an array of terms as actual text values or term ids.
public function sanitize( $values ) {
$values = (array) $values;
foreach ( $values as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! term_exists( $value, $this->whitelist_taxonomy ) ) {
unset( $values[$key] );
return $values;
public function esc_value( $values ) {
$values = (array) $values;
array_walk( $values, 'sanitize_key');
return $values;
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