If you get error:
run npm command gives error "/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory
in file watcher
- edit
and addexport NVM_SYMLINK_CURRENT=true
before NVM-stuff - then
nvm use default
- Then add
to your PATH in.profile
if [ -d "$HOME/.nvm/current/bin" ] ; then
- reboot
via JetBrains forum
Solution for Ubuntu 21.04 by @chrisvoo
oriinal comment: https://gist.github.com/lgg/2cbdadd5253b397f6f0f6ccbedfd183f#gistcomment-3803134
For me worked what explained here: in particular, on Ubuntu 21.04, I edited the file ~/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-webstorm.desktop
, modifying the Exec
item with Exec=/bin/bash -i -c "/home/christian/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/WebStorm/ch-0/211.7442.26/bin/webstorm.sh" %f
Now if IDE is launched from a terminal, environment variables are loaded correctly. However, environment variables mismatch occurs if IDE is launched from Desktop or System menu. The problem is that IDE sees environment variables configured in ~/.profile (login shell), but not in interactive shell configuration files (like, ~/.bashrc).
The real problem is that some tools alter interactive shell configuration files only during their installation phase. E.g. NVM https://github.com/creationix/nvm/blob/v0.28.0/install.sh#L126
Workaround 1: make required variables available in a login shell (i.e. for Bash, move them from .bashrc to .bash_profile or .profile), then restart X session (logout/login). Workaround 2: run IDE from a terminal Workaround 3: edit IDE desktop launcher and set command to /bin/bash -l -i -c "/path/to/webstorm.sh"