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Created July 17, 2019 13:53
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Get a compact stacktrace without the callsites
var newLine = []byte("\n")[0]
var goPathPrefix = "\t/go/src/"
var goUsersPrefix = "\t/Users/"
func dumpStacktrace(skipLines int) []byte {
stack := debug.Stack()
init, lines := 0, 0
// First pass: seek stack start skiping lines if necessary
if skipLines > 0 {
for i := 0; i < len(stack); i++ {
if stack[i] == newLine {
lines = lines + 1
if lines >= skipLines {
init = i
lineBytes := 0
compact := false
compactInit, compactStackSize := 0, 0
// Second pass: filter callsite lines while compacting the stack in the process
if init < len(stack) {
for i := init; i < len(stack); i++ {
if stack[i] == newLine {
lineBytes = 0
if compact {
copied := copy(stack[compactStackSize:], stack[compactInit:i+1])
compactStackSize = compactStackSize + copied
compact = false
} else {
lineBytes = lineBytes + 1
if lineBytes == 1 {
if (string(stack[i:i+len(goPathPrefix)]) == goPathPrefix) || (string(stack[i:i+len(goUsersPrefix)]) == goUsersPrefix) {
compact = true
compactInit = i
return stack[0:compactStackSize]
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